# encoding: utf-8 require 'cucumber/core/ast/data_table' module Cucumber module Core module Ast describe DataTable do let(:location) { Location.new('foo.feature', 9..12) } before do @table = DataTable.new([ %w{one four seven}, %w{4444 55555 666666} ], location) end describe "equality" do it "is equal to another table with the same data" do expect( DataTable.new([[1,2],[3,4]], location) ).to eq DataTable.new([[1,2],[3,4]], location) end it "is not equal to another table with different data" do expect( DataTable.new([[1,2],[3,4]], location) ).not_to eq DataTable.new([[1,2]], location) end it "is not equal to a non table" do expect( DataTable.new([[1,2],[3,4]], location) ).not_to eq Object.new end end describe "#data_table?" do let(:table) { DataTable.new([[1,2],[3,4]], location) } it "returns true" do expect(table).to be_data_table end end describe "#doc_string" do let(:table) { DataTable.new([[1,2],[3,4]], location) } it "returns false" do expect(table).not_to be_doc_string end end describe "#map" do let(:table) { DataTable.new([ %w{foo bar}, %w{1 2} ], location) } it 'yields the contents of each cell to the block' do expect { |b| table.map(&b) }.to yield_successive_args('foo', 'bar', '1', '2') end it 'returns a new table with the cells modified by the block' do expect( table.map { |cell| "*#{cell}*" } ).to eq DataTable.new([%w{*foo* *bar*}, %w{*1* *2*}], location) end end describe "#transpose" do before(:each) do @table = DataTable.new([ %w{one 1111}, %w{two 22222} ], location) end it "should transpose the table" do transposed = DataTable.new([ %w{one two}, %w{1111 22222} ], location) expect( @table.transpose ).to eq( transposed ) end end end end end end