# frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' require 'uri' require 'yaml' module PWN module WWW # This plugin supports hackerone.com actions. module HackerOne # Supported Method Parameters:: # browser_obj = PWN::WWW::HackerOne.open( # browser_type: 'optional - :firefox|:chrome|:ie|:headless (Defaults to :firefox)', # proxy: 'optional - scheme://proxy_host:port || tor' # ) public_class_method def self.open(opts = {}) browser_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open(opts) browser = browser_obj[:browser] browser.goto('https://www.hackerone.com') browser_obj rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # programs_arr = PWN::WWW::HackerOne.get_bounty_programs( # browser_obj: 'required - browser_obj returned from #open method', # proxy: 'optional - scheme://proxy_host:port || tor', # min_payouts_enabled: 'optional - only display programs where payouts are > $0.00 (defaults to false)', # suppress_progress: 'optional - suppress output (defaults to false)' # ) public_class_method def self.get_bounty_programs(opts = {}) browser_obj = opts[:browser_obj] browser = browser_obj[:browser] min_payouts_enabled = true if opts[:min_payouts_enabled] min_payouts_enabled ||= false suppress_progress = opts[:suppress_progress] ||= false browser.goto('https://hackerone.com/bug-bounty-programs') # Wait for JavaScript to load the DOM programs_arr = [] browser.ul(class: 'program__meta-data').wait_until(&:present?) browser.uls(class: 'program__meta-data').each do |ul| min_payout = ul.text.split('$').last.split.first.to_f next if min_payouts_enabled && min_payout.zero? print '.' unless suppress_progress link = "https://#{ul.first.text}" min_payout_fmt = format('$%0.2f', min_payout) scheme = URI.parse(link).scheme host = URI.parse(link).host path = URI.parse(link).path burp_target_config = "#{scheme}://#{host}/teams#{path}/assets/download_burp_project_file.json" bounty_program_hash = { name: link.split('/').last, min_payout: min_payout_fmt, policy: "#{link}?view_policy=true", burp_target_config: burp_target_config, scope: "#{link}/policy_scopes", hacktivity: "#{link}/hacktivity", thanks: "#{link}/thanks", updates: "#{link}/updates", collaborators: "#{link}/collaborators" } programs_arr.push(bounty_program_hash) end programs_arr rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # scope_details = PWN::WWW::HackerOne.get_scope_details( # program_name: 'required - program name from #get_bounty_programs method', # proxy: 'optional - scheme://proxy_host:port || tor' # ) public_class_method def self.get_scope_details(opts = {}) program_name = opts[:program_name] proxy = opts[:proxy] browser_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open( browser_type: :rest, proxy: proxy ) rest_client = browser_obj[:browser] rest_request = rest_client::Request graphql_endpoint = 'https://hackerone.com/graphql' headers = { content_type: 'application/json' } # NOTE: If you copy this payload to the pwn REPL # the triple dots ... attempt to execute commands # Pry CE payload = { operationName: 'PolicySearchStructuredScopesQuery', variables: { handle: program_name, searchString: '', eligibleForSubmission: nil, eligibleForBounty: nil, asmTagIds: [], from: 0, size: 100, sort: { field: 'cvss_score', direction: 'DESC' }, product_area: 'h1_assets', product_feature: 'policy_scopes' }, query: 'query PolicySearchStructuredScopesQuery( $handle: String!, $searchString: String, $eligibleForSubmission: Boolean, $eligibleForBounty: Boolean, $minSeverityScore: SeverityRatingEnum, $asmTagIds: [Int], $from: Int, $size: Int, $sort: SortInput) { team(handle: $handle) { id structured_scopes_search( search_string: $searchString eligible_for_submission: $eligibleForSubmission eligible_for_bounty: $eligibleForBounty min_severity_score: $minSeverityScore asm_tag_ids: $asmTagIds from: $from size: $size sort: $sort ) { nodes { ... on StructuredScopeDocument { id ...PolicyScopeStructuredScopeDocument __typename } __typename } pageInfo { startCursor hasPreviousPage endCursor hasNextPage __typename } total_count __typename } __typename } } fragment PolicyScopeStructuredScopeDocument on StructuredScopeDocument { id identifier display_name instruction cvss_score eligible_for_bounty eligible_for_submission asm_system_tags created_at updated_at attachments { id file_name file_size content_type expiring_url __typename } __typename } ' } rest_response = rest_request.execute( method: :post, url: graphql_endpoint, headers: headers, payload: payload.to_json.delete("\n"), verify_ssl: false ) json_resp_hash = JSON.parse(rest_response.body, symbolize_names: true) json_resp = { name: program_name, scope_details: json_resp_hash[:data][:team][:structured_scopes_search] } rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => e if e.response puts "HTTP RESPONSE CODE: #{e.response.code}" puts "HTTP RESPONSE HEADERS:\n#{e.response.headers}" puts "HTTP RESPONSE BODY:\n#{e.response.body}\n\n\n" end raise e rescue StandardError => e raise e ensure browser_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.close(browser_obj: browser_obj) if browser_obj rest_client = nil if rest_client rest_request = nil if rest_request end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::WWW::HackerOne.save_burp_target_config_file( # programs_arr: 'required - array of hashes returned from #get_bounty_programs method', # browser_opts: 'optional - opts supported by PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open method', # name: 'optional - name of burp target config file (defaults to ALL)', # root_dir: 'optional - directory to save burp target config files (defaults to "./"))' # ) public_class_method def self.save_burp_target_config_file(opts = {}) programs_arr = opts[:programs_arr] raise 'ERROR: programs_arr should be data returned from #get_bounty_programs' unless programs_arr.any? browser_opts = opts[:browser_opts] raise 'ERROR: browser_opts should be a hash' unless browser_opts.nil? || browser_opts.is_a?(Hash) browser_opts ||= {} browser_opts[:browser_type] = :rest name = opts[:name] root_dir = opts[:root_dir] rest_obj = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open(browser_opts) rest_client = rest_obj[:browser]::Request user_agent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 13_5_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' if name path = "./burp_target_config_file-#{name}.json" if opts[:root_dir].nil? path = "#{root_dir}/burp_target_config_file-#{name}.json" unless opts[:root_dir].nil? burp_download_link = programs_arr.select do |program| program[:name] == name end.first[:burp_target_config] resp = rest_client.execute( method: :get, headers: { user_agent: user_agent }, url: burp_download_link ) json_resp = JSON.parse(resp.body) puts "Saving to: #{path}" File.write(path, JSON.pretty_generate(json_resp)) else programs_arr.each do |program| name = program[:name] burp_download_link = program[:burp_target_config] path = "./burp_target_config_file-#{name}.json" if opts[:root_dir].nil? path = "#{root_dir}/burp_target_config_file-#{name}.json" unless opts[:root_dir].nil? resp = rest_client.execute( method: :get, headers: { user_agent: user_agent }, url: burp_download_link ) json_resp = JSON.parse(resp.body) puts "Saving to: #{path}" File.write(path, JSON.pretty_generate(json_resp)) rescue JSON::ParserError, RestClient::NotFound puts '-' next end end puts 'complete.' rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # browser_obj = PWN::WWW::HackerOne.login( # browser_obj: 'required - browser_obj returned from #open method', # username: 'required - username', # password: 'optional - passwd (will prompt if blank)' # ) public_class_method def self.login(opts = {}) browser_obj = opts[:browser_obj] username = opts[:username].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp password = opts[:password] browser = browser_obj[:browser] if password.nil? password = PWN::Plugins::AuthenticationHelper.mask_password else password = opts[:password].to_s.scrub.strip.chomp end browser.goto('https://hackerone.com/users/sign_in') browser.text_field(name: 'user[email]').wait_until(&:present?).set(username) browser.text_field(name: 'user[password]').wait_until(&:present?).set(password) browser.button(name: 'commit').click! browser_obj rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # browser_obj = PWN::WWW::HackerOne.logout( # browser_obj: 'required - browser_obj returned from #open method' # ) public_class_method def self.logout(opts = {}) browser_obj = opts[:browser_obj] browser = browser_obj[:browser] browser.i(class: 'icon-arrow-closure').click! browser.link(index: 16).click! browser_obj rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # browser_obj = PWN::WWW::HackerOne.close( # browser_obj: 'required - browser_obj returned from #open method' # ) public_class_method def self.close(opts = {}) browser_obj = opts[:browser_obj] PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.close( browser_obj: browser_obj ) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Author(s):: 0day Inc. public_class_method def self.authors "AUTHOR(S): 0day Inc. " end # Display Usage for this Module public_class_method def self.help puts "USAGE: browser_obj = #{self}.open( browser_type: 'optional - :firefox|:chrome|:ie|:headless (Defaults to :firefox)', proxy: 'optional - scheme://proxy_host:port || tor' ) programs_arr = #{self}.get_bounty_programs( browser_obj: 'required - browser_obj returned from #open method', proxy: 'optional - scheme://proxy_host:port || tor', min_payouts_enabled: 'optional - only display programs where payouts are > $0.00 (defaults to false)', suppress_progress: 'optional - suppress output (defaults to false)' ) scope_details = PWN::WWW::HackerOne.get_scope_details( program_name: 'required - program name from #get_bounty_programs method', proxy: 'optional - scheme://proxy_host:port || tor' ) #{self}.save_burp_target_config_file( programs_arr: 'required - array of hashes returned from #get_bounty_programs method', browser_opts: 'optional - opts supported by PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open method', name: 'optional - name of burp target config file (defaults to ALL)', root_dir: 'optional - directory to save burp target config files (defaults to \"./\"))' ) browser_obj = #{self}.login( browser_obj: 'required - browser_obj returned from #open method', username: 'required - username', password: 'optional - passwd (will prompt if blank), ) browser_obj = #{self}.logout( browser_obj: 'required - browser_obj returned from #open method' ) #{self}.close( browser_obj: 'required - browser_obj returned from #open method' ) #{self}.authors " end end end end