require_relative '../helper' require 'time' require 'fileutils' require 'fluent/event' require 'fluent/unique_id' require 'fluent/plugin/buffer' require 'fluent/plugin/out_secondary_file' require 'fluent/plugin/buffer/memory_chunk' require 'fluent/test/driver/output' class FileOutputSecondaryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include Fluent::UniqueId::Mixin def setup Fluent::Test.setup FileUtils.rm_rf(TMP_DIR) FileUtils.mkdir_p(TMP_DIR) end TMP_DIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../tmp/out_secondary_file#{ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER']}") CONFIG = %[ directory #{TMP_DIR} basename out_file_test compress gzip ] class DummyOutput < Fluent::Plugin::Output def write(chunk); end end def create_primary(buffer_cofig = config_element('buffer'))'ROOT','',{}, [buffer_cofig])) end def create_driver(conf = CONFIG, primary = create_primary) c = c.instance.acts_as_secondary(primary) c.configure(conf) end sub_test_case 'configture' do test 'default configuration' do d = create_driver %[directory #{TMP_DIR}] assert_equal 'dump.bin', d.instance.basename assert_equal TMP_DIR, assert_equal :text, d.instance.compress assert_equal false, d.instance.append end test 'should be configurable' do d = create_driver %[ directory #{TMP_DIR} basename out_file_test compress gzip append true ] assert_equal 'out_file_test', d.instance.basename assert_equal TMP_DIR, assert_equal :gzip, d.instance.compress assert_equal true, d.instance.append end test 'should only use in secondary' do c = assert_raise"This plugin can only be used in the <secondary> section") do c.configure(CONFIG) end end test 'basename should not include `/`' do assert_raise"basename should not include `/`") do create_driver %[ directory #{TMP_DIR} basename out/file ] end end test 'directory should be writable' do assert_nothing_raised do create_driver %[directory #{TMP_DIR}/test_dir/foo/bar/] end assert_nothing_raised do FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{TMP_DIR}/test_dir") File.chmod(0777, "#{TMP_DIR}/test_dir") create_driver %[directory #{TMP_DIR}/test_dir/foo/bar/] end assert_raise"out_secondary_file: `#{TMP_DIR}/test_dir/foo/bar/` should be writable") do FileUtils.mkdir_p("#{TMP_DIR}/test_dir") File.chmod(0555, "#{TMP_DIR}/test_dir") create_driver %[directory #{TMP_DIR}/test_dir/foo/bar/] end end test 'should be passed directory' do assert_raise Fluent::ConfigError do create_driver %[] end assert_nothing_raised do create_driver %[directory #{TMP_DIR}/test_dir/foo/bar/] end end end def check_gzipped_result(path, expect) # Zlib::GzipReader has a bug of concatenated file: # Following code from result = "" waiting(10) do # we can expect that GzipReader#read can wait unflushed raw data of `io` on disk, "rb") { |io| loop do gzr = result << unused = gzr.unused gzr.finish break if unused.nil? io.pos -= unused.length end } end assert_equal expect, result end def create_chunk(primary, metadata, es) primary.buffer.generate_chunk(metadata).tap do |c| c.concat(es.to_msgpack_stream, es.size) # to_msgpack_stream is standard_format c.commit end end sub_test_case 'write' do setup do @record = { 'key' => 'value' } @time = event_time @es =, @record) @primary = create_primary metadata = @primary.buffer.new_metadata @chunk = create_chunk(@primary, metadata, @es) end test 'should output compressed file when compress option is gzip' do d = create_driver(CONFIG, @primary) path = d.instance.write(@chunk) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/out_file_test.0.gz", path check_gzipped_result(path, @es.to_msgpack_stream.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')) end test 'should output plain text when compress option is default(text)' do d = create_driver(%[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/ basename out_file_test ], @primary) msgpack_binary = @es.to_msgpack_stream.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') path = d.instance.write(@chunk) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/out_file_test.0", path waiting(5) do sleep 0.1 until File.stat(path).size == msgpack_binary.size end assert_equal, msgpack_binary end test 'path should be incremental when append option is false' do d = create_driver(CONFIG, @primary) packed_value = @es.to_msgpack_stream.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') 5.times do |i| path = d.instance.write(@chunk) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/out_file_test.#{i}.gz", path check_gzipped_result(path, packed_value) end end test 'path should be unchanged when append option is true' do d = create_driver(CONFIG + %[append true], @primary) packed_value = @es.to_msgpack_stream.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT') [*1..5].each do |i| path = d.instance.write(@chunk) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/out_file_test.gz", path check_gzipped_result(path, packed_value * i) end end end sub_test_case 'Syntax of placeholders' do data( tag: '${tag}', tag_index: '${tag[0]}', tag_index1: '${tag[10]}', variable: '${key1}', variable2: '${key@value}', variable3: '${key_value}', variable4: '${key.value}', variable5: '${key-value}', variable6: '${KEYVALUE}', variable7: '${tags}', variable8: '${tag${key}', # matched ${key} ) test 'matches with a valid placeholder' do |path| assert Fluent::Plugin::SecondaryFileOutput::PLACEHOLDER_REGEX.match(path) end data( invalid_tag: 'tag', invalid_tag2: '{tag}', invalid_tag3: '${tag', invalid_tag4: '${tag0]}', invalid_tag5: '${tag[]]}', invalid_variable: '${key[0]}', invalid_variable2: '${key{key2}}', ) test "doesn't match with an invalid placeholder" do |path| assert !Fluent::Plugin::SecondaryFileOutput::PLACEHOLDER_REGEX.match(path) end end sub_test_case 'path' do setup do @record = { 'key' => 'value' } @time = event_time @es =, @record) primary = create_primary m = primary.buffer.new_metadata @c = create_chunk(primary, m, @es) end test 'normal path when compress option is gzip' do d = create_driver path = d.instance.write(@c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/out_file_test.0.gz", path end test 'normal path when compress option is default' do d = create_driver %[ directory #{TMP_DIR} basename out_file_test ] path = d.instance.write(@c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/out_file_test.0", path end test 'normal path when append option is true' do d = create_driver %[ directory #{TMP_DIR} append true ] path = d.instance.write(@c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/dump.bin", path end data( invalid_tag: [/tag/, '${tag}'], invalid_tag0: [/tag\[0\]/, '${tag[0]}'], invalid_variable: [/dummy/, '${dummy}'], invalid_timeformat: [/time/, '%Y%m%d'], ) test 'raise an error when basename includes incompatible placeholder' do |(expected_message, invalid_basename)| c = c.instance.acts_as_secondary( assert_raise_message(expected_message) do c.configure %[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/ basename #{invalid_basename} compress gzip ] end end data( invalid_tag: [/tag/, '${tag}'], invalid_tag0: [/tag\[0\]/, '${tag[0]}'], invalid_variable: [/dummy/, '${dummy}'], invalid_timeformat: [/time/, '%Y%m%d'], ) test 'raise an error when directory includes incompatible placeholder' do |(expected_message, invalid_directory)| c = c.instance.acts_as_secondary( assert_raise_message(expected_message) do c.configure %[ directory #{invalid_directory}/ compress gzip ] end end test 'basename includes tag' do primary = create_primary(config_element('buffer', 'tag')) d = create_driver(%[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/ basename cool_${tag} compress gzip ], primary) m = primary.buffer.new_metadata(tag: 'test.dummy') c = create_chunk(primary, m, @es) path = d.instance.write(c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/cool_test.dummy.0.gz", path end test 'basename includes /tag[\d+]/' do primary = create_primary(config_element('buffer', 'tag')) d = create_driver(%[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/ basename cool_${tag[0]}_${tag[1]} compress gzip ], primary) m = primary.buffer.new_metadata(tag: 'test.dummy') c = create_chunk(primary, m, @es) path = d.instance.write(c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/cool_test_dummy.0.gz", path end test 'basename includes time format' do primary = create_primary( config_element('buffer', 'time', { 'timekey_zone' => '+0900', 'timekey' => 1 }) ) d = create_driver(%[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/ basename cool_%Y%m%d%H compress gzip ], primary) m = primary.buffer.new_metadata(timekey: event_time("2011-01-02 13:14:15 UTC")) c = create_chunk(primary, m, @es) path = d.instance.write(c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/cool_2011010222.0.gz", path end test 'basename includes time format with timekey_use_utc option' do primary = create_primary( config_element('buffer', 'time', { 'timekey_zone' => '+0900', 'timekey' => 1, 'timekey_use_utc' => true }) ) d = create_driver(%[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/ basename cool_%Y%m%d%H compress gzip ], primary) m = primary.buffer.new_metadata(timekey: event_time("2011-01-02 13:14:15 UTC")) c = create_chunk(primary, m, @es) path = d.instance.write(c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/cool_2011010213.0.gz", path end test 'basename includes variable' do primary = create_primary(config_element('buffer', 'test1')) d = create_driver(%[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/ basename cool_${test1} compress gzip ], primary) m = primary.buffer.new_metadata(variables: { "test1".to_sym => "dummy" }) c = create_chunk(primary, m, @es) path = d.instance.write(c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/cool_dummy.0.gz", path end test 'basename includes unnecessary variable' do primary = create_primary(config_element('buffer', 'test1')) c = c.instance.acts_as_secondary(primary) assert_raise_message(/test2/) do c.configure %[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/ basename ${test1}_${test2} compress gzip ] end end test 'basename includes tag, time format, and variables' do primary = create_primary( config_element('buffer', 'time,tag,test1', { 'timekey_zone' => '+0000', 'timekey' => 1 }) ) d = create_driver(%[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/ basename cool_%Y%m%d%H_${tag}_${test1} compress gzip ], primary) m = primary.buffer.new_metadata( timekey: event_time("2011-01-02 13:14:15 UTC"), tag: 'test.tag', variables: { "test1".to_sym => "dummy" } ) c = create_chunk(primary, m, @es) path = d.instance.write(c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/cool_2011010213_test.tag_dummy.0.gz", path end test 'directory includes tag, time format, and variables' do primary = create_primary( config_element('buffer', 'time,tag,test1', { 'timekey_zone' => '+0000', 'timekey' => 1 }) ) d = create_driver(%[ directory #{TMP_DIR}/%Y%m%d%H/${tag}/${test1} compress gzip ], primary) m = primary.buffer.new_metadata( timekey: event_time("2011-01-02 13:14:15 UTC"), tag: 'test.tag', variables: { "test1".to_sym => "dummy" } ) c = create_chunk(primary, m, @es) path = d.instance.write(c) assert_equal "#{TMP_DIR}/2011010213/test.tag/dummy/dump.bin.0.gz", path end end end