# Vcloud Network Configurator This is ruby gem which provides a dsl to configure firewall, nat and loadbalancer rules. It is a wrapper around the network components of vcloud api. ## Installation gem install vcloud-net-spinner ## Usage Usage: vcloud-net-spinner [options] API_URL -u, --username=U Vcloud Username -p, --password=P Vcloud Password -e, --env=E Environment: preview | staging | production -U, --organization-edgegateway-uuid=U UID: This is required to configure edgegateway services. For more info refer to docs/find_organisation_edgegateway_uuid -c, --component=c Environment: lb|firewall|nat -o, --organization=o Organization: optional. Will default to environment -d, --rule-directory=d Rules Directory: From where to read the NAT/Firewal/LB rules Note: organization maps to the organization name in vcloud. Whereas, environment maps to your internal environment reference (e.g. preview, qa, staging, production, etc) ### Example vcloud-net-spinner -u username -p password -e preview -U 1yenz127ynz1872eyz12yz817e -c firewall -o development -d . http://vcloud.vendor.com/api ### Rules Directory A particular rules directory structure could be as follows. . ├── Gemfile ├── Gemfile.lock ├── common_firewall.rb ├── common_lb.rb ├── common_nat.rb ├── env1 │ ├── firewall.rb │ ├── interfaces.yaml │ ├── lb.rb │ └── nat.rb ├── env2 ├── firewall.rb ├── interfaces.yaml ├── lb.rb └── nat.rb * Here each environment represent a separate organisation with your vcloud vendor (eg qa, staging, production). These could have specific rules for nat, firewall. Also these can have common firewall rules which could be shared across all environments. A common example of such a situation is internal network firewall rules are usually shared across environments, whereas external network firewall rules would be different for all environment. * Specific network rules => `env1/firewall.rb`, `env1/nat.rb`, `env1/lb.rb` * Common network rules => `./common_firewall.rb`, `./common_lb.rb`, `./common_lb.rb` * interfaces.yaml file: To find the urls for network, follow the document at `docs/find_network_url` interfaces: Network-1: "https://localhost:4567/api/admin/network/" Network-2: "https://localhost:4567/api/admin/network/" ### DSL #### Firewall firewall do rule "" do source :ip => "" destination :ip => "", :port => 4567 end end #### NAT nat do snat :interface => "", :original => { :ip => "internal-ip" }, :translated => { :ip => "external-ip" }, :desc => "description" dnat :interface => "", :original => { :ip => "external-ip", :port => 22 }, :translated => { :ip => "internal-ip", :port => 22 }, :desc => "SSH" end #### Load Balancer load_balancer do configure "description-1" do pool ["", ""] do http https end virtual_server :name => "description-1", :interface => "", :ip => "" end configure "description-2" do pool ["", "", ""] do http :port => 8080, :health_check_path => "" https end virtual_server :name => "description-2", :interface => "", :ip => "" end end