#-- # PDF::Writer for Ruby. # http://rubyforge.org/projects/ruby-pdf/ # Copyright 2003 - 2005 Austin Ziegler. # # Licensed under a MIT-style licence. See LICENCE in the main distribution # for full licensing information. # # Images used in this demo are copyright 2004 - 2005 Why the Lucky Stiff # and are from "Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby" at # with permission. # # $Id$ #++ begin require 'pdf/writer' rescue LoadError => le if le.message =~ %r{pdf/writer$} $LOAD_PATH.unshift("../lib") require 'pdf/writer' else raise end end pdf = PDF::Writer.new pdf.select_font "Times-Roman" pdf.text "Chunky Bacon!!", :font_size => 72, :justification => :center i0 = pdf.image "../images/chunkybacon.jpg", :resize => 0.75 i1 = pdf.image "../images/chunkybacon.png", :justification => :center, :resize => 0.75 pdf.image i0, :justification => :right, :resize => 0.75 pdf.text "Chunky Bacon!!", :font_size => 72, :justification => :center pdf.save_as("chunkybacon.pdf")