# coding: utf-8 require 'helper' # Intercept STDOUT and collect it class Boom::Command def self.capture_output @output = '' end def self.captured_output @output end def self.output(s) @output << s end def self.save! # no-op end end class TestCommand < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup boom_json :urls end def command(cmd) cmd = cmd.split(' ') if cmd Boom::Command.capture_output Boom::Command.execute(*cmd) output = Boom::Command.captured_output output.gsub(/\e\[\d\d?m/, '') end def test_overview_for_empty storage = Boom::Storage storage.stubs(:lists).returns([]) Boom::Command.stubs(:storage).returns(storage) assert_match /have anything yet!/, command(nil) end def test_overview assert_equal ' urls (2)', command(nil) end def test_list_detail assert_match /github/, command('urls') end def test_list_all cmd = command('all') assert_match /urls/, cmd assert_match /github/, cmd end def test_list_creation assert_match /a new list called newlist/, command('newlist') end def test_list_creation_with_item assert_match /a new list called newlist.* item in newlist/, command('newlist item blah') end def test_item_access assert_match /copied https:\/\/github\.com to your clipboard/, command('github') end def test_item_access_scoped_by_list assert_match /copied https:\/\/github\.com to your clipboard/, command('urls github') end def test_item_open_url Boom::Platform.stubs(:system).returns('') assert_match /opened https:\/\/github\.com for you/, command('open github') end def test_item_open_lists Boom::Platform.stubs(:system).returns('') assert_match /opened all of urls for you/, command('open urls') end def test_item_creation assert_match /twitter in urls/, command('urls twitter http://twitter.com/holman') end def test_item_creation_long_value assert_match /is tanqueray hendricks bombay/, command('urls gins tanqueray hendricks bombay') end def test_list_deletion_no STDIN.stubs(:gets).returns('n') assert_match /Just kidding then/, command('urls delete') end def test_list_deletion_yes STDIN.stubs(:gets).returns('y') assert_match /Deleted all your urls/, command('urls delete') end def test_item_deletion assert_match /github is gone forever/, command('urls github delete') end def test_edit Boom::Platform.stubs(:system).returns('') assert_match 'Make your edits', command('edit') end def test_help assert_match 'boom help', command('help') assert_match 'boom help', command('-h') assert_match 'boom help', command('--help') end def test_noop_options assert_match 'boom help', command('--anything') assert_match 'boom help', command('-d') end def test_nonexistent_item_access_scoped_by_list assert_match /twitter not found in urls/, command('urls twitter') end def test_echo_item assert_match /https:\/\/github\.com/, command('echo github') end def test_echo_item_shorthand assert_match /https:\/\/github\.com/, command('e github') end def test_echo_item_does_not_exist assert_match /wrong not found/, command('echo wrong') end def test_echo_list_item assert_match /https:\/\/github\.com/, command('echo urls github') end def test_echo_list_item_does_not_exist assert_match /wrong not found in urls/, command('echo urls wrong') end def test_show_storage Boom::Config.any_instance.stubs(:attributes).returns('backend' => 'json') assert_match /You're currently using json/, command('storage') end def test_nonexistant_storage_switch Boom::Config.any_instance.stubs(:save).returns(true) assert_match /couldn't find that storage engine/, command('switch dkdkdk') end def test_storage_switch Boom::Config.any_instance.stubs(:save).returns(true) assert_match /We've switched you over to redis/, command('switch redis') end def test_version_switch assert_match /#{Boom::VERSION}/, command('-v') end def test_version_long assert_match /#{Boom::VERSION}/, command('--version') end def test_stdin_pipes stub = Object.new stub.stubs(:stat).returns([1,2]) stub.stubs(:read).returns("http://twitter.com") Boom::Command.stubs(:stdin).returns(stub) assert_match /twitter in urls/, command('urls twitter') end end