module Trailblazer class Endpoint # The idea is to use the CreatePrototypeProtocol's outputs as some kind of protocol, outcomes that need special handling # can be wired here, or merged into one (e.g. 401 and failure is failure). # I am writing this class in the deep forests of the Algarve, hiding from the GNR. # class Adapter < Trailblazer::Activity::FastTrack # TODO: naming. it's after the "application logic", more like Controller # Currently reusing End.fail_fast as a "something went wrong, but it wasn't a real application error!" module Adapter class Web (*) { step :_404_status } _401_path = ->(*) { step :_401_status } _403_path = ->(*) { step :_403_status } # _422_path = ->(*) { step :_422_status } # TODO: this is currently represented by the {failure} track. step Subprocess(Protocol), # this will get replaced id: :protocol, Output(:not_authorized) => Path(track_color: :not_authorized, connect_to: Id(:protocol_failure), &_403_path), Output(:not_found) => Path(track_color: :not_found, connect_to: Id(:protocol_failure), &_404_path), Output(:not_authenticated) => Path(track_color: :not_authenticated, connect_to: Id(:protocol_failure), &_401_path), Output(:invalid_data) => Track(:failure) # application error, since it's usually a failed validation. step :protocol_failure, magnetic_to: nil, Output(:success) => Track(:fail_fast), Output(:failure) => Track(:fail_fast) def protocol_failure(ctx, **) true end # FIXME::::::: def _401_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 401 end def _404_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 404 end def _403_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 403 end end class API < Web step :_200_status, after: :protocol def _200_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 200 end fail :_422_status, before: "End.failure" def _422_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 422 end def self.insert_error_handler_steps(adapter) adapter = do step :handle_not_authenticated, magnetic_to: :not_authenticated, Output(:success) => Track(:not_authenticated), Output(:failure) => Track(:not_authenticated), before: :_401_status step :handle_not_authorized, magnetic_to: :not_authorized, Output(:success) => Track(:not_authorized), Output(:failure) => Track(:not_authorized), before: :_403_status # step :handle_not_found, magnetic_to: :not_found, Output(:success) => Track(:not_found), Output(:failure) => Track(:not_found) fail :handle_invalid_data end end class Errors <, :errors) # FIXME: extract module Handlers def handle_not_authenticated(ctx, errors:, **) errors.message = "Authentication credentials were not provided or are invalid." end def handle_not_authorized(ctx, errors:, **) errors.message = "Action not allowed due to a policy setting." end def handle_invalid_data(ctx, errors:, **) errors.message = "The submitted data is invalid." end end end end # Basic endpoint adapter for a HTTP document API. # As always: "work in progress" ;) # # {End.fail_fast} currently implies a 4xx-able error. class API_ < Trailblazer::Activity::FastTrack _404_path = ->(*) { step :_404_status } _401_path = ->(*) { step :_401_status; step :_401_error_message } _403_path = ->(*) { step :_403_status } # _422_path = ->(*) { step :_422_status } # TODO: this is currently represented by the {failure} track. # The API Adapter automatically wires well-defined outputs for you to well-defined paths. :) # FIXME step Subprocess(Protocol), # this will get replaced id: :protocol, Output(:not_authorized) => Path(track_color: :_403, connect_to: Id(:render_protocol_failure_config), &_403_path), Output(:not_found) => Path(track_color: :_404, connect_to: Id(:protocol_failure), &_404_path), Output(:not_authenticated) => Path(track_color: :_401, connect_to: Id(:render_protocol_failure_config), &_401_path), # head(401), representer: Representer::Error, message: no token Output(:invalid_data) => Track(:failure) # application error, since it's usually a failed validation. # extensions: [Trailblazer::Activity::TaskWrap::Extension(merge: TERMINUS_HANDLER)] # failure is automatically wired to failure, being an "application error" vs. a "protocol error (auth, etc)" fail :failure_render_config fail :failure_config_status fail :render_failure step :success_render_config step :success_render_status step :render_success # DISCUSS: "protocol failure" and "application failure" should be the same path, probably? step :render_protocol_failure_config, magnetic_to: nil, Output(:success) => Path(connect_to: Id("End.fail_fast")) do step :render_protocol_failure step :protocol_failure end =begin render_protocol_failure_config # representer render_protocol_failure # protocol_failure # true =end def success_render_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 200 end def success_render_config(ctx, representer:, **) true end def render_protocol_failure_config(*args) failure_render_config(*args) end # ROAR def render_success(ctx, representer:, domain_ctx:, **) model = domain_ctx[:model] ctx[:json] = # FIXME: use the same as render_failure. end def failure_render_config(ctx, error_representer:, **) ctx[:representer] = error_representer end def failure_config_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 422 end def protocol_failure(*args) #failure_config(*args) true end def render_protocol_failure(*args) render_failure(*args) end # ROAR def render_failure(ctx, error_representer:, errors:, **) # render_success(*args) ctx[:json] = end # how/where would we configure each endpoint? (per action) # class Endpoint # representer ... # message ... def _401_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 401 end def _404_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 404 end def _403_status(ctx, **) ctx[:status] = 403 end def _401_error_message(ctx, **) ctx[:error_message] = "Authentication credentials were not provided or invalid." end # def exec_success(ctx, success_block:, **) #, **ctx.to_hash) # DISCUSS: use Nested(dynamic) ? # end end end end end