require File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'spec_helper.rb') unless defined?(POSTGRES_DB) POSTGRES_URL = 'postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/reality_spec' unless defined? POSTGRES_URL POSTGRES_DB = Sequel.connect(ENV['SEQUEL_PG_SPEC_DB']||POSTGRES_URL) end INTEGRATION_DB = POSTGRES_DB unless defined?(INTEGRATION_DB) def POSTGRES_DB.sqls (@sqls ||= []) end logger = def logger.method_missing(m, msg) POSTGRES_DB.sqls << msg end POSTGRES_DB.loggers << logger #POSTGRES_DB.instance_variable_set(:@server_version, 80200) describe "PostgreSQL", '#create_table' do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB POSTGRES_DB.sqls.clear end after do @db.drop_table?(:tmp_dolls) @db.drop_table?(:unlogged_dolls) end specify "should create a temporary table" do @db.create_table(:tmp_dolls, :temp => true){text :name} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "tmp_dolls" ("name" text)'] end end specify "should create an unlogged table" do @db.create_table(:unlogged_dolls, :unlogged => true){text :name} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE "unlogged_dolls" ("name" text)'] end end specify "should not allow to pass both :temp and :unlogged" do proc do @db.create_table(:temp_unlogged_dolls, :temp => true, :unlogged => true){text :name} end.should raise_error(Sequel::Error, "can't provide both :temp and :unlogged to create_table") end end describe "PostgreSQL temporary views" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.drop_view(:items_view) rescue nil @db.create_table!(:items){Integer :number} @db[:items].insert(10) @db[:items].insert(20) end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end specify "should be supported" do @db.create_view(:items_view, @db[:items].where(:number=>10), :temp=>true) @db[:items_view].map(:number).should == [10] @db.create_or_replace_view(:items_view, @db[:items].where(:number=>20), :temp=>true) @db[:items_view].map(:number).should == [20] @db.disconnect lambda{@db[:items_view].map(:number)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) end end unless POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :do # Causes freezing later describe "A PostgreSQL database" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:public__testfk){primary_key :id; foreign_key :i, :public__testfk} end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:public__testfk) end specify "should provide the server version" do @db.server_version.should > 70000 end specify "should support a :qualify option to tables and views" do @db.tables(:qualify=>true).should include(Sequel.qualify(:public, :testfk)) begin @db.create_view(:testfkv, @db[:testfk]) @db.views(:qualify=>true).should include(Sequel.qualify(:public, :testfkv)) ensure @db.drop_view(:testfkv) end end specify "should not typecast the int2vector type incorrectly" do @db.get(Sequel.cast('10 20', :int2vector)).should_not == 10 end cspecify "should not typecast the money type incorrectly", :do do @db.get(Sequel.cast('10.01', :money)).should_not == 0 end specify "should correctly parse the schema" do @db.schema(:public__testfk, :reload=>true).should == [ [:id, {:type=>:integer, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"integer", :default=>"nextval('testfk_id_seq'::regclass)", :oid=>23, :primary_key=>true, :allow_null=>false}], [:i, {:type=>:integer, :ruby_default=>nil, :db_type=>"integer", :default=>nil, :oid=>23, :primary_key=>false, :allow_null=>true}]] end specify "should parse foreign keys for tables in a schema" do @db.foreign_key_list(:public__testfk).should == [{:on_delete=>:no_action, :on_update=>:no_action, :columns=>[:i], :key=>[:id], :deferrable=>false, :table=>Sequel.qualify(:public, :testfk), :name=>:testfk_i_fkey}] end specify "should return uuid fields as strings" do @db.get(Sequel.cast('550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000', :uuid)).should == '550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000' end end describe "A PostgreSQL dataset" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @d = @db[:test] @db.create_table! :test do text :name integer :value, :index => true end end before do @d.delete @db.sqls.clear end after do @db.drop_table?(:atest) end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:test) end specify "should quote columns and tables using double quotes if quoting identifiers" do check_sqls do == 'SELECT "name" FROM "test"''COUNT(*)')).sql.should == 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "test"', :value)).sql.should == 'SELECT max("value") FROM "test"' == 'SELECT NOW() FROM "test"', :items__value)).sql.should == 'SELECT max("items"."value") FROM "test"' @d.order(Sequel.desc(:name)).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" DESC'' AS item_name')).sql.should == 'SELECT AS item_name FROM "test"''"name"')).sql.should == 'SELECT "name" FROM "test"''max(test."name") AS "max_name"')).sql.should == 'SELECT max(test."name") AS "max_name" FROM "test"' @d.insert_sql(:x => :y).should =~ /\AINSERT INTO "test" \("x"\) VALUES \("y"\)( RETURNING NULL)?\z/, :abc, 'hello')).sql.should == "SELECT test(\"abc\", 'hello') FROM \"test\"", :abc__def, 'hello')).sql.should == "SELECT test(\"abc\".\"def\", 'hello') FROM \"test\"", :abc__def, 'hello').as(:x2)).sql.should == "SELECT test(\"abc\".\"def\", 'hello') AS \"x2\" FROM \"test\"" @d.insert_sql(:value => 333).should =~ /\AINSERT INTO "test" \("value"\) VALUES \(333\)( RETURNING NULL)?\z/ end end specify "should quote fields correctly when reversing the order if quoting identifiers" do check_sqls do @d.reverse_order(:name).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" DESC' @d.reverse_order(Sequel.desc(:name)).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" ASC' @d.reverse_order(:name, Sequel.desc(:test)).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" DESC, "test" ASC' @d.reverse_order(Sequel.desc(:name), :test).sql.should == 'SELECT * FROM "test" ORDER BY "name" ASC, "test" DESC' end end specify "should support regexps" do @d << {:name => 'abc', :value => 1} @d << {:name => 'bcd', :value => 2} @d.filter(:name => /bc/).count.should == 2 @d.filter(:name => /^bc/).count.should == 1 end specify "should support NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST" do @d << {:name => 'abc'} @d << {:name => 'bcd'} @d << {:name => 'bcd', :value => 2} @d.order(Sequel.asc(:value, :nulls=>:first), :name).select_map(:name).should == %w[abc bcd bcd] @d.order(Sequel.asc(:value, :nulls=>:last), :name).select_map(:name).should == %w[bcd abc bcd] @d.order(Sequel.asc(:value, :nulls=>:first), :name).reverse.select_map(:name).should == %w[bcd bcd abc] end specify "#lock should lock tables and yield if a block is given" do @d.lock('EXCLUSIVE'){@d.insert(:name=>'a')} end specify "should support exclusion constraints when creating or altering tables" do @db.create_table!(:atest){Integer :t; exclude [[Sequel.desc(:t, :nulls=>:last), '=']], :using=>:btree, :where=>proc{t > 0}} @db[:atest].insert(1) @db[:atest].insert(2) proc{@db[:atest].insert(2)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Postgres::ExclusionConstraintViolation) @db.create_table!(:atest){Integer :t} @db.alter_table(:atest){add_exclusion_constraint [[:t, '=']], :using=>:btree, :name=>'atest_ex'} @db[:atest].insert(1) @db[:atest].insert(2) proc{@db[:atest].insert(2)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Postgres::ExclusionConstraintViolation) @db.alter_table(:atest){drop_constraint 'atest_ex'} end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90000 specify "should support Database#do for executing anonymous code blocks" do @db.drop_table?(:btest) "BEGIN EXECUTE 'CREATE TABLE btest (a INTEGER)'; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO btest VALUES (1)'; END" @db[:btest].select_map(:a).should == [1] "BEGIN EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE btest; CREATE TABLE atest (a INTEGER)'; EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO atest VALUES (1)'; END", :language=>:plpgsql @db[:atest].select_map(:a).should == [1] end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90000 specify "should support adding foreign key constarints that are not yet valid, and validating them later" do @db.create_table!(:atest){primary_key :id; Integer :fk} @db[:atest].insert(1, 5) @db.alter_table(:atest){add_foreign_key [:fk], :atest, :not_valid=>true, :name=>:atest_fk} @db[:atest].insert(2, 1) proc{@db[:atest].insert(3, 4)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) proc{@db.alter_table(:atest){validate_constraint :atest_fk}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) @db[:atest].where(:id=>1).update(:fk=>2) @db.alter_table(:atest){validate_constraint :atest_fk} proc{@db.alter_table(:atest){validate_constraint :atest_fk}}.should_not raise_error end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90200 specify "should support :using when altering a column's type" do @db.create_table!(:atest){Integer :t} @db[:atest].insert(1262304000) @db.alter_table(:atest){set_column_type :t, Time, :using=>Sequel.cast('epoch', Time) + Sequel.cast('1 second', :interval) * :t} @db[:atest].get(Sequel.extract(:year, :t)).should == 2010 end specify "should support :using with a string when altering a column's type" do @db.create_table!(:atest){Integer :t} @db[:atest].insert(1262304000) @db.alter_table(:atest){set_column_type :t, Time, :using=>"'epoch'::timestamp + '1 second'::interval * t"} @db[:atest].get(Sequel.extract(:year, :t)).should == 2010 end specify "should be able to parse the default value for an interval type" do @db.create_table!(:atest){interval :t, :default=>'1 week'} @db.schema(:atest).first.last[:ruby_default].should == '7 days' end specify "should have #transaction support various types of synchronous options" do @db.transaction(:synchronous=>:on){} @db.transaction(:synchronous=>true){} @db.transaction(:synchronous=>:off){} @db.transaction(:synchronous=>false){} @db.sqls.grep(/synchronous/).should == ["SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = on", "SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = on", "SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = off", "SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = off"] @db.sqls.clear @db.transaction(:synchronous=>nil){} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == ['BEGIN', 'COMMIT'] end if @db.server_version >= 90100 @db.sqls.clear @db.transaction(:synchronous=>:local){} check_sqls do @db.sqls.grep(/synchronous/).should == ["SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = local"] end if @db.server_version >= 90200 @db.sqls.clear @db.transaction(:synchronous=>:remote_write){} check_sqls do @db.sqls.grep(/synchronous/).should == ["SET LOCAL synchronous_commit = remote_write"] end end end end specify "should have #transaction support read only transactions" do @db.transaction(:read_only=>true){} @db.transaction(:read_only=>false){} @db.transaction(:isolation=>:serializable, :read_only=>true){} @db.transaction(:isolation=>:serializable, :read_only=>false){} @db.sqls.grep(/READ/).should == ["SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY", "SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE", "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE READ ONLY", "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE READ WRITE"] end specify "should have #transaction support deferrable transactions" do @db.transaction(:deferrable=>true){} @db.transaction(:deferrable=>false){} @db.transaction(:deferrable=>true, :read_only=>true){} @db.transaction(:deferrable=>false, :read_only=>false){} @db.transaction(:isolation=>:serializable, :deferrable=>true, :read_only=>true){} @db.transaction(:isolation=>:serializable, :deferrable=>false, :read_only=>false){} @db.sqls.grep(/DEF/).should == ["SET TRANSACTION DEFERRABLE", "SET TRANSACTION NOT DEFERRABLE", "SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY DEFERRABLE", "SET TRANSACTION READ WRITE NOT DEFERRABLE", "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE READ ONLY DEFERRABLE", "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE READ WRITE NOT DEFERRABLE"] end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90100 specify "should support creating indexes concurrently" do @db.add_index :test, [:name, :value], :concurrently=>true check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == ['CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY "test_name_value_index" ON "test" ("name", "value")'] end end specify "should support dropping indexes only if they already exist" do @db.add_index :test, [:name, :value], :name=>'tnv1' @db.sqls.clear @db.drop_index :test, [:name, :value], :if_exists=>true, :name=>'tnv1' check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == ['DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "tnv1"'] end end specify "should support CASCADE when dropping indexes" do @db.add_index :test, [:name, :value], :name=>'tnv2' @db.sqls.clear @db.drop_index :test, [:name, :value], :cascade=>true, :name=>'tnv2' check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == ['DROP INDEX "tnv2" CASCADE'] end end specify "should support dropping indexes concurrently" do @db.add_index :test, [:name, :value], :name=>'tnv2' @db.sqls.clear @db.drop_index :test, [:name, :value], :concurrently=>true, :name=>'tnv2' check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == ['DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY "tnv2"'] end end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90200 specify "#lock should lock table if inside a transaction" do @db.transaction{@d.lock('EXCLUSIVE'); @d.insert(:name=>'a')} end specify "#lock should return nil" do @d.lock('EXCLUSIVE'){@d.insert(:name=>'a')}.should == nil @db.transaction{@d.lock('EXCLUSIVE').should == nil; @d.insert(:name=>'a')} end specify "should raise an error if attempting to update a joined dataset with a single FROM table" do proc{@db[:test].join(:test, [:name]).update(:name=>'a')}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error, 'Need multiple FROM tables if updating/deleting a dataset with JOINs') end specify "should truncate with options" do @d << { :name => 'abc', :value => 1} @d.count.should == 1 @d.truncate(:cascade => true) @d.count.should == 0 if @d.db.server_version > 80400 @d << { :name => 'abc', :value => 1} @d.truncate(:cascade => true, :only=>true, :restart=>true) @d.count.should == 0 end end specify "should truncate multiple tables at once" do tables = [:test, :test] tables.each{|t| @d.from(t).insert} @d.from(:test, :test).truncate tables.each{|t| @d.from(t).count.should == 0} end end describe "Dataset#distinct" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:a) do Integer :a Integer :b end @ds = @db[:a] end after do @db.drop_table?(:a) end it "#distinct with arguments should return results distinct on those arguments" do @ds.insert(20, 10) @ds.insert(30, 10) @ds.order(:b, :a) == [20, 30] @ds.order(:b, Sequel.desc(:a)) == [30, 20] @ds.order(:b, :a).distinct(:b).map(:a).should == [20] @ds.order(:b, Sequel.desc(:a)).distinct(:b).map(:a).should == [30] end end if POSTGRES_DB.pool.respond_to?(:max_size) and POSTGRES_DB.pool.max_size > 1 describe "Dataset#for_update support" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id Integer :number String :name end @ds = POSTGRES_DB[:items] end after do POSTGRES_DB.drop_table?(:items) POSTGRES_DB.disconnect end specify "should handle FOR UPDATE" do @ds.insert(:number=>20) c, t = nil, nil q = POSTGRES_DB.transaction do @ds.for_update.first(:id=>1) t = do POSTGRES_DB.transaction do q.push nil @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:name=>'Jim') c = @ds.first(:id=>1) q.push nil end end q.pop @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:number=>30) end q.pop t.join c.should == {:id=>1, :number=>30, :name=>'Jim'} end specify "should handle FOR SHARE" do @ds.insert(:number=>20) c, t = nil q = POSTGRES_DB.transaction do @ds.for_share.first(:id=>1) t = do POSTGRES_DB.transaction do c = @ds.for_share.filter(:id=>1).first q.push nil end end q.pop @ds.filter(:id=>1).update(:name=>'Jim') c.should == {:id=>1, :number=>20, :name=>nil} end t.join end end end describe "A PostgreSQL dataset with a timestamp field" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table! :test3 do Date :date DateTime :time end @d = @db[:test3] end before do @d.delete end after do @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = false if @db.adapter_scheme == :postgres end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:test3) end cspecify "should store milliseconds in time fields for Time objects", :do, :swift do t = @d << {:time=>t} t2 = @d.get(:time) @d.literal(t2).should == @d.literal(t) t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').should == t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') (t2.is_a?(Time) ? t2.usec : t2.strftime('%N').to_i/1000).should == t.usec end cspecify "should store milliseconds in time fields for DateTime objects", :do, :swift do t = @d << {:time=>t} t2 = @d.get(:time) @d.literal(t2).should == @d.literal(t) t2.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S').should == t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') (t2.is_a?(Time) ? t2.usec : t2.strftime('%N').to_i/1000).should == t.strftime('%N').to_i/1000 end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres specify "should handle infinite timestamps if convert_infinite_timestamps is set" do @d << {:time=>Sequel.cast('infinity', DateTime)} @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :nil @db[:test3].get(:time).should == nil @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :string @db[:test3].get(:time).should == 'infinity' @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float @db[:test3].get(:time).should == 1.0/0.0 @d.update(:time=>Sequel.cast('-infinity', DateTime)) @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :nil @db[:test3].get(:time).should == nil @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :string @db[:test3].get(:time).should == '-infinity' @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float @db[:test3].get(:time).should == -1.0/0.0 end specify "should handle conversions from infinite strings/floats in models" do c = @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float>'infinity').time.should == 'infinity'>'-infinity').time.should == '-infinity'>1.0/0.0).time.should == 1.0/0.0>-1.0/0.0).time.should == -1.0/0.0 end specify "should handle infinite dates if convert_infinite_timestamps is set" do @d << {:date=>Sequel.cast('infinity', Date)} @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :nil @db[:test3].get(:date).should == nil @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :string @db[:test3].get(:date).should == 'infinity' @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float @db[:test3].get(:date).should == 1.0/0.0 @d.update(:date=>Sequel.cast('-infinity', :timestamp)) @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :nil @db[:test3].get(:date).should == nil @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :string @db[:test3].get(:date).should == '-infinity' @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float @db[:test3].get(:date).should == -1.0/0.0 end specify "should handle conversions from infinite strings/floats in models" do c = @db.convert_infinite_timestamps = :float>'infinity').date.should == 'infinity'>'-infinity').date.should == '-infinity'>1.0/0.0).date.should == 1.0/0.0>-1.0/0.0).date.should == -1.0/0.0 end end specify "explain and analyze should not raise errors" do @d = POSTGRES_DB[:test3] proc{@d.explain}.should_not raise_error proc{@d.analyze}.should_not raise_error end specify "#locks should be a dataset returning database locks " do @db.locks.should be_a_kind_of(Sequel::Dataset) @db.locks.all.should be_a_kind_of(Array) end end describe "A PostgreSQL database" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table! :test2 do text :name integer :value end end after do @db.drop_table?(:test2) end specify "should support column operations" do @db.create_table!(:test2){text :name; integer :value} @db[:test2] << {} @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value] @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text, :default => '000' @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111} @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == '000' @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db.drop_column :test2, :xyz @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value] @db[:test2].delete @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :text, :default => '000' @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 'qqqq'} @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :xyz] @db.rename_column :test2, :xyz, :zyx @db[:test2].columns.should == [:name, :value, :zyx] @db[:test2].first[:zyx].should == 'qqqq' @db.add_column :test2, :xyz, :float @db[:test2].delete @db[:test2] << {:name => 'mmm', :value => 111, :xyz => 56.78} @db.set_column_type :test2, :xyz, :integer @db[:test2].first[:xyz].should == 57 end end describe "A PostgreSQL database" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.drop_table?(:posts) @db.sqls.clear end after do @db.drop_table?(:posts) end specify "should support resetting the primary key sequence" do @db.create_table(:posts){primary_key :a} @db[:posts].insert(:a=>20).should == 20 @db[:posts].insert.should == 1 @db[:posts].insert.should == 2 @db[:posts].insert(:a=>10).should == 10 @db.reset_primary_key_sequence(:posts).should == 21 @db[:posts].insert.should == 21 @db[:posts].order(:a).map(:a).should == [1, 2, 10, 20, 21] end specify "should support resetting the primary key sequence with default_schema" do begin"DROP SCHEMA p") rescue nil"CREATE SCHEMA p") @db.default_schema = :p @db.create_table(:posts){primary_key :a} @db[:p__posts].insert(:a=>20).should == 20 @db[:p__posts].insert.should == 1 @db[:p__posts].insert.should == 2 @db[:p__posts].insert(:a=>10).should == 10 @db.reset_primary_key_sequence(:posts).should == 21 @db[:p__posts].insert.should == 21 @db[:p__posts].order(:a).map(:a).should == [1, 2, 10, 20, 21] ensure @db.default_schema = nil"DROP SCHEMA p CASCADE") end end specify "should support specifying Integer/Bignum/Fixnum types in primary keys and have them be auto incrementing" do @db.create_table(:posts){primary_key :a, :type=>Integer} @db[:posts].insert.should == 1 @db[:posts].insert.should == 2 @db.create_table!(:posts){primary_key :a, :type=>Fixnum} @db[:posts].insert.should == 1 @db[:posts].insert.should == 2 @db.create_table!(:posts){primary_key :a, :type=>Bignum} @db[:posts].insert.should == 1 @db[:posts].insert.should == 2 end specify "should not raise an error if attempting to resetting the primary key sequence for a table without a primary key" do @db.create_table(:posts){Integer :a} @db.reset_primary_key_sequence(:posts).should == nil end specify "should support opclass specification" do @db.create_table(:posts){text :title; text :body; integer :user_id; index(:user_id, :opclass => :int4_ops, :type => :btree)} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" text, "body" text, "user_id" integer)', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_user_id_index" ON "posts" USING btree ("user_id" int4_ops)' ] end end specify "should support fulltext indexes and searching" do @db.create_table(:posts){text :title; text :body; full_text_index [:title, :body]; full_text_index :title, :language => 'french'} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == [ %{CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" text, "body" text)}, %{CREATE INDEX "posts_title_body_index" ON "posts" USING gin (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", '') || ' ' || COALESCE("body", ''))))}, %{CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" USING gin (to_tsvector('french'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", ''))))} ] end @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'sequel', :body=>'ruby') @db[:posts].insert(:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x') @db.sqls.clear @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'rails').all.should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search([:title, :body], ['yowsa', 'rails']).all.should == [:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'] @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, 'scooby', :language => 'french').all.should == [{:title=>'ruby scooby', :body=>'x'}] check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == [ %{SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", ''))) @@ to_tsquery('simple'::regconfig, 'rails'))}, %{SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE (to_tsvector('simple'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", '') || ' ' || COALESCE("body", ''))) @@ to_tsquery('simple'::regconfig, 'yowsa | rails'))}, %{SELECT * FROM "posts" WHERE (to_tsvector('french'::regconfig, (COALESCE("title", ''))) @@ to_tsquery('french'::regconfig, 'scooby'))}] end @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).call(:select, :n=>'rails').should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'}] @db[:posts].full_text_search(:title, :$n).prepare(:select, :fts_select).call(:n=>'rails').should == [{:title=>'ruby rails', :body=>'yowsa'}] end specify "should support spatial indexes" do @db.create_table(:posts){box :geom; spatial_index [:geom]} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("geom" box)', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_geom_index" ON "posts" USING gist ("geom")' ] end end specify "should support indexes with index type" do @db.create_table(:posts){varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :type => 'hash'} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" USING hash ("title")' ] end end specify "should support unique indexes with index type" do @db.create_table(:posts){varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :type => 'btree', :unique => true} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))', 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" USING btree ("title")' ] end end specify "should support partial indexes" do @db.create_table(:posts){varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :where => {:title => '5'}} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" ("title") WHERE ("title" = \'5\')' ] end end specify "should support identifiers for table names in indicies" do @db.create_table({varchar :title, :size => 5; index :title, :where => {:title => '5'}} check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == [ 'CREATE TABLE "posts" ("title" varchar(5))', 'CREATE INDEX "posts_title_index" ON "posts" ("title") WHERE ("title" = \'5\')' ] end end specify "should support renaming tables" do @db.create_table!(:posts1){primary_key :a} @db.rename_table(:posts1, :posts) end end describe "Postgres::Dataset#import" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test){primary_key :x; Integer :y} @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test) end specify "#import should a single insert statement" do @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]) check_sqls do @db.sqls.should == ['BEGIN', 'INSERT INTO "test" ("x", "y") VALUES (1, 2), (3, 4)', 'COMMIT'] end @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end specify "#import should work correctly when returning primary keys" do @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], :return=>:primary_key).should == [1, 3] @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end specify "#import should work correctly when returning primary keys with :slice option" do @ds.import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]], :return=>:primary_key, :slice=>1).should == [1, 3] @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end specify "#import should work correctly with an arbitrary returning value" do @ds.returning(:y, :x).import([:x, :y], [[1, 2], [3, 4]]).should == [{:y=>2, :x=>1}, {:y=>4, :x=>3}] @ds.all.should == [{:x=>1, :y=>2}, {:x=>3, :y=>4}] end end describe "Postgres::Dataset#insert" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test5){primary_key :xid; Integer :value} @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test5] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test5) end specify "should work with static SQL" do @ds.with_sql('INSERT INTO test5 (value) VALUES (10)').insert.should == nil @db['INSERT INTO test5 (value) VALUES (20)'].insert.should == nil @ds.all.should == [{:xid=>1, :value=>10}, {:xid=>2, :value=>20}] end specify "should insert correctly if using a column array and a value array" do @ds.insert([:value], [10]).should == 1 @ds.all.should == [{:xid=>1, :value=>10}] end specify "should use INSERT RETURNING" do @ds.insert(:value=>10).should == 1 check_sqls do @db.sqls.last.should == 'INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES (10) RETURNING "xid"' end end specify "should have insert_select insert the record and return the inserted record" do h = @ds.insert_select(:value=>10) h[:value].should == 10 @ds.first(:xid=>h[:xid])[:value].should == 10 end specify "should correctly return the inserted record's primary key value" do value1 = 10 id1 = @ds.insert(:value=>value1) @ds.first(:xid=>id1)[:value].should == value1 value2 = 20 id2 = @ds.insert(:value=>value2) @ds.first(:xid=>id2)[:value].should == value2 end specify "should return nil if the table has no primary key" do @db.create_table!(:test5){String :name; Integer :value} @ds.delete @ds.insert(:name=>'a').should == nil end end describe "Postgres::Database schema qualified tables" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db << "CREATE SCHEMA schema_test" @db.instance_variable_set(:@primary_keys, {}) @db.instance_variable_set(:@primary_key_sequences, {}) end after do @db << "DROP SCHEMA schema_test CASCADE" @db.default_schema = nil end specify "should be able to create, drop, select and insert into tables in a given schema" do @db.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i} @db[:schema_test__schema_test].first.should == nil @db[:schema_test__schema_test].insert(:i=>1).should == 1 @db[:schema_test__schema_test].first.should == {:i=>1} @db.from(Sequel.lit('schema_test.schema_test')).first.should == {:i=>1} @db.drop_table(:schema_test__schema_test) @db.create_table(Sequel.qualify(:schema_test, :schema_test)){integer :i} @db[:schema_test__schema_test].first.should == nil @db.from(Sequel.lit('schema_test.schema_test')).first.should == nil @db.drop_table(Sequel.qualify(:schema_test, :schema_test)) end specify "#tables should not include tables in a default non-public schema" do @db.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :i} @db.tables.should include(:schema_test) @db.tables.should_not include(:pg_am) @db.tables.should_not include(:domain_udt_usage) end specify "#tables should return tables in the schema provided by the :schema argument" do @db.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :i} @db.tables(:schema=>:schema_test).should == [:schema_test] end specify "#schema should not include columns from tables in a default non-public schema" do @db.create_table(:schema_test__domains){integer :i} sch = @db.schema(:schema_test__domains) cs ={|x| x.first} cs.should include(:i) cs.should_not include(:data_type) end specify "#schema should only include columns from the table in the given :schema argument" do @db.create_table!(:domains){integer :d} @db.create_table(:schema_test__domains){integer :i} sch = @db.schema(:domains, :schema=>:schema_test) cs ={|x| x.first} cs.should include(:i) cs.should_not include(:d) @db.drop_table(:domains) end specify "#schema should not include columns in tables from other domains by default" do @db.create_table!(:public__domains){integer :d} @db.create_table(:schema_test__domains){integer :i} begin @db.schema(:domains).map{|x| x.first}.should == [:d] @db.schema(:schema_test__domains).map{|x| x.first}.should == [:i] ensure @db.drop_table?(:public__domains) end end specify "#table_exists? should see if the table is in a given schema" do @db.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :i} @db.table_exists?(:schema_test__schema_test).should == true end specify "should be able to get primary keys for tables in a given schema" do @db.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i} @db.primary_key(:schema_test__schema_test).should == 'i' end specify "should be able to get serial sequences for tables in a given schema" do @db.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i} @db.primary_key_sequence(:schema_test__schema_test).should == '"schema_test"."schema_test_i_seq"' end specify "should be able to get serial sequences for tables that have spaces in the name in a given schema" do @db.create_table(:"schema_test__schema test"){primary_key :i} @db.primary_key_sequence(:"schema_test__schema test").should == '"schema_test"."schema test_i_seq"' end specify "should be able to get custom sequences for tables in a given schema" do @db << "CREATE SEQUENCE schema_test.kseq" @db.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){integer :j; primary_key :k, :type=>:integer, :default=>Sequel.lit("nextval('schema_test.kseq'::regclass)")} @db.primary_key_sequence(:schema_test__schema_test).should == '"schema_test".kseq' end specify "should be able to get custom sequences for tables that have spaces in the name in a given schema" do @db << "CREATE SEQUENCE schema_test.\"ks eq\"" @db.create_table(:"schema_test__schema test"){integer :j; primary_key :k, :type=>:integer, :default=>Sequel.lit("nextval('schema_test.\"ks eq\"'::regclass)")} @db.primary_key_sequence(:"schema_test__schema test").should == '"schema_test"."ks eq"' end specify "#default_schema= should change the default schema used from public" do @db.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test){primary_key :i} @db.default_schema = :schema_test @db.table_exists?(:schema_test).should == true @db.tables.should == [:schema_test] @db.primary_key(:schema_test__schema_test).should == 'i' @db.primary_key_sequence(:schema_test__schema_test).should == '"schema_test"."schema_test_i_seq"' end specify "should handle schema introspection cases with tables with same name in multiple schemas" do begin @db.create_table(:schema_test__schema_test) do primary_key :id foreign_key :i, :schema_test__schema_test, :index=>{:name=>:schema_test_sti} end @db.create_table!(:public__schema_test) do primary_key :id foreign_key :j, :public__schema_test, :index=>{:name=>:public_test_sti} end h = @db.schema(:schema_test) h.length.should == 2 h.last.first.should == :j @db.indexes(:schema_test).should == {:public_test_sti=>{:unique=>false, :columns=>[:j], :deferrable=>nil}} @db.foreign_key_list(:schema_test).should == [{:on_update=>:no_action, :columns=>[:j], :deferrable=>false, :key=>[:id], :table=>:schema_test, :on_delete=>:no_action, :name=>:schema_test_j_fkey}] ensure @db.drop_table?(:public__schema_test) end end end describe "Postgres::Database schema qualified tables and eager graphing" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB "DROP SCHEMA s CASCADE" rescue nil "CREATE SCHEMA s" @db.create_table(:s__bands){primary_key :id; String :name} @db.create_table(:s__albums){primary_key :id; String :name; foreign_key :band_id, :s__bands} @db.create_table(:s__tracks){primary_key :id; String :name; foreign_key :album_id, :s__albums} @db.create_table(:s__members){primary_key :id; String :name; foreign_key :band_id, :s__bands} @Band = @Album = @Track = @Member = def; :Band; end def; :Album; end def; :Track; end def; :Member; end @Band.one_to_many :albums, :class=>@Album, :order=>:name @Band.one_to_many :members, :class=>@Member, :order=>:name @Album.many_to_one :band, :class=>@Band, :order=>:name @Album.one_to_many :tracks, :class=>@Track, :order=>:name @Track.many_to_one :album, :class=>@Album, :order=>:name @Member.many_to_one :band, :class=>@Band, :order=>:name @Member.many_to_many :members, :class=>@Member, :join_table=>:s__bands, :right_key=>:id, :left_key=>:id, :left_primary_key=>:band_id, :right_primary_key=>:band_id, :order=>:name @Band.many_to_many :tracks, :class=>@Track, :join_table=>:s__albums, :right_key=>:id, :right_primary_key=>:album_id, :order=>:name @b1 = @Band.create(:name=>"BM") @b2 = @Band.create(:name=>"J") @a1 = @Album.create(:name=>"BM1", :band=>@b1) @a2 = @Album.create(:name=>"BM2", :band=>@b1) @a3 = @Album.create(:name=>"GH", :band=>@b2) @a4 = @Album.create(:name=>"GHL", :band=>@b2) @t1 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM1-1", :album=>@a1) @t2 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM1-2", :album=>@a1) @t3 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM2-1", :album=>@a2) @t4 = @Track.create(:name=>"BM2-2", :album=>@a2) @m1 = @Member.create(:name=>"NU", :band=>@b1) @m2 = @Member.create(:name=>"TS", :band=>@b1) @m3 = @Member.create(:name=>"NS", :band=>@b2) @m4 = @Member.create(:name=>"JC", :band=>@b2) end after(:all) do "DROP SCHEMA s CASCADE" end specify "should return all eager graphs correctly" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:albums).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph({:albums=>:tracks}, :members).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with previous joins" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).select_all(:s__bands).join(:s__members, :band_id=>:id).from_self(:alias=>:bands0).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with joins with the same tables" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).select_all(:s__bands).join(:s__members, :band_id=>:id).eager_graph({:albums=>:tracks}, :members).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x|{|y| y.tracks}}.should == [[[@t1, @t2], [@t3, @t4]], [[], []]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with self referential associations" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:tracks=>{:album=>:band}).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]{|x|{|y| y.album}}.should == [[@a1, @a1, @a2, @a2], []]{|x|{|y|}}.should == [[@b1, @b1, @b1, @b1], []] members = @Member.order(:members__name).eager_graph(:members).all members.should == [@m4, @m3, @m1, @m2]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m4, @m3], [@m4, @m3], [@m1, @m2], [@m1, @m2]] members = @Member.order(:members__name).eager_graph(:band, :members=>:band).all members.should == [@m4, @m3, @m1, @m2]{|x|}.should == [@b2, @b2, @b1, @b1]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m4, @m3], [@m4, @m3], [@m1, @m2], [@m1, @m2]]{|x|{|y|}}.should == [[@b2, @b2], [@b2, @b2], [@b1, @b1], [@b1, @b1]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with a from_self dataset" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from_self.eager_graph(:tracks=>{:album=>:band}).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []]{|x|{|y| y.album}}.should == [[@a1, @a1, @a2, @a2], []]{|x|{|y|}}.should == [[@b1, @b1, @b1, @b1], []] end specify "should have eager graphs work with different types of aliased from tables" do bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from(:s__bands___tracks).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from(Sequel.expr(:s__bands).as(:tracks)).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from(Sequel.expr(:s__bands).as(Sequel.identifier(:tracks))).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:tracks__name).from(Sequel.expr(:s__bands).as('tracks')).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] end specify "should have eager graphs work with join tables with aliases" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums___tracks, :band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(, :tracks), :band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(, 'tracks'), :band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(, Sequel.identifier(:tracks)), :band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums, {:band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)}, :table_alias=>:tracks).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums, {:band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)}, :table_alias=>'tracks').eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).eager_graph(:members).join(:s__albums, {:band_id=>Sequel.qualify(:s__bands, :id)}, :table_alias=>Sequel.identifier(:tracks)).eager_graph(:albums=>:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.albums}.should == [[@a1, @a2], [@a3, @a4]]{|x| x.members}.should == [[@m1, @m2], [@m4, @m3]] end specify "should have eager graphs work with different types of qualified from tables" do bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from(Sequel.qualify(:s, :bands)).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from(Sequel.identifier(:bands).qualify(:s)).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] bands = @Band.order(:bands__name).from(, 'bands')).eager_graph(:tracks).all bands.should == [@b1, @b2]{|x| x.tracks}.should == [[@t1, @t2, @t3, @t4], []] end end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 80300 describe "PostgreSQL tsearch2" do before(:all) do POSTGRES_DB.create_table! :test6 do text :title text :body full_text_index [:title, :body] end @ds = POSTGRES_DB[:test6] end after do POSTGRES_DB[:test6].delete end after(:all) do POSTGRES_DB.drop_table?(:test6) end specify "should search by indexed column" do record = {:title => "oopsla conference", :body => "test"} @ds << record @ds.full_text_search(:title, "oopsla").all.should include(record) end specify "should join multiple coumns with spaces to search by last words in row" do record = {:title => "multiple words", :body => "are easy to search"} @ds << record @ds.full_text_search([:title, :body], "words").all.should include(record) end specify "should return rows with a NULL in one column if a match in another column" do record = {:title => "multiple words", :body =>nil} @ds << record @ds.full_text_search([:title, :body], "words").all.should include(record) end end end if POSTGRES_DB.dataset.supports_window_functions? describe "Postgres::Dataset named windows" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:i1){Integer :id; Integer :group_id; Integer :amount} @ds = @db[:i1].order(:id) @ds.insert(:id=>1, :group_id=>1, :amount=>1) @ds.insert(:id=>2, :group_id=>1, :amount=>10) @ds.insert(:id=>3, :group_id=>1, :amount=>100) @ds.insert(:id=>4, :group_id=>2, :amount=>1000) @ds.insert(:id=>5, :group_id=>2, :amount=>10000) @ds.insert(:id=>6, :group_id=>2, :amount=>100000) end after do @db.drop_table?(:i1) end specify "should give correct results for window functions" do @ds.window(:win, :partition=>:group_id, :order=>:id).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>win){}}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}] @ds.window(:win, :partition=>:group_id).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>win, :order=>id){}}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}] @ds.window(:win, {}).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>:win, :order=>id){}}.all.should == [{:sum=>1, :id=>1}, {:sum=>11, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>1111, :id=>4}, {:sum=>11111, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111111, :id=>6}] @ds.window(:win, :partition=>:group_id).select(:id){sum(:over, :args=>amount, :window=>:win, :order=>id, :frame=>:all){}}.all.should == [{:sum=>111, :id=>1}, {:sum=>111, :id=>2}, {:sum=>111, :id=>3}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>4}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>5}, {:sum=>111000, :id=>6}] end end end describe "Postgres::Database functions, languages, schemas, and triggers" do before do @d = POSTGRES_DB end after do @d.drop_function('tf', :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) @d.drop_function('tf', :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true, :args=>%w'integer integer') @d.drop_language(:plpgsql, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) if @d.server_version < 90000 @d.drop_schema(:sequel, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) @d.drop_table?(:test) end specify "#create_function and #drop_function should create and drop functions" do proc{@d['SELECT tf()'].all}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) args = ['tf', 'SELECT 1', {:returns=>:integer}] @d.send(:create_function_sql, *args).should =~ /\A\s*CREATE FUNCTION tf\(\)\s+RETURNS integer\s+LANGUAGE SQL\s+AS 'SELECT 1'\s*\z/ @d.create_function(*args) rows = @d['SELECT tf()'].all.should == [{:tf=>1}] @d.send(:drop_function_sql, 'tf').should == 'DROP FUNCTION tf()' @d.drop_function('tf') proc{@d['SELECT tf()'].all}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) end specify "#create_function and #drop_function should support options" do args = ['tf', 'SELECT $1 + $2', {:args=>[[:integer, :a], :integer], :replace=>true, :returns=>:integer, :language=>'SQL', :behavior=>:immutable, :strict=>true, :security_definer=>true, :cost=>2, :set=>{:search_path => 'public'}}] @d.send(:create_function_sql,*args).should =~ /\A\s*CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tf\(a integer, integer\)\s+RETURNS integer\s+LANGUAGE SQL\s+IMMUTABLE\s+STRICT\s+SECURITY DEFINER\s+COST 2\s+SET search_path = public\s+AS 'SELECT \$1 \+ \$2'\s*\z/ @d.create_function(*args) # Make sure replace works @d.create_function(*args) rows = @d['SELECT tf(1, 2)'].all.should == [{:tf=>3}] args = ['tf', {:if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true, :args=>[[:integer, :a], :integer]}] @d.send(:drop_function_sql,*args).should == 'DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS tf(a integer, integer) CASCADE' @d.drop_function(*args) # Make sure if exists works @d.drop_function(*args) end specify "#create_language and #drop_language should create and drop languages" do @d.send(:create_language_sql, :plpgsql).should == 'CREATE LANGUAGE plpgsql' @d.create_language(:plpgsql, :replace=>true) if @d.server_version < 90000 proc{@d.create_language(:plpgsql)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) @d.send(:drop_language_sql, :plpgsql).should == 'DROP LANGUAGE plpgsql' @d.drop_language(:plpgsql) if @d.server_version < 90000 proc{@d.drop_language(:plpgsql)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) if @d.server_version < 90000 @d.send(:create_language_sql, :plpgsql, :replace=>true, :trusted=>true, :handler=>:a, :validator=>:b).should == (@d.server_version >= 90000 ? 'CREATE OR REPLACE TRUSTED LANGUAGE plpgsql HANDLER a VALIDATOR b' : 'CREATE TRUSTED LANGUAGE plpgsql HANDLER a VALIDATOR b') @d.send(:drop_language_sql, :plpgsql, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true).should == 'DROP LANGUAGE IF EXISTS plpgsql CASCADE' # Make sure if exists works @d.drop_language(:plpgsql, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) if @d.server_version < 90000 end specify "#create_schema and #drop_schema should create and drop schemas" do @d.send(:create_schema_sql, :sequel).should == 'CREATE SCHEMA "sequel"' @d.send(:drop_schema_sql, :sequel).should == 'DROP SCHEMA "sequel"' @d.send(:drop_schema_sql, :sequel, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true).should == 'DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS "sequel" CASCADE' @d.create_schema(:sequel) @d.create_table(:sequel__test){Integer :a} @d.drop_schema(:sequel, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) end specify "#create_trigger and #drop_trigger should create and drop triggers" do @d.create_language(:plpgsql) if @d.server_version < 90000 @d.create_function(:tf, 'BEGIN IF NEW.value IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION \'Blah\'; END IF; RETURN NEW; END;', :language=>:plpgsql, :returns=>:trigger) @d.send(:create_trigger_sql, :test, :identity, :tf, :each_row=>true).should == 'CREATE TRIGGER identity BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON "test" FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tf()' @d.create_table(:test){String :name; Integer :value} @d.create_trigger(:test, :identity, :tf, :each_row=>true) @d[:test].insert(:name=>'a', :value=>1) @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').all.should == [{:name=>'a', :value=>1}] proc{@d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').update(:value=>nil)}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').all.should == [{:name=>'a', :value=>1}] @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').update(:value=>3) @d[:test].filter(:name=>'a').all.should == [{:name=>'a', :value=>3}] @d.send(:drop_trigger_sql, :test, :identity).should == 'DROP TRIGGER identity ON "test"' @d.drop_trigger(:test, :identity) @d.send(:create_trigger_sql, :test, :identity, :tf, :after=>true, :events=>:insert, :args=>[1, 'a']).should == 'CREATE TRIGGER identity AFTER INSERT ON "test" EXECUTE PROCEDURE tf(1, \'a\')' @d.send(:drop_trigger_sql, :test, :identity, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true).should == 'DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS identity ON "test" CASCADE' # Make sure if exists works @d.drop_trigger(:test, :identity, :if_exists=>true, :cascade=>true) end end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres describe "Postgres::Dataset #use_cursor" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test_cursor){Integer :x} @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test_cursor] @db.transaction{1001.times{|i| @ds.insert(i)}} end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:test_cursor) end specify "should return the same results as the non-cursor use" do @ds.all.should == @ds.use_cursor.all end specify "should respect the :rows_per_fetch option" do @db.sqls.clear @ds.use_cursor.all check_sqls do @db.sqls.length.should == 6 @db.sqls.clear end @ds.use_cursor(:rows_per_fetch=>100).all check_sqls do @db.sqls.length.should == 15 end end specify "should handle returning inside block" do def @ds.check_return use_cursor.each{|r| return} end @ds.check_return @ds.all.should == @ds.use_cursor.all end end describe "Postgres::PG_NAMED_TYPES" do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB Sequel::Postgres::PG_NAMED_TYPES[:interval] = lambda{|v| v.reverse} @db.reset_conversion_procs end after do Sequel::Postgres::PG_NAMED_TYPES.delete(:interval) @db.reset_conversion_procs @db.drop_table?(:foo) end specify "should look up conversion procs by name" do @db.create_table!(:foo){interval :bar} @db[:foo].insert(Sequel.cast('21 days', :interval)) @db[:foo].get(:bar).should == 'syad 12' end end end if ((POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG) || POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :jdbc) && POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90000 describe "Postgres::Database#copy_into" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test_copy){Integer :x; Integer :y} @ds = @db[:test_copy].order(:x, :y) end before do @db[:test_copy].delete end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:test_copy) end specify "should work with a :data option containing data in PostgreSQL text format" do @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>"1\t2\n3\t4\n") @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]] end specify "should work with :format=>:csv option and :data option containing data in CSV format" do @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :format=>:csv, :data=>"1,2\n3,4\n") @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]] end specify "should respect given :options" do @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :options=>"FORMAT csv, HEADER TRUE", :data=>"x,y\n1,2\n3,4\n") @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]] end specify "should respect given :options options when :format is used" do @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :options=>"QUOTE '''', DELIMITER '|'", :format=>:csv, :data=>"'1'|'2'\n'3'|'4'\n") @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]] end specify "should accept :columns option to online copy the given columns" do @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>"1\t2\n3\t4\n", :columns=>[:y, :x]) @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[2, 1], [4, 3]] end specify "should accept a block and use returned values for the copy in data stream" do buf = ["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"] @db.copy_into(:test_copy){buf.shift} @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]] end specify "should work correctly with a block and :format=>:csv" do buf = ["1,2\n", "3,4\n"] @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){buf.shift} @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]] end specify "should accept an enumerable as the :data option" do @db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"]) @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [[1, 2], [3, 4]] end specify "should have an exception, cause a rollback of copied data and still have a usable connection" do 2.times do sent = false proc{@db.copy_into(:test_copy){raise ArgumentError if sent; sent = true; "1\t2\n"}}.should raise_error(ArgumentError) @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [] end end specify "should handle database errors with a rollback of copied data and still have a usable connection" do 2.times do proc{@db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>["1\t2\n", "3\ta\n"])}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseError) @ds.select_map([:x, :y]).should == [] end end specify "should raise an Error if both :data and a block are provided" do proc{@db.copy_into(:test_copy, :data=>["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"]){}}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end specify "should raise an Error if neither :data or a block are provided" do proc{@db.copy_into(:test_copy)}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe "Postgres::Database#copy_table" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test_copy){Integer :x; Integer :y} ds = @db[:test_copy] ds.insert(1, 2) ds.insert(3, 4) end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:test_copy) end specify "without a block or options should return a text version of the table as a single string" do @db.copy_table(:test_copy).should == "1\t2\n3\t4\n" end specify "without a block and with :format=>:csv should return a csv version of the table as a single string" do @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv).should == "1,2\n3,4\n" end specify "should treat string as SQL code" do @db.copy_table('COPY "test_copy" TO STDOUT').should == "1\t2\n3\t4\n" end specify "should respect given :options options" do @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :options=>"FORMAT csv, HEADER TRUE").should == "x,y\n1,2\n3,4\n" end specify "should respect given :options options when :format is used" do @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv, :options=>"QUOTE '''', FORCE_QUOTE *").should == "'1','2'\n'3','4'\n" end specify "should accept dataset as first argument" do @db.copy_table(@db[:test_copy].cross_join(:test_copy___tc).order(:test_copy__x, :test_copy__y, :tc__x, :tc__y)).should == "1\t2\t1\t2\n1\t2\t3\t4\n3\t4\t1\t2\n3\t4\t3\t4\n" end specify "with a block and no options should yield each row as a string in text format" do buf = [] @db.copy_table(:test_copy){|b| buf << b} buf.should == ["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"] end specify "with a block and :format=>:csv should yield each row as a string in csv format" do buf = [] @db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b} buf.should == ["1,2\n", "3,4\n"] end specify "should work fine when using a block that is terminated early with a following copy_table" do buf = [] proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; break}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) buf.should == ["1,2\n"] buf.clear proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; raise ArgumentError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) buf.should == ["1,2\n"] buf.clear @db.copy_table(:test_copy){|b| buf << b} buf.should == ["1\t2\n", "3\t4\n"] end specify "should work fine when using a block that is terminated early with a following regular query" do buf = [] proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; break}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) buf.should == ["1,2\n"] buf.clear proc{@db.copy_table(:test_copy, :format=>:csv){|b| buf << b; raise ArgumentError}}.should raise_error(Sequel::DatabaseDisconnectError) buf.should == ["1,2\n"] @db[:test_copy].select_order_map(:x).should == [1, 3] end end end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG && POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90000 describe "Postgres::Database LISTEN/NOTIFY" do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB end specify "should support listen and notify" do notify_pid = @db.synchronize{|conn| conn.backend_pid} called = false @db.listen('foo', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo')}) do |ev, pid, payload| ev.should == 'foo' pid.should == notify_pid ['', nil].should include(payload) called = true end.should == 'foo' called.should be_true # Check weird identifier names called = false @db.listen('FOO bar', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('FOO bar')}) do |ev, pid, payload| ev.should == 'FOO bar' pid.should == notify_pid ['', nil].should include(payload) called = true end.should == 'FOO bar' called.should be_true # Check identifier symbols called = false @db.listen(:foo, :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify(:foo)}) do |ev, pid, payload| ev.should == 'foo' pid.should == notify_pid ['', nil].should include(payload) called = true end.should == 'foo' called.should be_true called = false @db.listen('foo', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo', :payload=>'bar')}) do |ev, pid, payload| ev.should == 'foo' pid.should == notify_pid payload.should == 'bar' called = true end.should == 'foo' called.should be_true @db.listen('foo', :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo')}).should == 'foo' called = false called2 = false i = 0 @db.listen(['foo', 'bar'], :after_listen=>proc{@db.notify('foo', :payload=>'bar'); @db.notify('bar', :payload=>'foo')}, :loop=>proc{i+=1}) do |ev, pid, payload| if !called ev.should == 'foo' pid.should == notify_pid payload.should == 'bar' called = true else ev.should == 'bar' pid.should == notify_pid payload.should == 'foo' called2 = true break end end.should be_nil called.should be_true called2.should be_true i.should == 1 end specify "should accept a :timeout option in listen" do @db.listen('foo2', :timeout=>0.001).should == nil called = false @db.listen('foo2', :timeout=>0.001){|ev, pid, payload| called = true}.should == nil called.should be_false i = 0 @db.listen('foo2', :timeout=>0.001, :loop=>proc{i+=1; throw :stop if i > 3}){|ev, pid, payload| called = true}.should == nil i.should == 4 end unless RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/ # Ruby freezes on this spec on this platform/version end end describe 'PostgreSQL special float handling' do before do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.create_table!(:test5){Float :value} @db.sqls.clear @ds = @db[:test5] end after do @db.drop_table?(:test5) end check_sqls do specify 'should quote NaN' do nan = 0.0/0.0 @ds.insert_sql(:value => nan).should == %q{INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES ('NaN')} end specify 'should quote +Infinity' do inf = 1.0/0.0 @ds.insert_sql(:value => inf).should == %q{INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES ('Infinity')} end specify 'should quote -Infinity' do inf = -1.0/0.0 @ds.insert_sql(:value => inf).should == %q{INSERT INTO "test5" ("value") VALUES ('-Infinity')} end end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres specify 'inserts NaN' do nan = 0.0/0.0 @ds.insert(:value=>nan) @ds.all[0][:value].nan?.should be_true end specify 'inserts +Infinity' do inf = 1.0/0.0 @ds.insert(:value=>inf) @ds.all[0][:value].infinite?.should > 0 end specify 'inserts -Infinity' do inf = -1.0/0.0 @ds.insert(:value=>inf) @ds.all[0][:value].infinite?.should < 0 end end end describe 'PostgreSQL array handling' do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.extension :pg_array @ds = @db[:items] @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres @jdbc = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :jdbc @tp = lambda{@db.schema(:items).map{|a| a.last[:type]}} end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end specify 'insert and retrieve integer and float arrays of various sizes' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i2, 'int2[]' column :i4, 'int4[]' column :i8, 'int8[]' column :r, 'real[]' column :dp, 'double precision[]' end == [:integer_array, :integer_array, :bigint_array, :float_array, :float_array] @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([1], :int2), Sequel.pg_array([nil, 2], :int4), Sequel.pg_array([3, nil], :int8), Sequel.pg_array([4, nil, 4.5], :real), Sequel.pg_array([5, nil, 5.5], "double precision")) @ds.count.should == 1 rs = @ds.all if @jdbc || @native rs.should == [{:i2=>[1], :i4=>[nil, 2], :i8=>[3, nil], :r=>[4.0, nil, 4.5], :dp=>[5.0, nil, 5.5]}] end if @native rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end @ds.delete @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([[1], [2]], :int2), Sequel.pg_array([[nil, 2], [3, 4]], :int4), Sequel.pg_array([[3, nil], [nil, nil]], :int8), Sequel.pg_array([[4, nil], [nil, 4.5]], :real), Sequel.pg_array([[5, nil], [nil, 5.5]], "double precision")) rs = @ds.all if @jdbc || @native rs.should == [{:i2=>[[1], [2]], :i4=>[[nil, 2], [3, 4]], :i8=>[[3, nil], [nil, nil]], :r=>[[4, nil], [nil, 4.5]], :dp=>[[5, nil], [nil, 5.5]]}] end if @native rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'insert and retrieve decimal arrays' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :n, 'numeric[]' end == [:decimal_array] @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array(['1.000000000000000000001'), nil,'1')], :numeric)) @ds.count.should == 1 rs = @ds.all if @jdbc || @native rs.should == [{:n=>['1.000000000000000000001'), nil,'1')]}] end if @native rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end @ds.delete @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([['1.0000000000000000000000000000001'), nil], [nil,'1')]], :numeric)) rs = @ds.all if @jdbc || @native rs.should == [{:n=>[['1.0000000000000000000000000000001'), nil], [nil,'1')]]}] end if @native rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'insert and retrieve string arrays' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :c, 'char(4)[]' column :vc, 'varchar[]' column :t, 'text[]' end == [:string_array, :string_array, :string_array] @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array(['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], 'char(4)'), Sequel.pg_array(['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :varchar), Sequel.pg_array(['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :text)) @ds.count.should == 1 rs = @ds.all if @jdbc || @native rs.should == [{:c=>['a ', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :vc=>['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c'], :t=>['a', nil, 'NULL', 'b"\'c']}] end if @native rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end @ds.delete @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([[['a'], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], 'char(4)'), Sequel.pg_array([[['a'], ['']], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :varchar), Sequel.pg_array([[['a'], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :text)) rs = @ds.all if @jdbc || @native rs.should == [{:c=>[[['a '], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :vc=>[[['a'], ['']], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]], :t=>[[['a'], [nil]], [['NULL'], ['b"\'c']]]}] end if @native rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'insert and retrieve arrays of other types' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :b, 'bool[]' column :d, 'date[]' column :t, 'time[]' column :ts, 'timestamp[]' column :tstz, 'timestamptz[]' end == [:boolean_array, :date_array, :time_array, :datetime_array, :datetime_timezone_array] d = t = Sequel::SQLTime.create(10, 20, 30) ts = Time.local(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([true, false], :bool), Sequel.pg_array([d, nil], :date), Sequel.pg_array([t, nil], :time), Sequel.pg_array([ts, nil], :timestamp), Sequel.pg_array([ts, nil], :timestamptz)) @ds.count.should == 1 rs = @ds.all if @jdbc || @native rs.should == [{:b=>[true, false], :d=>[d, nil], :t=>[t, nil], :ts=>[ts, nil], :tstz=>[ts, nil]}] end if @native rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end @db.create_table!(:items) do column :ba, 'bytea[]' column :tz, 'timetz[]' column :o, 'oid[]' end == [:blob_array, :time_timezone_array, :integer_array] @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.blob("a\0"), nil], :bytea), Sequel.pg_array([t, nil], :timetz), Sequel.pg_array([1, 2, 3], :oid)) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all rs.should == [{:ba=>[Sequel.blob("a\0"), nil], :tz=>[t, nil], :o=>[1, 2, 3]}] rs.first.values.each{|v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array)} rs.first.values.each{|v| v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array)} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'use arrays in bound variables' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, 'int4[]' end, {:i=>[1,2]}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == [1, 2] @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[1,2]).should == {:i=>[1,2]} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[1,3]).should == nil # NULL values @ds.delete, {:i=>[nil,nil]}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.first.should == {:i=>[nil, nil]} @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, 'text[]' end a = ["\"\\\\\"{}\n\t\r \v\b123afP", 'NULL', nil, ''], {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a)) @ds.get(:i).should == a @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>['', nil, nil, 'a']).should == nil @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, 'date[]' end a = [], {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a, 'date')) @ds.get(:i).should == a @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([], 'date')).should == nil @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, 'timestamp[]' end a = [Time.local(2011, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)], {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a, 'timestamp')) @ds.get(:i).should == a @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([a.first-1], 'timestamp')).should == nil @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, 'boolean[]' end a = [true, false], {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a, 'boolean')) @ds.get(:i).should == a @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([false, true], 'boolean')).should == nil @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, 'bytea[]' end a = [Sequel.blob("a\0'\"")], {:i=>:$i}, :i=>Sequel.pg_array(a, 'bytea')) @ds.get(:i).should == a @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>a).should == {:i=>a} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.blob("b\0")], 'bytea')).should == nil end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'with models' do @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id column :i, 'integer[]' column :f, 'double precision[]' column :d, 'numeric[]' column :t, 'text[]' end c =[:items])) c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i, :f, :d, :t unless @native o = c.create(:i=>[1,2, nil], :f=>[[1, 2.5], [3, 4.5]], :d=>[1,'1.000000000000000000001')], :t=>[%w'a b c', ['NULL', nil, '1']]) o.i.should == [1, 2, nil] o.f.should == [[1, 2.5], [3, 4.5]] o.d.should == ['1'),'1.000000000000000000001')] o.t.should == [%w'a b c', ['NULL', nil, '1']] end specify 'operations/functions with pg_array_ops' do Sequel.extension :pg_array_ops @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'integer[]'; column :i2, 'integer[]'; column :i3, 'integer[]'; column :i4, 'integer[]'; column :i5, 'integer[]'} @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([1, 2, 3]), Sequel.pg_array([2, 1]), Sequel.pg_array([4, 4]), Sequel.pg_array([[5, 5], [4, 3]]), Sequel.pg_array([1, nil, 5])) @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) > :i3).should be_false @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i3) > :i).should be_true @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) >= :i3).should be_false @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) >= :i).should be_true @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i3) < :i).should be_false @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) < :i3).should be_true @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i3) <= :i).should be_false @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i) <= :i).should be_true @ds.get(Sequel.expr(5=>Sequel.pg_array(:i).any)).should be_false @ds.get(Sequel.expr(1=>Sequel.pg_array(:i).any)).should be_true @ds.get(Sequel.expr(1=>Sequel.pg_array(:i3).all)).should be_false @ds.get(Sequel.expr(4=>Sequel.pg_array(:i3).all)).should be_true @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i2)[1]).should == 2 @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i2)[2]).should == 1 @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i4)[2][1]).should == 4 @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i4)[2][2]).should == 3 @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).contains(:i2)).should be_true @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).contains(:i3)).should be_false @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i2).contained_by(:i)).should be_true @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).contained_by(:i2)).should be_false @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).overlaps(:i2)).should be_true @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i2).overlaps(:i3)).should be_false @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).dims).should == '[1:3]' @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).length).should == 3 @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).lower).should == 1 if @db.server_version >= 90000 @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i5).join).should == '15' @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i5).join(':')).should == '1:5' @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i5).join(':', '*')).should == '1:*:5' end == 3 if @db.server_version >= 80400 if @native @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).push(4)).should == [1, 2, 3, 4] @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).unshift(4)).should == [4, 1, 2, 3] @ds.get(Sequel.pg_array(:i).concat(:i2)).should == [1, 2, 3, 2, 1] end end end describe 'PostgreSQL hstore handling' do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.extension :pg_hstore @ds = @db[:items] @h = {'a'=>'b', 'c'=>nil, 'd'=>'NULL', 'e'=>'\\\\" \\\' ,=>'} @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end specify 'insert and retrieve hstore values' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :h, :hstore end @ds.insert(Sequel.hstore(@h)) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all v = rs.first[:h] v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Hash) v.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) v.to_hash.should == @h @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'use hstore in bound variables' do @db.create_table!(:items) do column :i, :hstore end, {:i=>Sequel.hstore(@h)}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == @h @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.hstore(@h)).should == {:i=>@h} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.hstore({})).should == nil @ds.delete, {:i=>Sequel.hstore('a'=>nil)}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == Sequel.hstore('a'=>nil) @ds.delete, {:i=>@h}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == @h @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>@h).should == {:i=>@h} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>{}).should == nil end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'with models and associations' do @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id column :h, :hstore end c =[:items])) do def 'Item' end unrestrict_primary_key def item_id h['item_id'].to_i if h end def left_item_id h['left_item_id'].to_i if h end end Sequel.extension :pg_hstore_ops c.plugin :many_through_many c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :h unless @native h = {'item_id'=>"2", 'left_item_id'=>"1"} o2 = c.create(:id=>2) o = c.create(:id=>1, :h=>h) o.h.should == h c.many_to_one :item, :class=>c, :key_column=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer) c.one_to_many :items, :class=>c, :key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer), :key_method=>:item_id c.many_to_many :related_items, :class=>c, :join_table=>:items___i, :left_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer), :right_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer) c.many_to_one :other_item, :class=>c, :key=>:id, :primary_key_method=>:item_id, :primary_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer) c.one_to_many :other_items, :class=>c, :primary_key=>:item_id, :key=>:id, :primary_key_column=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer) c.many_to_many :other_related_items, :class=>c, :join_table=>:items___i, :left_key=>:id, :right_key=>:id, :left_primary_key_column=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer), :left_primary_key=>:left_item_id, :right_primary_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer), :right_primary_key_method=>:left_item_id c.many_through_many :mtm_items, [ [:items, Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer), Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer)], [:items, Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer), Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer)] ], :class=>c, :left_primary_key_column=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['item_id'], Integer), :left_primary_key=>:item_id, :right_primary_key=>Sequel.cast(Sequel.hstore(:h)['left_item_id'], Integer), :right_primary_key_method=>:left_item_id # Lazily Loading o.item.should == o2 o2.items.should == [o] o.related_items.should == [o2] o2.other_item.should == o o.other_items.should == [o2] o.other_related_items.should == [o] o.mtm_items.should == [o] # Eager Loading via eager os = c.eager(:item, :related_items, :other_items, :other_related_items, :mtm_items).where(:id=>1).all.first os.item.should == o2 os.related_items.should == [o2] os.other_items.should == [o2] os.other_related_items.should == [o] os.mtm_items.should == [o] os = c.eager(:items, :other_item).where(:id=>2).all.first os.items.should == [o] os.other_item.should == o # Eager Loading via eager_graph c.eager_graph(:item).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.item.should == o2 c.eager_graph(:items).where(:items__id=>2).all.first.items.should == [o] c.eager_graph(:related_items).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.related_items.should == [o2] c.eager_graph(:other_item).where(:items__id=>2).all.first.other_item.should == o c.eager_graph(:other_items).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.other_items.should == [o2] c.eager_graph(:other_related_items).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.other_related_items.should == [o] c.eager_graph(:mtm_items).where(:items__id=>1).all.first.mtm_items.should == [o] # Filter By Associations - Model Instances c.filter(:item=>o2).all.should == [o] c.filter(:items=>o).all.should == [o2] c.filter(:related_items=>o2).all.should == [o] c.filter(:other_item=>o).all.should == [o2] c.filter(:other_items=>o2).all.should == [o] c.filter(:other_related_items=>o).all.should == [o] c.filter(:mtm_items=>o).all.should == [o] # Filter By Associations - Model Datasets c.filter(:item=>c.filter(:id=> == [o] c.filter(:items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o2] c.filter(:related_items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o] c.filter(:other_item=>c.filter(:id=> == [o2] c.filter(:other_items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o] c.filter(:other_related_items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o] c.filter(:mtm_items=>c.filter(:id=> == [o] end specify 'operations/functions with pg_hstore_ops' do Sequel.extension :pg_hstore_ops, :pg_array, :pg_array_ops @db.create_table!(:items){hstore :h1; hstore :h2; hstore :h3; String :t} @ds.insert(Sequel.hstore('a'=>'b', 'c'=>nil), Sequel.hstore('a'=>'b'), Sequel.hstore('d'=>'e')) h1 = Sequel.hstore(:h1) h2 = Sequel.hstore(:h2) h3 = Sequel.hstore(:h3) @ds.get(h1['a']).should == 'b' @ds.get(h1['d']).should == nil @ds.get(h2.concat(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.concat(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 3 @ds.get(h2.merge(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.merge(h3).keys.pg_array.length).should == 3 unless [:do].include?(@db.adapter_scheme) # Broken DataObjects thinks operators with ? represent placeholders @ds.get(h1.contain_all(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a c'))).should == true @ds.get(h1.contain_all(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a d'))).should == false @ds.get(h1.contain_any(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a d'))).should == true @ds.get(h1.contain_any(Sequel.pg_array(%w'e d'))).should == false end @ds.get(h1.contains(h2)).should == true @ds.get(h1.contains(h3)).should == false @ds.get(h2.contained_by(h1)).should == true @ds.get(h2.contained_by(h3)).should == false @ds.get(h1.defined('a')).should == true @ds.get(h1.defined('c')).should == false @ds.get(h1.defined('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.delete('a')['c']).should == nil @ds.get(h1.delete(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a d'))['c']).should == nil @ds.get(h1.delete(h2)['c']).should == nil @ds.from(Sequel.hstore('a'=>'b', 'c'=>nil).op.each).order(:key).all.should == [{:key=>'a', :value=>'b'}, {:key=>'c', :value=>nil}] unless [:do].include?(@db.adapter_scheme) @ds.get(h1.has_key?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.include?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.key?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.member?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.exist?('c')).should == true @ds.get(h1.has_key?('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.include?('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.key?('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.member?('d')).should == false @ds.get(h1.exist?('d')).should == false end @ds.get(h1.hstore.hstore.hstore.keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.keys.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.get(h1.akeys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.akeys.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.from(Sequel.hstore('t'=>'s').op.populate(, :items))).select_map(:t).should == ['s'] @ds.from(:items___i).select(Sequel.hstore('t'=>'s').op.record_set(:i).as(:r)).from_self(:alias=>:s).select(Sequel.lit('(r).*')).from_self.select_map(:t).should == ['s'] @ds.from(Sequel.hstore('t'=>'s', 'a'=>'b') == %w'a t' @ds.get(h1.slice(Sequel.pg_array(%w'a c')).keys.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.slice(Sequel.pg_array(%w'd c')).keys.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.get(h1.slice(Sequel.pg_array(%w'd e')).keys.pg_array.length).should == nil @ds.from(Sequel.hstore('t'=>'s', 'a'=>'b') == %w'b s' @ds.get(h1.to_array.pg_array.length).should == 4 @ds.get(h2.to_array.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h1.to_matrix.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.to_matrix.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.get(h1.values.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.values.pg_array.length).should == 1 @ds.get(h1.avals.pg_array.length).should == 2 @ds.get(h2.avals.pg_array.length).should == 1 end end if POSTGRES_DB.type_supported?(:hstore) describe 'PostgreSQL json type' do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_json @ds = @db[:items] @a = [1, 2, {'a'=>'b'}, 3.0] @h = {'a'=>'b', '1'=>[3, 4, 5]} @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end specify 'insert and retrieve json values' do @db.create_table!(:items){json :j} @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_json(@h)) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all v = rs.first[:j] v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Hash) v.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) v.should == @h v.to_hash.should == @h @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end @ds.delete @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_json(@a)) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all v = rs.first[:j] v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array) v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array) v.should == @a v.to_a.should == @a @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'insert and retrieve json[] values' do @db.create_table!(:items){column :j, 'json[]'} j = Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.pg_json('a'=>1), Sequel.pg_json(['b', 2])]) @ds.insert(j) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all v = rs.first[:j] v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array) v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array) v.should == j v.to_a.should == j @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'use json in bound variables' do @db.create_table!(:items){json :i}, {:i=>Sequel.pg_json(@h)}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == @h @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_json(@h)).should == {:i=>@h} @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_json({})).should == nil @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:delete, :i=>Sequel.pg_json(@h)).should == 1, {:i=>Sequel.pg_json(@a)}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == @a @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_json(@a)).should == {:i=>@a} @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, String)=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_json([])).should == nil @ds.delete, {:i=>Sequel.pg_json('a'=>nil)}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == Sequel.pg_json('a'=>nil) @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'json[]'} j = Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.pg_json('a'=>1), Sequel.pg_json(['b', 2])], :text), {:i=>j}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == j @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, 'text[]')=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>j).should == {:i=>j} @ds.filter(Sequel.cast(:i, 'text[]')=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>Sequel.pg_array([])).should == nil end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'with models' do @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id json :h end c =[:items])) c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :h unless @native c.create(:h=>Sequel.pg_json(@h)).h.should == @h c.create(:h=>Sequel.pg_json(@a)).h.should == @a end end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90200 describe 'PostgreSQL inet/cidr types' do ipv6_broken = ('::1'); false) rescue true before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_inet @ds = @db[:items] @v4 = '' @v4nm = '' @v6 = '2001:4f8:3:ba:2e0:81ff:fe22:d1f1' @v6nm = '2001:4f8:3:ba::/64' @ipv4 = @ipv4nm = unless ipv6_broken @ipv6 = @ipv6nm = end @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end specify 'insert and retrieve inet/cidr values' do @db.create_table!(:items){inet :i; cidr :c} @ds.insert(@ipv4, @ipv4nm) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all rs.first[:i].should == @ipv4 rs.first[:c].should == @ipv4nm rs.first[:i].should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr) rs.first[:c].should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr) @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end unless ipv6_broken @ds.delete @ds.insert(@ipv6, @ipv6nm) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all v = rs.first[:j] rs.first[:i].should == @ipv6 rs.first[:c].should == @ipv6nm rs.first[:i].should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr) rs.first[:c].should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr) @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end end specify 'insert and retrieve inet/cidr/macaddr array values' do @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'inet[]'; column :c, 'cidr[]'; column :m, 'macaddr[]'} @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array([@ipv4], 'inet'), Sequel.pg_array([@ipv4nm], 'cidr'), Sequel.pg_array(['12:34:56:78:90:ab'], 'macaddr')) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all rs.first.values.all?{|c| c.is_a?(Sequel::Postgres::PGArray)}.should be_true rs.first[:i].first.should == @ipv4 rs.first[:c].first.should == @ipv4nm rs.first[:m].first.should == '12:34:56:78:90:ab' rs.first[:i].first.should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr) rs.first[:c].first.should be_a_kind_of(IPAddr) @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'use ipaddr in bound variables' do @db.create_table!(:items){inet :i; cidr :c}, {:i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm}, {:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c}) @ds.get(:i).should == @ipv4 @ds.get(:c).should == @ipv4nm @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:first, :i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm).should == {:i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:first, :i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm).should == nil @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:delete, :i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm).should == 1 unless ipv6_broken, {:i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm}, {:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c}) @ds.get(:i).should == @ipv6 @ds.get(:c).should == @ipv6nm @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:first, :i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm).should == {:i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:first, :i=>@ipv4, :c=>@ipv4nm).should == nil @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c).call(:delete, :i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm).should == 1 end @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'inet[]'; column :c, 'cidr[]'; column :m, 'macaddr[]'}, {:i=>[@ipv4], :c=>[@ipv4nm], :m=>['12:34:56:78:90:ab']}, {:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c, :m=>:$m}) @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c, :m=>:$m).call(:first, :i=>[@ipv4], :c=>[@ipv4nm], :m=>['12:34:56:78:90:ab']).should == {:i=>[@ipv4], :c=>[@ipv4nm], :m=>['12:34:56:78:90:ab']} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c, :m=>:$m).call(:first, :i=>[], :c=>[], :m=>[]).should == nil @ds.filter(:i=>:$i, :c=>:$c, :m=>:$m).call(:delete, :i=>[@ipv4], :c=>[@ipv4nm], :m=>['12:34:56:78:90:ab']).should == 1 end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'with models' do @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id inet :i cidr :c end c =[:items])) c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i, :c unless @native c.create(:i=>@v4, :c=>@v4nm).values.values_at(:i, :c).should == [@ipv4, @ipv4nm] unless ipv6_broken c.create(:i=>@ipv6, :c=>@ipv6nm).values.values_at(:i, :c).should == [@ipv6, @ipv6nm] end end end describe 'PostgreSQL range types' do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_range @ds = @db[:items] @map = {:i4=>'int4range', :i8=>'int8range', :n=>'numrange', :d=>'daterange', :t=>'tsrange', :tz=>'tstzrange'} @r = {:i4=>1...2, :i8=>2...3, :n=>'1.0')'2.0'), :d=>, :t=>Time.local(2011, 1)..Time.local(2011, 2), :tz=>Time.local(2011, 1)..Time.local(2011, 2)} @ra = {} @pgr = {} @pgra = {} @r.each{|k, v| @ra[k] = Sequel.pg_array([v], @map[k])} @r.each{|k, v| @pgr[k] = Sequel.pg_range(v)} @r.each{|k, v| @pgra[k] = Sequel.pg_array([Sequel.pg_range(v)], @map[k])} @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end specify 'insert and retrieve range type values' do @db.create_table!(:items){int4range :i4; int8range :i8; numrange :n; daterange :d; tsrange :t; tstzrange :tz} [@r, @pgr].each do |input| h = {} input.each{|k, v| h[k] = Sequel.cast(v, @map[k])} @ds.insert(h) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all rs.first.each do |k, v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Range) v.to_range.should be_a_kind_of(Range) v.should == @r[k] v.to_range.should == @r[k] end @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end @ds.delete end end specify 'insert and retrieve arrays of range type values' do @db.create_table!(:items){column :i4, 'int4range[]'; column :i8, 'int8range[]'; column :n, 'numrange[]'; column :d, 'daterange[]'; column :t, 'tsrange[]'; column :tz, 'tstzrange[]'} [@ra, @pgra].each do |input| @ds.insert(input) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all rs.first.each do |k, v| v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array) v.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array) v.first.should_not be_a_kind_of(Range) v.first.to_range.should be_a_kind_of(Range) v.should == @ra[k].to_a v.first.should == @r[k] end @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end @ds.delete end end specify 'use range types in bound variables' do @db.create_table!(:items){int4range :i4; int8range :i8; numrange :n; daterange :d; tsrange :t; tstzrange :tz} h = {} @r.keys.each{|k| h[k] = :"$#{k}"} r2 = {} @r.each{|k, v| r2[k] =, v.end+2)}, @r, h) @ds.first.should == @r @ds.filter(h).call(:first, @r).should == @r @ds.filter(h).call(:first, @pgr).should == @r @ds.filter(h).call(:first, r2).should == nil @ds.filter(h).call(:delete, @r).should == 1 @db.create_table!(:items){column :i4, 'int4range[]'; column :i8, 'int8range[]'; column :n, 'numrange[]'; column :d, 'daterange[]'; column :t, 'tsrange[]'; column :tz, 'tstzrange[]'} @r.each{|k, v| r2[k] = [, v.end+2)]}, @ra, h) @ds.filter(h).call(:first, @ra).each{|k, v| v.should == @ra[k].to_a} @ds.filter(h).call(:first, @pgra).each{|k, v| v.should == @ra[k].to_a} @ds.filter(h).call(:first, r2).should == nil @ds.filter(h).call(:delete, @ra).should == 1 end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'with models' do @db.create_table!(:items){primary_key :id; int4range :i4; int8range :i8; numrange :n; daterange :d; tsrange :t; tstzrange :tz} c =[:items])) c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i4, :i8, :n, :d, :t, :tz unless @native v = c.create(@r).values v.delete(:id) v.should == @r unless @db.adapter_scheme == :jdbc @db.create_table!(:items){primary_key :id; column :i4, 'int4range[]'; column :i8, 'int8range[]'; column :n, 'numrange[]'; column :d, 'daterange[]'; column :t, 'tsrange[]'; column :tz, 'tstzrange[]'} c =[:items])) c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i4, :i8, :n, :d, :t, :tz unless @native v = c.create(@ra).values v.delete(:id) v.each{|k,v| v.should == @ra[k].to_a} end end specify 'operations/functions with pg_range_ops' do Sequel.extension :pg_range_ops @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contains(2..4)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contains(3..6)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contains(0..6)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contained_by(0..6)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contained_by(3..6)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.contained_by(2..4)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.overlaps(5..6)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1...5, :int4range).op.overlaps(5..6)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.left_of(6..10)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.left_of(5..10)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.left_of(-1..0)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.left_of(-1..3)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.right_of(6..10)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.right_of(5..10)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.right_of(-1..0)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.right_of(-1..3)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.starts_before(6..10)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.starts_before(5..10)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.starts_before(-1..0)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.starts_before(-1..3)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.ends_after(6..10)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.ends_after(5..10)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.ends_after(-1..0)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.ends_after(-1..3)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op.adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1...5, :int4range).op.adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_false @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op + (6..10)).adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_false @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op + (6..10)).adjacent_to(11..20)).should be_true @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op * (2..6)).adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_true @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..4, :int4range).op * (2..6)).adjacent_to(6..10)).should be_false @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :int4range).op - (2..6)).adjacent_to(2..10)).should be_true @db.get((Sequel.pg_range(0..4, :int4range).op - (3..6)).adjacent_to(4..10)).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(0..4, :int4range).op.lower).should == 0 @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(0..4, :int4range).op.upper).should == 5 @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(0..4, :int4range).op.isempty).should be_false @db.get(Sequel::Postgres::PGRange.empty(:int4range).op.isempty).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :numrange).op.lower_inc).should be_true @db.get(, 5, :exclude_begin=>true, :db_type=>:numrange).op.lower_inc).should be_false @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1..5, :numrange).op.upper_inc).should be_true @db.get(Sequel.pg_range(1...5, :numrange).op.upper_inc).should be_false @db.get(, 5, :db_type=>:int4range).op.lower_inf).should be_false @db.get(, 5, :db_type=>:int4range).op.lower_inf).should be_true @db.get(, 5, :db_type=>:int4range).op.upper_inf).should be_false @db.get(, nil, :db_type=>:int4range).op.upper_inf).should be_true end end if POSTGRES_DB.server_version >= 90200 describe 'PostgreSQL interval types' do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_interval @ds = @db[:items] @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres end after(:all) do Sequel::Postgres::PG_TYPES.delete(1186) end after do @db.drop_table?(:items) end specify 'insert and retrieve interval values' do @db.create_table!(:items){interval :i} [ ['0', '00:00:00', 0, [[:seconds, 0]]], ['1 microsecond', '00:00:00.000001', 0.000001, [[:seconds, 0.000001]]], ['1 millisecond', '00:00:00.001', 0.001, [[:seconds, 0.001]]], ['1 second', '00:00:01', 1, [[:seconds, 1]]], ['1 minute', '00:01:00', 60, [[:seconds, 60]]], ['1 hour', '01:00:00', 3600, [[:seconds, 3600]]], ['1 day', '1 day', 86400, [[:days, 1]]], ['1 week', '7 days', 86400*7, [[:days, 7]]], ['1 month', '1 mon', 86400*30, [[:months, 1]]], ['1 year', '1 year', 31557600, [[:years, 1]]], ['1 decade', '10 years', 31557600*10, [[:years, 10]]], ['1 century', '100 years', 31557600*100, [[:years, 100]]], ['1 millennium', '1000 years', 31557600*1000, [[:years, 1000]]], ['1 year 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 5 hours 6 minutes 7 seconds', '1 year 2 mons 25 days 05:06:07', 31557600 + 2*86400*30 + 3*86400*7 + 4*86400 + 5*3600 + 6*60 + 7, [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]]], ['-1 year +2 months -3 weeks +4 days -5 hours +6 minutes -7 seconds', '-10 mons -17 days -04:54:07', -10*86400*30 - 3*86400*7 + 4*86400 - 5*3600 + 6*60 - 7, [[:months, -10], [:days, -17], [:seconds, -17647]]], ['+2 years -1 months +3 weeks -4 days +5 hours -6 minutes +7 seconds', '1 year 11 mons 17 days 04:54:07', 31557600 + 11*86400*30 + 3*86400*7 - 4*86400 + 5*3600 - 6*60 + 7, [[:years, 1], [:months, 11], [:days, 17], [:seconds, 17647]]], ].each do |instr, outstr, value, parts| @ds.insert(instr) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native @ds.get(Sequel.cast(:i, String)).should == outstr rs = @ds.all rs.first[:i].is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration).should be_true rs.first[:i].should ==, parts) rs.first[:i].parts.sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s}.should == parts.sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end @ds.delete end end specify 'insert and retrieve interval array values' do @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'interval[]'} @ds.insert(Sequel.pg_array(['1 year 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 5 hours 6 minutes 7 seconds'], 'interval')) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native rs = @ds.all rs.first[:i].is_a?(Sequel::Postgres::PGArray).should be_true rs.first[:i].first.is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration).should be_true rs.first[:i].first.should == + 2*86400*30 + 3*86400*7 + 4*86400 + 5*3600 + 6*60 + 7, [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]]) rs.first[:i]{|k,v| k.to_s}.should == [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]].sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs end end specify 'use intervals in bound variables' do @db.create_table!(:items){interval :i} @ds.insert('1 year 2 months 3 weeks 4 days 5 hours 6 minutes 7 seconds') d = @ds.get(:i) @ds.delete, {:i=>d}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.get(:i).should == d @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>d).should == {:i=>d} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>'0').should == nil @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:delete, :i=>d).should == 1 @db.create_table!(:items){column :i, 'interval[]'}, {:i=>[d]}, {:i=>:$i}) @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[d]).should == {:i=>[d]} @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:first, :i=>[]).should == nil @ds.filter(:i=>:$i).call(:delete, :i=>[d]).should == 1 end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'with models' do @db.create_table!(:items) do primary_key :id interval :i end c =[:items])) c.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :i, :c unless @native v = c.create(:i=>'1 year 2 mons 25 days 05:06:07').i v.is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration).should be_true v.should == + 2*86400*30 + 3*86400*7 + 4*86400 + 5*3600 + 6*60 + 7, [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]]){|k,v| k.to_s}.should == [[:years, 1], [:months, 2], [:days, 25], [:seconds, 18367]].sort_by{|k,v| k.to_s} end end if (begin require 'active_support/duration'; require 'active_support/inflector'; require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'; true; rescue LoadError; false end) describe 'PostgreSQL row-valued/composite types' do before(:all) do @db = POSTGRES_DB Sequel.extension :pg_array_ops, :pg_row_ops @db.extension :pg_array, :pg_row @ds = @db[:person] @db.create_table!(:address) do String :street String :city String :zip end @db.create_table!(:person) do Integer :id address :address end @db.create_table!(:company) do Integer :id column :employees, 'person[]' end @db.register_row_type(:address) @db.register_row_type(Sequel.qualify(:public, :person)) @db.register_row_type(:public__company) @native = POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:company, :person, :address) @db.row_types.clear @db.reset_conversion_procs if @native end after do [:company, :person, :address].each{|t| @db[t].delete} end specify 'insert and retrieve row types' do @ds.insert(:id=>1, :address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native # Single row valued type rs = @ds.all v = rs.first[:address] v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Hash) v.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) v.to_hash.should == {:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'} @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs # Nested row value type p = @ds.get(:person) p[:id].should == 1 p[:address].should == v end end specify 'insert and retrieve arrays of row types' do @ds = @db[:company] @ds.insert(:id=>1, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])])])) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native v = @ds.get(:company) v.should_not be_a_kind_of(Hash) v.to_hash.should be_a_kind_of(Hash) v[:id].should == 1 employees = v[:employees] employees.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array) employees.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array) employees.should == [{:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}}] @ds.delete @ds.insert(v[:id], v[:employees]) @ds.get(:company).should == v end end specify 'use row types in bound variables' do, {:address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])}, {:address=>:$address, :id=>1}) @ds.get(:address).should == {:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'} @ds.filter(:address=>Sequel.cast(:$address, :address)).call(:first, :address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345']))[:id].should == 1 @ds.filter(:address=>Sequel.cast(:$address, :address)).call(:first, :address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12356'])).should == nil @ds.delete, {:address=>Sequel.pg_row([nil, nil, nil])}, {:address=>:$address, :id=>1}) @ds.get(:address).should == {:street=>nil, :city=>nil, :zip=>nil} end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'use arrays of row types in bound variables' do @ds = @db[:company], {:employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])])])}, {:employees=>:$employees, :id=>1}) @ds.get(:company).should == {:id=>1, :employees=>[{:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}}]} @ds.filter(:employees=>Sequel.cast(:$employees, 'person[]')).call(:first, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])])]))[:id].should == 1 @ds.filter(:employees=>Sequel.cast(:$employees, 'person[]')).call(:first, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12356'])])])).should == nil @ds.delete, {:employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row([nil, nil, nil])])])}, {:employees=>:$employees, :id=>1}) @ds.get(:employees).should == [{:address=>{:city=>nil, :zip=>nil, :street=>nil}, :id=>1}] end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'operations/functions with pg_row_ops' do @ds.insert(:id=>1, :address=>Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])) @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:address)[:street]).should == '123 Sesame St' @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:address)[:city]).should == 'Somewhere' @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:address)[:zip]).should == '12345' @ds = @db[:company] @ds.insert(:id=>1, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345'])])])) @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:id]).should == 1 if @native @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees]).should == [{:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}}] @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1]).should == {:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}} @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:address]).should == {:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'} end @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:id]).should == 1 @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:address][:street]).should == '123 Sesame St' @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:address][:city]).should == 'Somewhere' @ds.get(Sequel.pg_row(:company)[:employees][1][:address][:zip]).should == '12345' end context "#splat and #*" do before(:all) do @db.create_table!(:a){Integer :a} @db.create_table!(:b){a :b; Integer :a} @db.register_row_type(:a) @db.register_row_type(:b) @db[:b].insert(:a=>1, :b=>@db.row_type(:a, [2])) end after(:all) do @db.drop_table?(:b, :a) end specify "splat should reference the table type" do @db[:b].select(:a).first.should == {:a=>1} @db[:b].select(:b__a).first.should == {:a=>1} @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b)[:a]).first.should == {:a=>2} @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b).splat[:a]).first.should == {:a=>1} if @native @db[:b].select(:b).first.should == {:b=>{:a=>2}} @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b).splat).first.should == {:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}} @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b).splat(:b)).first.should == {:b=>{:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}}} end end specify "* should expand the table type into separate columns" do ds = @db[:b].select(Sequel.pg_row(:b).splat(:b)).from_self(:alias=>:t) if @native ds.first.should == {:b=>{:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}}}*).first.should == {:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}}[:b]).first.should == {:b=>{:a=>2}}*).first.should == {:a=>1, :b=>{:a=>2}}[:b]).first.should == {:b=>{:a=>2}} end[:a]).first.should == {:a=>1}[:a]).first.should == {:a=>1} end end context "with models" do before(:all) do class Address < Sequel::Model(:address) plugin :pg_row end class Person < Sequel::Model(:person) plugin :pg_row end class Company < Sequel::Model(:company) plugin :pg_row end @a =>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345') @es = Sequel.pg_array([>1, :address=>@a)]) end after(:all) do Object.send(:remove_const, :Address) rescue nil Object.send(:remove_const, :Person) rescue nil Object.send(:remove_const, :Company) rescue nil end specify 'insert and retrieve row types as model objects' do @ds.insert(:id=>1, :address=>@a) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native # Single row valued type rs = @ds.all v = rs.first[:address] v.should be_a_kind_of(Address) v.should == @a @ds.delete @ds.insert(rs.first) @ds.all.should == rs # Nested row value type p = @ds.get(:person) p.should be_a_kind_of(Person) == 1 p.address.should be_a_kind_of(Address) p.address.should == @a end end specify 'insert and retrieve arrays of row types as model objects' do @ds = @db[:company] @ds.insert(:id=>1, :employees=>@es) @ds.count.should == 1 if @native v = @ds.get(:company) v.should be_a_kind_of(Company) == 1 employees = v[:employees] employees.should_not be_a_kind_of(Array) employees.to_a.should be_a_kind_of(Array) employees.should == @es @ds.delete @ds.insert(, v.employees) @ds.get(:company).should == v end end specify 'use model objects in bound variables' do, {:address=>@a}, {:address=>:$address, :id=>1}) @ds.get(:address).should == @a @ds.filter(:address=>Sequel.cast(:$address, :address)).call(:first, :address=>@a)[:id].should == 1 @ds.filter(:address=>Sequel.cast(:$address, :address)).call(:first, :address=>>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12356')).should == nil end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'use arrays of model objects in bound variables' do @ds = @db[:company], {:employees=>@es}, {:employees=>:$employees, :id=>1}) @ds.get(:company).should ==>1, :employees=>@es) @ds.filter(:employees=>Sequel.cast(:$employees, 'person[]')).call(:first, :employees=>@es)[:id].should == 1 @ds.filter(:employees=>Sequel.cast(:$employees, 'person[]')).call(:first, :employees=>Sequel.pg_array([@db.row_type(:person, [1, Sequel.pg_row(['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12356'])])])).should == nil end if POSTGRES_DB.adapter_scheme == :postgres && SEQUEL_POSTGRES_USES_PG specify 'model typecasting' do Person.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :address unless @native a =>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345') o = Person.create(:id=>1, :address=>['123 Sesame St', 'Somewhere', '12345']) o.address.should == a o = Person.create(:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}) o.address.should == a o = Person.create(:id=>1, :address=>a) o.address.should == a Company.plugin :pg_typecast_on_load, :employees unless @native e =>1, :address=>a) unless @db.adapter_scheme == :jdbc o = Company.create(:id=>1, :employees=>[{:id=>1, :address=>{:street=>'123 Sesame St', :city=>'Somewhere', :zip=>'12345'}}]) o.employees.should == [e] o = Company.create(:id=>1, :employees=>[e]) o.employees.should == [e] end end end end