# # h2. lib/imw/files/compressed_files_and_archives.rb -- require farm # # == About # # Just required all the archive and compressed formats (+tar+, +bz2+, # &c.) # # Author:: (Philip flip Kromer, Dhruv Bansal) for Infinite Monkeywrench Project (mailto:coders@infochimps.org) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 infochimps.org # License:: GPL 3.0 # Website:: http://infinitemonkeywrench.org/ # # puts "#{File.basename(__FILE__)}: Something clever" # at bottom module IMW module Files # A class to wrap a +tar+ archive. # # Creation, appending, listing, and extraction flags are stored in # IMW::Files::Tar::DEFAULT_FLAGS and all are passed to # the :tar program in IMW::EXTERAL_PROGRAMS. class Tar include IMW::Files::BasicFile include IMW::Files::Archive include IMW::Files::Compressible # The default flags used creating, appending to, listing, and # extracting a tar archive. DEFAULT_FLAGS = { :create => "-cf", :append => "-rf", :list => "-tf", :extract => "-xf", :program => :tar } def initialize uri, *args self.uri= uri @archive = { :program => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:program], :create_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:create], :append_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:append], :list_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:list], :extract_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:extract] } end end # Tar # A class to wrap a tar.gz archive. # # Creation, appending, listing, and extraction flags are stored in # IMW::Files::TarGz::DEFAULT_FLAGS and all are passed to # the :tar program in IMW::EXTERAL_PROGRAMS. class TarGz include IMW::Files::BasicFile include IMW::Files::Archive include IMW::Files::CompressedFile # The default flags used creating, appending to, listing, and # extracting a tar.gz archive. DEFAULT_FLAGS = { :decompression_program => :gzip, :decompression_flags => '-fd', :archive_program => :tar, :archive_list_flags => "-tf", :archive_extract_flags => "-xzf" } def initialize uri, *args self.uri= uri @compression = { :program => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:decompression_program], :decompression_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:decompression_flags] } @archive = { :program => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:archive_program], :list_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:archive_list_flags], :extract_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:archive_extract_flags] } end # Returns the path of the file after decompression. def decompressed_path if /\.tar\.gz$/.match @path then @path.gsub /\.tar\.gz$/, ".tar" elsif /\.tgz$/.match @path then @path.gsub /\.tgz$/, ".tar" end end def self.extname path if /\.tar\.gz$/.match path then ".tar.gz" elsif /\.tgz$/.match path then ".tgz" end end end # TarGz # A class to wrap a tar.bz2 archive. # # Creation, appending, listing, and extraction flags are stored in # IMW::Files::TarBz2::DEFAULT_FLAGS and all are passed to # the :tar program in IMW::EXTERAL_PROGRAMS. class TarBz2 include IMW::Files::BasicFile include IMW::Files::Archive include IMW::Files::CompressedFile # The default flags used creating, appending to, listing, and # extracting a tar.bz2 archive. DEFAULT_FLAGS = { :decompression_program => :bzip2, :decompression_flags => '-fd', :archive_program => :tar, :archive_create_flags => '-cf', :archive_list_flags => "-tf", :archive_extract_flags => "-xjf" } def self.extname path if /\.tar\.bz2$/.match path then ".tar.bz2" elsif /\.tbz2$/.match path then ".tbz2" end end def initialize uri, *args self.uri= uri @compression = { :program => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:decompression_program], :decompression_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:decompression] } @archive = { :program => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:archive_program], :list_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:archive_list_flags], :extract_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:archive_extract_flags], :create_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:archive_create_flags] } end # Returns the path of the file after decompression. def decompressed_path if /\.tar\.bz2$/.match @path then @path.gsub /\.tar\.bz2$/, ".tar" elsif /\.tbz2$/.match @path then @path.gsub /\.tbz2$/, ".tar" end end # Overrides default behvaior of IMW::Files::Archive#create to # compress files after creating them. def create paths, opts={} opts = opts.reverse_merge({:force => false}) raise IMW::Error.new("An archive already exists at #{@path}.") if exist? and not opts[:force] paths = [paths] if paths.class == String IMW.system IMW::EXTERNAL_PROGRAMS[@archive[:program]], @archive[:create_flags], path_between_archive_and_compression, *paths IMW.open(path_between_archive_and_compression).compress!(:bzip2) end protected def path_between_archive_and_compression File.join(dirname,name + '.tar') end end # TarBz2 # A class to wrap a +rar+ archive. # # Creation, appending, listing, and extraction flags are stored in # IMW::Files::Rar::DEFAULT_FLAGS and all are passed to # the :rar program in IMW::EXTERAL_PROGRAMS. class Rar include IMW::Files::BasicFile include IMW::Files::Archive # The default flags used creating, appending to, listing, and # extracting a rar archive. DEFAULT_FLAGS = { :create => "a -r -o+ -inul", :append => "a -r -o+ -inul", :list => "vb", :extract => "x -o+ -inul" } def initialize uri, *args self.uri= uri @archive = { :program => :rar, :create_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:create], :append_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:append], :list_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:list], :extract_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:extract] } end end # Rar # A class to wrap a +zip+ archive. # # Creation, appending, listing, and extraction flags are stored in # IMW::Files::Zip::DEFAULT_FLAGS and all are passed to # the :zip and :unzip programs in # IMW::EXTERAL_PROGRAMS. class Zip include IMW::Files::BasicFile include IMW::Files::Archive # The default flags used creating, appending to, listing, and # extracting a zip archive. DEFAULT_FLAGS = { :create => "-q -r", :append => "-q -g", :list => "-l", :extract => "-q -o", :unarchiving_program => :unzip } def initialize uri, *args self.uri= uri @archive = { :program => :zip, :create_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:create], :append_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:append], :list_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:list], :extract_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:extract], :unarchiving_program => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:unarchiving_program] } end # The `unzip' program outputs data in a very annoying format: # # Archive: data.zip # Length Date Time Name # -------- ---- ---- ---- # 18510 07-28-08 15:58 data/4d7Qrgz7.csv # 3418 07-28-08 15:41 data/7S.csv # 23353 07-28-08 15:41 data/g.csv # 711 07-28-08 15:58 data/g.xml # 1095 07-28-08 15:41 data/L.xml # 2399 07-28-08 15:58 data/mTAu9H3.xml # 152 07-28-08 15:58 data/vaHBS2t5R.dat # -------- ------- # 49638 7 files # # which is parsed by this method. def archive_contents_string_to_array string rows = string.split("\n") # ignore the first 3 lines of the output and also discared the # last 2 (5 = 2 + 3) file_rows = rows[3,(rows.length - 5)] file_rows.map! do |row| # discard extra whitespace before after main text row.lstrip!.rstrip! # split the remaining text at spaces...columns beyond the # third are part of the filename and should be joined with a # space again in case of a filename with a space row.split(' ')[3,row.size].join(' ') end file_rows end end # Zip # A class to wrap a gz compressed file. # # The decompressing flags are stored in # IMW::Files::Gz::DEFAULT_FLAGS and all are passed to the # :gzip program in IMW::EXTERAL_PROGRAMS. class Gz include IMW::Files::BasicFile include IMW::Files::CompressedFile # The default flags used in extracting a gz file. DEFAULT_FLAGS = { :program => :gzip, :decompression => '-fd' } def initialize uri, *args self.uri= uri @compression = { :program => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:program], :decompression_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:decompression] } end def decompressed_path @path.gsub /\.gz$/, "" end end # Gz # A class to wrap a bz2 compressed file. # # The decompressing flags are stored in # IMW::Files::Bz2::DEFAULT_FLAGS and all are passed to # the :bzip2 program in IMW::EXTERAL_PROGRAMS. class Bz2 include IMW::Files::BasicFile include IMW::Files::CompressedFile # The default flags used in extracting a bz2 file. DEFAULT_FLAGS = { :program => :bzip2, :decompression => '-fd' } def initialize uri, *args self.uri= uri raise IMW::Error.new("#{@extname} is not a valid extension for a bzip2 compressed file.") unless @extname == '.bz2' @compression = { :program => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:program], :decompression_flags => DEFAULT_FLAGS[:decompression] } end # Returns the path of the file after decompression. def decompressed_path @path.gsub /\.bz2$/, "" end end # Bz2 # make sure that tar.bz2 precedes bz2 and so on... FILE_REGEXPS << [/\.tar\.bz2$/, IMW::Files::TarBz2] FILE_REGEXPS << [/\.tbz2$/, IMW::Files::TarBz2] FILE_REGEXPS << [/\.tar\.gz$/, IMW::Files::TarGz] FILE_REGEXPS << [/\.tgz$/, IMW::Files::TarGz] FILE_REGEXPS << [/\.tar$/, IMW::Files::Tar] FILE_REGEXPS << [/\.bz2$/, IMW::Files::Bz2] FILE_REGEXPS << [/\.gz$/, IMW::Files::Gz] FILE_REGEXPS << [/\.rar$/, IMW::Files::Rar] FILE_REGEXPS << [/\.zip$/, IMW::Files::Zip] end # Files end # IMW