# encoding: utf-8 module ModsDisplay::CountryCodes def country_codes {"aa" => "Albania", "abc" => "Alberta", "ac" => "Ashmore and Cartier Islands", "aca" => "Australian Capital Territory", "ae" => "Algeria", "af" => "Afghanistan", "ag" => "Argentina", "ai" => "Anguilla", "ai" => "Armenia (Republic)", "air" => "Armenian S.S.R.", "aj" => "Azerbaijan", "ajr" => "Azerbaijan S.S.R.", "aku" => "Alaska", "alu" => "Alabama", "am" => "Anguilla", "an" => "Andorra", "ao" => "Angola", "aq" => "Antigua and Barbuda", "aru" => "Arkansas", "as" => "American Samoa", "at" => "Australia", "au" => "Austria", "aw" => "Aruba", "ay" => "Antarctica", "azu" => "Arizona", "ba" => "Bahrain", "bb" => "Barbados", "bcc" => "British Columbia", "bd" => "Burundi", "be" => "Belgium", "bf" => "Bahamas", "bg" => "Bangladesh", "bh" => "Belize", "bi" => "British Indian Ocean Territory", "bl" => "Brazil", "bm" => "Bermuda Islands", "bn" => "Bosnia and Hercegovina", "bo" => "Bolivia", "bp" => "Solomon Islands", "br" => "Burma", "bs" => "Botswana", "bt" => "Bhutan", "bu" => "Bulgaria", "bv" => "Bouvet Island", "bw" => "Belarus", "bwr" => "Byelorussian S.S.R.", "bx" => "Brunei", "ca" => "Caribbean Netherlands", "cau" => "California", "cb" => "Cambodia", "cc" => "China", "cd" => "Chad", "ce" => "Sri Lanka", "cf" => "Congo (Brazzaville)", "cg" => "Congo (Democratic Republic)", "ch" => "China (Republic : 1949- )", "ci" => "Croatia", "cj" => "Cayman Islands", "ck" => "Colombia", "cl" => "Chile", "cm" => "Cameroon", "cn" => "Canada", "co" => "Curaçao", "cou" => "Colorado", "cp" => "Canton and Enderbury Islands", "cq" => "Comoros", "cr" => "Costa Rica", "cs" => "Czechoslovakia", "ctu" => "Connecticut", "cu" => "Cuba", "cv" => "Cape Verde", "cw" => "Cook Islands", "cx" => "Central African Republic", "cy" => "Cyprus", "cz" => "Canal Zone", "dcu" => "District of Columbia", "deu" => "Delaware", "dk" => "Denmark", "dm" => "Benin", "dq" => "Dominica", "dr" => "Dominican Republic", "ea" => "Eritrea", "ec" => "Ecuador", "eg" => "Equatorial Guinea", "em" => "Timor-Leste", "enk" => "England", "er" => "Estonia", "err" => "Estonia", "es" => "El Salvador", "et" => "Ethiopia", "fa" => "Faroe Islands", "fg" => "French Guiana", "fi" => "Finland", "fj" => "Fiji", "fk" => "Falkland Islands", "flu" => "Florida", "fm" => "Micronesia (Federated States)", "fp" => "French Polynesia", "fr" => "France", "fs" => "Terres australes et antarctiques françaises", "ft" => "Djibouti", "gau" => "Georgia", "gb" => "Kiribati", "gd" => "Grenada", "ge" => "Germany (East)", "gh" => "Ghana", "gi" => "Gibraltar", "gl" => "Greenland", "gm" => "Gambia", "gn" => "Gilbert and Ellice Islands", "go" => "Gabon", "gp" => "Guadeloupe", "gr" => "Greece", "gs" => "Georgia (Republic)", "gsr" => "Georgian S.S.R.", "gt" => "Guatemala", "gu" => "Guam", "gv" => "Guinea", "gw" => "Germany", "gy" => "Guyana", "gz" => "Gaza Strip", "hiu" => "Hawaii", "hk" => "Hong Kong", "hm" => "Heard and McDonald Islands", "ho" => "Honduras", "ht" => "Haiti", "hu" => "Hungary", "iau" => "Iowa", "ic" => "Iceland", "idu" => "Idaho", "ie" => "Ireland", "ii" => "India", "ilu" => "Illinois", "inu" => "Indiana", "io" => "Indonesia", "iq" => "Iraq", "ir" => "Iran", "is" => "Israel", "it" => "Italy", "iu" => "Israel-Syria Demilitarized Zones", "iv" => "Côte d'Ivoire", "iw" => "Israel-Jordan Demilitarized Zones", "iy" => "Iraq-Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone", "ja" => "Japan", "ji" => "Johnston Atoll", "jm" => "Jamaica", "jn" => "Jan Mayen", "jo" => "Jordan", "ke" => "Kenya", "kg" => "Kyrgyzstan", "kgr" => "Kirghiz S.S.R.", "kn" => "Korea (North)", "ko" => "Korea (South)", "ksu" => "Kansas", "ku" => "Kuwait", "kv" => "Kosovo", "kyu" => "Kentucky", "kz" => "Kazakhstan", "kzr" => "Kazakh S.S.R.", "lau" => "Louisiana", "lb" => "Liberia", "le" => "Lebanon", "lh" => "Liechtenstein", "li" => "Lithuania", "lir" => "Lithuania", "ln" => "Central and Southern Line Islands", "lo" => "Lesotho", "ls" => "Laos", "lu" => "Luxembourg", "lv" => "Latvia", "lvr" => "Latvia", "ly" => "Libya", "mau" => "Massachusetts", "mbc" => "Manitoba", "mc" => "Monaco", "mdu" => "Maryland", "meu" => "Maine", "mf" => "Mauritius", "mg" => "Madagascar", "mh" => "Macao", "miu" => "Michigan", "mj" => "Montserrat", "mk" => "Oman", "ml" => "Mali", "mm" => "Malta", "mnu" => "Minnesota", "mo" => "Montenegro", "mou" => "Missouri", "mp" => "Mongolia", "mq" => "Martinique", "mr" => "Morocco", "msu" => "Mississippi", "mtu" => "Montana", "mu" => "Mauritania", "mv" => "Moldova", "mvr" => "Moldavian S.S.R.", "mw" => "Malawi", "mx" => "Mexico", "my" => "Malaysia", "mz" => "Mozambique", "na" => "Netherlands Antilles", "nbu" => "Nebraska", "ncu" => "North Carolina", "ndu" => "North Dakota", "ne" => "Netherlands", "nfc" => "Newfoundland and Labrador", "ng" => "Niger", "nhu" => "New Hampshire", "nik" => "Northern Ireland", "nju" => "New Jersey", "nkc" => "New Brunswick", "nl" => "New Caledonia", "nm" => "Northern Mariana Islands", "nmu" => "New Mexico", "nn" => "Vanuatu", "no" => "Norway", "np" => "Nepal", "nq" => "Nicaragua", "nr" => "Nigeria", "nsc" => "Nova Scotia", "ntc" => "Northwest Territories", "nu" => "Nauru", "nuc" => "Nunavut", "nvu" => "Nevada", "nw" => "Northern Mariana Islands", "nx" => "Norfolk Island", "nyu" => "New York (State)", "nz" => "New Zealand", "ohu" => "Ohio", "oku" => "Oklahoma", "onc" => "Ontario", "oru" => "Oregon", "ot" => "Mayotte", "pau" => "Pennsylvania", "pc" => "Pitcairn Island", "pe" => "Peru", "pf" => "Paracel Islands", "pg" => "Guinea-Bissau", "ph" => "Philippines", "pic" => "Prince Edward Island", "pk" => "Pakistan", "pl" => "Poland", "pn" => "Panama", "po" => "Portugal", "pp" => "Papua New Guinea", "pr" => "Puerto Rico", "pt" => "Portuguese Timor", "pw" => "Palau", "py" => "Paraguay", "qa" => "Qatar", "qea" => "Queensland", "quc" => "Québec (Province)", "rb" => "Serbia", "re" => "Réunion", "rh" => "Zimbabwe", "riu" => "Rhode Island", "rm" => "Romania", "ru" => "Russia (Federation)", "rur" => "Russian S.F.S.R.", "rw" => "Rwanda", "ry" => "Ryukyu Islands, Southern", "sa" => "South Africa", "sb" => "Svalbard", "sc" => "Saint-Barthélemy", "scu" => "South Carolina", "sd" => "South Sudan", "sdu" => "South Dakota", "se" => "Seychelles", "sf" => "Sao Tome and Principe", "sg" => "Senegal", "sh" => "Spanish North Africa", "si" => "Singapore", "sj" => "Sudan", "sk" => "Sikkim", "sl" => "Sierra Leone", "sm" => "San Marino", "sn" => "Sint Maarten", "snc" => "Saskatchewan", "so" => "Somalia", "sp" => "Spain", "sq" => "Swaziland", "sr" => "Surinam", "ss" => "Western Sahara", "st" => "Saint-Martin", "stk" => "Scotland", "su" => "Saudi Arabia", "sv" => "Swan Islands", "sw" => "Sweden", "sx" => "Namibia", "sy" => "Syria", "sz" => "Switzerland", "ta" => "Tajikistan", "tar" => "Tajik S.S.R.", "tc" => "Turks and Caicos Islands", "tg" => "Togo", "th" => "Thailand", "ti" => "Tunisia", "tk" => "Turkmenistan", "tkr" => " Turkmen S.S.R.", "tl" => "Tokelau", "tma" => "Tasmania", "tnu" => "Tennessee", "to" => "Tonga", "tr" => "Trinidad and Tobago", "ts" => "United Arab Emirates", "tt" => "Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands", "tu" => "Turkey", "tv" => "Tuvalu", "txu" => "Texas", "tz" => "Tanzania", "ua" => "Egypt", "uc" => "United States Misc. Caribbean Islands", "ug" => "Uganda", "ui" => "United Kingdom Misc. Islands", "uik" => "United Kingdom Misc. Islands", "uk" => "United Kingdom", "un" => "Ukraine", "unr" => "Ukraine", "up" => "United States Misc. Pacific Islands", "ur" => "Soviet Union", "us" => "United States", "utu" => "Utah", "uv" => "Burkina Faso", "uy" => "Uruguay", "uz" => "Uzbekistan", "uzr" => "Uzbek S.S.R.", "vau" => "Virginia", "vb" => "British Virgin Islands", "vc" => "Vatican City", "ve" => "Venezuela", "vi" => "Virgin Islands of the United States", "vm" => "Vietnam", "vn" => "Vietnam, North", "vp" => "Various places", "vra" => "Victoria", "vs" => "Vietnam, South", "vtu" => "Vermont", "wau" => "Washington (State)", "wb" => "West Berlin", "wea" => "Western Australia", "wf" => "Wallis and Futuna", "wiu" => "Wisconsin", "wj" => "West Bank of the Jordan River", "wk" => "Wake Island", "wlk" => "Wales", "ws" => "Samoa", "wvu" => "West Virginia", "wyu" => "Wyoming", "xa" => "Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)", "xb" => "Cocos (Keeling) Islands", "xc" => "Maldives", "xd" => "Saint Kitts-Nevis", "xe" => "Marshall Islands", "xf" => "Midway Islands", "xga" => "Coral Sea Islands Territory", "xh" => "Niue", "xi" => "Saint Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla", "xj" => "Saint Helena", "xk" => "Saint Lucia", "xl" => "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "xm" => "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "xn" => "Macedonia", "xna" => "New South Wales", "xo" => "Slovakia", "xoa" => "Northern Territory", "xp" => "Spratly Island", "xr" => "Czech Republic", "xra" => "South Australia", "xs" => "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", "xv" => "Slovenia", "xx" => "No place, unknown, or undetermined", "xxc" => "Canada", "xxk" => "United Kingdom", "xxr" => "Soviet Union", "xxu" => "United States", "ye" => "Yemen", "ykc" => "Yukon Territory", "ys" => "Yemen (People's Democratic Republic)", "yu" => "Serbia and Montenegro", "za" => "Zambia"} end end