GOV.UK Publishing Components [![status](]( [![JavaScript Style Guide](]( [![Stylelint Style Guide](]( ===================== GOV.UK Publishing Components is a Ruby gem to document and distribute components for GOV.UK applications. It provides: - a shared library of components - helpers to generate component payloads - an application to preview components and provide guidance Components should be added to this gem if they are required in more than one application, otherwise they should be added to that application. ## How to - [Install and use this gem](/docs/ - [Use a component in your application](/docs/ - [Generate a new component](/docs/ - [Develop a component](/docs/ - [Run the component guide](/docs/ - [Move a component from an application to the gem](/docs/ - [Publish/release a new version of the gem](/docs/ ## Architecture / structure ![]( [Source]( There are 2 types of helper classes in this app: - [AppHelpers](lib/govuk_publishing_components/app_helpers). Are exposed to the applications using this gem. They should be documented using RDoc. - [Component Presenters](lib/govuk_publishing_components/presenters). Anything in these classes is only for use within the components. They should be marked `@private`. ## Relationship with GOV.UK Design System GOV.UK Publishing Components also makes [GOV.UK Design System]( styles and components available to GOV.UK's frontend applications. This gem consumes [GOV.UK Frontend]( via [Yarn]( ## Browser and assistive technology support GOV.UK Publishing Components shares the same standards in terms of browser and assistive technology support with [GOV.UK Frontend]( ## Documentation [See the documentation]( ## Working locally ### Install dependencies As well as the Ruby, you will also need the [Yarn package manager]( to allow installing [npm]( dependencies. Install the application's dependencies with: ```sh bundle install yarn install ``` ### Running a local app with a local gem The GDS Developer Docs has a [guide on local frontend development]( that covers setting up a local app to use the local version of the components gem in Docker and using the `./` script. ### Running tests The default rake task runs all the linting and test tasks: ```sh bin/rake ``` Javascript is tested using Jasmine and the [Jasmine gem]( Tests can be run either in the browser or on the command line via the dummy app’s tasks: ```sh # browser bin/rake app:jasmine # command line bin/rake app:jasmine:ci ``` ### Viewing the component guide View the component guide in your browser with: ```sh ./ ``` The guide should be available at http://localhost:3212 ### View documentation Preview documentation in your browser with: ```sh bundle exec yard server --reload ``` ## Licence [MIT Licence](