5EoEo EoEo!EoThe closing array brace must be on the same line as the last array element when the opening brace is on the same line as the first array element.EoThe closing array brace must be on the line after the last array element when the opening brace is on a separate line from the first array element.EoIThe closing array brace must be on the line after the last array element.EoKThe closing array brace must be on the same line as the last array element.o Eoon_arrayoEo autocorrectEoRuboCopEoCopEoLayoutEoMultilineArrayBraceLayoutEoMultilineLiteralBraceLayoutEoSAME_LINE_MESSAGEEoNEW_LINE_MESSAGEEoALWAYS_NEW_LINE_MESSAGEEoALWAYS_SAME_LINE_MESSAGEEonodeEocheck_brace_layoutEoMultilineLiteralBraceCorrectorEoprocessed_sourceEonewEoincludeEocore#define_method EMYuHm&X|