class Lalala::Page < ActiveRecord::Base include Lalala::Core::ClassInheritableSetting self.abstract_class = true self.table_name = "pages" # Basic properties attr_accessible :title, :body, :position # Translations translates :title, :body, :path_component Lalala::Page::Translation.table_name = 'page_translations' # Tree acts_as_tree dependent: :restrict, order: 'position', name_column: 'path_component' include Lalala::Pages::PathHandler # Validations validates :static_uuid, uniqueness: { allow_blank: true, scope: [:parent_id] } validates :title, presence: true, length: { minimum: 2 } validates :position, presence: true, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, only_integer: true } # validates :parent, # associated: true validates_with Lalala::Pages::ChildTypeValidator, types: ->(r){ r.allowed_children } validates_with Lalala::Pages::ChildrenLengthValidator, attributes: [:children], minimum: ->(r){ r.minimum_children }, maximum: ->(r){ r.maximum_children } # Before filters before_validation :set_default_title, :on => :create before_validation :set_default_position, :on => :create before_validation :build_default_static_children before_validation :set_path_component # Settings define_setting :maximum_children define_setting :minimum_children define_setting :allowed_children, default: [] define_setting :allow_destroy, default: true define_setting :allow_create, default: true define_setting :route define_setting :form def self.default_route ->(p){ p.title.to_s.to_url } end self.route = self.default_route def path path_components = self.ancestry_path || [] unless path_components.first == '' path_components.unshift('') end File.join(path_components) end # The form def self.form(&block) if block @form = block elsif defined?(@form) @form ||= default_form else superclass.form end end def self.default_form proc do |f| f.inputs "Details" do f.input :title f.input :body end f.buttons end end self.form = self.default_form def self.allowed_child_classes do |name| if Class === name name else name.to_s.classify.constantize end end end def allowed_child_classes self.class.allowed_child_classes end def static? self.static_uuid.present? end def destroy_recursively self.children.each(&:destroy_recursively) self.destroy end def self.find_chain_for_path(path_components) if path_components.blank? raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "empty path" end tn_b = quoted_table_name tn_h = quoted_hierarchy_table_name tn_t = connection.quote_table_name(translations_table_name) scope = scoped.joins(<<-SQL) INNER JOIN #{tn_h} AS h_ ON #{tn_b}.id = h_.descendant_id INNER JOIN #{tn_b} AS p_ ON h_.ancestor_id = INNER JOIN #{tn_t} AS t_ ON #{tn_b}.id = t_.#{class_name.foreign_key} SQL conditions = [] params = [] first_is_blank = path_components.first == "" path_components.each_with_index do |path_component, idx| conditions << "(t_.path_component = ? AND h_.generations = ?)" params << path_component.to_s params << idx if first_is_blank and idx > 0 conditions << "(t_.path_component = ? AND h_.generations = ?)" params << path_component.to_s params << (idx - 1) end end conditions = "(" + conditions.join(" OR ") + ") AND (p_.parent_id IS NULL)" scope = scope.where(conditions, *params).order("h_.generations ASC") pages = scope.all # find the continuous chains chains = { nil => [] } pages.each do |page| chain = chains[page.parent_id] next unless chain chain = chain.dup chain.push page chains[] = chain end # longest chain chain = chains.values.sort_by(&:size).last if first_is_blank and chain.present? path_component = chain.first.path_component if path_component != "" path_components.shift end end end private def static_children {} end def set_default_title self.title ||= self.class.to_s.underscore.humanize end def set_default_position # set to the curent UNIX timestamp self.position ||= end def build_default_static_children next_children = static_children return if next_children.blank? unless Hash === next_children raise "Expected a Hash" end prev_children = [] keep_children = [] next_children = next_children.stringify_keys unless self.new_record? prev_children = keep_children = self.children.all.reject(&:static?) end prev_children = prev_children.index_by(&:static_uuid) created_uuids = next_children.keys - prev_children.keys destroyed_uuids = prev_children.keys - next_children.keys updated_uuids = next_children.keys - created_uuids children = [] + keep_children created_uuids.each do |uuid| next_page = next_children[uuid] next_page.static_uuid = uuid children.push next_page end updated_uuids.each do |uuid| prev_page = prev_children[uuid] next_page = next_children[uuid] if next_page.class != prev_page.class new_page = prev_page.becomes(next_page.class) else new_page = prev_page end non_translated_attrs = new_page.class.attribute_names translated_attrs = non_translated_attrs -= ['id', 'parent_id', 'static_uuid', 'type'] translated_attrs -= ['path_component'] # update normal attributes non_translated_attrs.each do |attr| next if prev_page.send(attr).present? next if next_page.send(attr).blank? new_page.send("#{attr}=", next_page.send(attr)) end # update translated attributes begin _locale = I18n.locale I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| next if Rails.application.config.lalala.i18n.excluded_locales.try(:include?, locale) I18n.locale = locale translated_attrs.each do |attr| next if prev_page.send(attr).present? next if next_page.send(attr).blank? new_page.send("#{attr}=", next_page.send(attr)) end new_page.path_component = nil end ensure I18n.locale = _locale end children.push new_page end destroyed_uuids.each do |uuid| prev_children[uuid].destroy_recursively end self.children = children end def set_path_component _locale = I18n.locale I18n.available_locales.each do |locale| r = self.route case r when NilClass self.path_component = when Proc self.path_component = when String self.path_component = r else raise "Unexpected path_component value: #{r.inspect}" end end ensure I18n.locale = _locale end end