require "spec_helper" describe Pagerduty::HttpTransport do Given(:http_transport) { } Given(:options) { {} } Given(:http) { spy } Given(:http_proxy) { spy(new: http) } Given { allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(standard_response) } Given { allow(Net::HTTP).to receive(:Proxy).and_return(http_proxy) } Given(:post) { spy } Given { allow(Net::HTTP::Post).to receive(:new).and_return(post) } describe "::send_payload" do Given(:payload) { { event_type: "trigger", service_key: "test-srvc-key", description: "test-desc", details: { key: "value" }, } } When(:response) { http_transport.send_payload(payload) } describe "provides the correct request" do Then { expect(post).to have_received(:body=).with( '{"event_type":"trigger",'\ '"service_key":"test-srvc-key",'\ '"description":"test-desc",'\ '"details":{"key":"value"}}', ) } end describe "handles all responses" do context "PagerDuty successfully creates the incident" do Given { allow(http) .to receive(:request) .and_return(response_with_body(<<-JSON)) { "status": "success", "incident_key": "My Incident Key", "message": "Event processed" } JSON } Then { expect(response).to include("status" => "success") } Then { expect(response).to include("incident_key" => "My Incident Key") } end context "PagerDuty fails to create the incident" do Given { allow(http) .to receive(:request) .and_return(response_with_body(<<-JSON)) { "status": "failure", "message": "Event not processed" } JSON } Then { expect(response).to include("status" => "failure") } Then { expect(response).to_not include("incident_key") } end context "PagerDuty responds with HTTP bad request" do Given { allow(http).to receive(:request).and_return(bad_request) } Then { expect(response).to have_raised Net::HTTPServerException } end end describe "HTTPS use" do Then { expect(http).to have_received(:use_ssl=).with(true) } Then { expect(http).to_not have_received(:ca_path=) } Then { expect(http).to_not have_received(:verify_depth=) } Then { expect(http) .to have_received(:verify_mode=) .with(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER) } end describe "proxy use" do Given(:options) { { proxy_host: "test-proxy-host", proxy_port: "test-proxy-port", proxy_username: "test-proxy-username", proxy_password: "test-proxy-password", } } Then { expect(Net::HTTP) .to have_received(:Proxy) .with( "test-proxy-host", "test-proxy-port", "test-proxy-username", "test-proxy-password", ) } end describe "timeouts" do Then { expect(http).to have_received(:open_timeout=).with(60) } Then { expect(http).to have_received(:read_timeout=).with(60) } end end def standard_response response_with_body( '{ "status": "success", "incident_key": "My Incident Key" }', ) end def response_with_body(body) response = 1.1, "200", "OK" allow(response).to receive(:body).and_return(body) response end def bad_request 1.1, "400", "Bad Request" end end