require 'active_fedora' require 'hydra/datastream/common_mods_index_methods' # Datastream that uses a Generic MODS Terminology; essentially an exemplar. module Hydra module Datastream class ModsBasic < ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream include Hydra::Datastream::CommonModsIndexMethods # MODS XML constants. MODS_NS = '' MODS_SCHEMA = '' # OM terminology # this is meant to be a fairly simple MODS example. For more complex MODS and other XML, look at the # OM integration tests # and at OM documentation set_terminology do |t| t.root(:path=>"mods", :xmlns => MODS_NS, :schema => MODS_SCHEMA) t.title_info(:path=>"titleInfo", :index_as => [:not_searchable]) { t.title t.subtitle(:path=>"subTitle") } t.main_title(:proxy => [:title_info, :title]) t.identifier t.doi(:ref=>:identifier, :attributes=>{:type=>"doi"}) t.uri(:ref=>:identifier, :attributes=>{:type=>"uri"}) t.abstract t.subject(:index_as => [:not_searchable]) { t.topic } t.topic_tag(:path=>"subject", :default_content_path=>"topic", :index_as=>[:facetable]) # This is a mods:name. The underscore is purely to avoid namespace conflicts. t.name_(:index_as => [:not_searchable]) { t.namePart(:type=>:string, :label=>"generic name") t.role(:ref=>[:role]) # see role below>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"date"}) t.last_name(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"family"}) t.first_name(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"given"}, :label=>"first name") } t.role(:index_as => [:not_searchable]) { t.text(:path=>"roleTerm",:attributes=>{:type=>"text"}) t.code(:path=>"roleTerm",:attributes=>{:type=>"code"}) } # :ref and :proxy can be used for convenience t.person(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"personal"}, :index_as=>[:facetable]) t.organization(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"corporate"}, :index_as=>[:facetable]) t.conference(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"conference"}, :index_as=>[:facetable]) end # accessor :title, :term=>[:mods, :title_info, :main_title] # Generates an empty Mods Generic Content (used when you call without passing in existing xml) # this is necessary to create new objects def self.xml_template builder = do |xml| xml.mods(:version=>"3.4", "xmlns:xlink"=>"", "xmlns:xsi"=>"", "xmlns"=>MODS_NS, "xsi:schemaLocation"=>"#{MODS_NS} #{MODS_SCHEMA}") { xml.titleInfo(:lang=>"") { xml.title }>"personal") { xml.namePart(:type=>"given") xml.namePart(:type=>"family") xml.role { xml.roleTerm(:authority=>"marcrelator", :type=>"text") } } xml.abstract xml.identifier(:type=>"uri") xml.subject { xml.topic } } end return builder.doc end # create a new :person node in the xml def insert_person insert_new_node(:person) end # create a new :organization node in the xml def insert_organization insert_new_node(:organization) end # create a new :conference node in the xml def insert_conference insert_new_node(:conference) end # FIXME: this method should probably get pushed down to OM # Create a new node and insert it into the document after existing term nodes, or as a child of root if no such term nodes exist # PREREQ: term_template method must exist and should return node ready for insertion into DOM # @param term the symbol for an OM term with a corresponding _template method def insert_new_node(term) node = self.class.send("#{term.to_s}_template") nodeset = self.find_by_terms(term) unless nodeset.nil? if nodeset.empty? self.ng_xml.root.add_child(node) index = 0 else nodeset.after(node) index = nodeset.length end self.dirty = true end return node, index end # FIXME: this method should probably get pushed down to OM # a model might have a wrapping method like remove_organization # Remove the node identified by the OM term and index # @param term the OM term to be removed # @param index the index of the OM term (e.g. the 2nd :person node) def remove_node(term, index) node = self.find_by_terms(term.to_sym => index.to_i).first unless node.nil? node.remove self.dirty = true end end # These templates are used when a non-trivial node needs to be added to the mods xml. See insert_new_node above # Generates a new :person node # Uses mods:name[@type="personal"] def self.person_template builder = do |xml|>"personal") { xml.namePart(:type=>"family") xml.namePart(:type=>"given") xml.affiliation xml.role { xml.roleTerm(:type=>"text") } } end return builder.doc.root end # Generates a new :organization node # Uses mods:name[@type="corporate"] def self.organization_template builder = do |xml|>"corporate") { xml.namePart xml.role { xml.roleTerm(:authority=>"marcrelator", :type=>"text") } } end return builder.doc.root end # Generates a new :conference node # Uses mods:name[@type="conference"] def self.conference_template builder = do |xml|>"conference") { xml.namePart xml.role { xml.roleTerm(:authority=>"marcrelator", :type=>"text") } } end return builder.doc.root end # override OM method for (FIXME: why?) some reason def to_solr( super(solr_doc) solr_doc.merge!(extract_person_full_names) solr_doc.merge!(extract_person_organizations) solr_doc.merge!(:object_type_facet => "Generic Mods content") solr_doc end # additional methods specific to this model # FIXME: this should move to mods behavior module and/or mods gem ? # these are a selected subset from def self.person_relator_terms {"aut" => "Author", "clb" => "Collaborator", "com" => "Compiler", "cre" => "Creator", "ctb" => "Contributor", "edt" => "Editor", "ill" => "Illustrator", "res" => "Researcher", "rth" => "Research team head", "rtm" => "Research team member", "trl" => "Translator" } end # FIXME: this should move to mods behavior module and/or mods gem ? # these are a selected subset from def self.conference_relator_terms {"hst" => "Host" } end # FIXME: this should move to mods behavior module and/or mods gem ? # these are a selected subset from def self.organization_relator_terms {"fnd" => "Funder", "hst" => "Host" } end end # class ModsBasic end # module Datastream end # module Hydra