// File: types.h // See Copyright Notice and license at the end of include/lzham.h #pragma once // TODO #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) #undef INT8_MIN #undef INT8_MAX #undef UINT8_MIN #undef UINT8_MAX #undef INT16_MIN #undef INT16_MAX #undef UINT16_MIN #undef UINT16_MAX #undef INT32_MIN #undef INT32_MAX #undef UINT32_MIN #undef UINT32_MAX #undef INT64_MIN #undef INT64_MAX #undef UINT64_MIN #undef UINT64_MAX #endif namespace lzham { typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef signed char int8; typedef unsigned char uint8; typedef unsigned short uint16; typedef signed short int16; typedef unsigned int uint32; typedef uint32 uint; typedef signed int int32; #ifdef _MSC_VER typedef unsigned __int64 uint64; typedef signed __int64 int64; #else typedef unsigned long long uint64; typedef long long int64; #endif const uint8 UINT8_MIN = 0; const uint8 UINT8_MAX = 0xFFU; const uint16 UINT16_MIN = 0; const uint16 UINT16_MAX = 0xFFFFU; const uint32 UINT32_MIN = 0; const uint32 UINT32_MAX = 0xFFFFFFFFU; const uint64 UINT64_MIN = 0; const uint64 UINT64_MAX = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; //0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFui64; const int8 INT8_MIN = -128; const int8 INT8_MAX = 127; const int16 INT16_MIN = -32768; const int16 INT16_MAX = 32767; const int32 INT32_MIN = (-2147483647 - 1); const int32 INT32_MAX = 2147483647; const int64 INT64_MIN = (int64)0x8000000000000000ULL; //(-9223372036854775807i64 - 1); const int64 INT64_MAX = (int64)0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL; //9223372036854775807i64; #if LZHAM_64BIT_POINTERS typedef uint64 uint_ptr; typedef uint64 uint32_ptr; typedef int64 signed_size_t; typedef uint64 ptr_bits_t; const ptr_bits_t PTR_BITS_XOR = 0xDB0DD4415C87DCF7ULL; #else typedef unsigned int uint_ptr; typedef unsigned int uint32_ptr; typedef signed int signed_size_t; typedef uint32 ptr_bits_t; const ptr_bits_t PTR_BITS_XOR = 0x5C87DCF7UL; #endif enum { cInvalidIndex = -1 }; const uint cIntBits = sizeof(uint) * CHAR_BIT; template struct int_traits { enum { cMin = INT_MIN, cMax = INT_MAX, cSigned = true }; }; template<> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = INT8_MIN, cMax = INT8_MAX, cSigned = true }; }; template<> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = INT16_MIN, cMax = INT16_MAX, cSigned = true }; }; template<> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = INT32_MIN, cMax = INT32_MAX, cSigned = true }; }; template<> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = 0, cMax = UINT_MAX, cSigned = false }; }; template<> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = 0, cMax = UINT8_MAX, cSigned = false }; }; template<> struct int_traits { enum { cMin = 0, cMax = UINT16_MAX, cSigned = false }; }; struct empty_type { }; } // namespace lzham