module ActiveShipping class ExternalReturnLabelRequest CAP_STRING_LEN = 100 USPS_EMAIL_REGEX = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$/ LABEL_FORMAT = { 'Instructions' => 'null', 'No Instructions' => 'NOI', 'Double Label' => 'TWO' } SERVICE_TYPE_CODE = [ '044', '019', '596', '020', '597', '022', '024', '017', '018' ] CALL_CENTER_OR_SELF_SERVICE = ['CallCenter', 'Customer'] LABEL_DEFINITION = ['4X6', 'Zebra-4X6', '4X4', '3X6'] IMAGE_TYPE = ['PDF', 'TIF'] attr_reader :customer_name, :customer_address1, :customer_address2, :customer_city, :customer_state, :customer_zipcode, :customer_urbanization, :company_name, :attention, :label_format, :label_definition, :service_type_code, :merchandise_description, :insurance_amount, :address_override_notification, :packaging_information, :packaging_information2, :call_center_or_self_service, :image_type, :address_validation, :sender_name, :sender_email, :recipient_name, :recipient_email, :recipient_bcc, :merchant_account_id, :mid def initialize(options = {}) options.each do |pair| self.public_send("#{pair[0]}=".to_sym, pair[1]) if self.respond_to?("#{pair[0]}=".to_sym) end verify_or_raise_required end def self.from_hash(options = {}) end # Sent by the system containing the returns label attachment and message. def recipient_bcc=(v) @recipient_bcc = validate_email(v, __method__) end # Sent by the system containing the returns label attachment and message. # Optional. def recipient_email=(v) @recipient_email = validate_email(v, __method__) end # The name in an email sent by the system containing the returns label attachment. # Optional. def recipient_name=(v) @recipient_name = nil if (v = sanitize(v)) && v.length > 0 @recipient_name = v else raise USPSValidationError, "'#{v}' is not a valid string in #{__method__}" end end # The From address in an email sent by the system containing the returns # label attachment and message, Defaults to # if a recipient email is entered and a sender email is not. # Optional. def sender_email=(v) @sender_email = validate_email(v, __method__) end # The From name in an email sent by the system containing the returns # label attachment. Defaults to “Merchant Returns” if a recipient name # is entered and a sender name is not. # Optional. def sender_name=(v) @sender_name = nil if (v = sanitize(v)) && v.length > 0 @sender_name = v else raise USPSValidationError, "'#{v}' is not a valid string in #{__method__}" end end # Used to override the validation of the customer address. # If true, the address will be validated against WebTools. # If false, the system will bypass the validation. # Optional. def address_validation=(v) @address_validation = to_bool(v, true) end # Used to select the format of the return label. # Optional. # * PDF Default. # * TIF def image_type=(v) @image_type = validate_set_inclusion(v.to_s.upcase, IMAGE_TYPE, __method__) end # Used to determine if the returns label request is coming from a # merchant call center agent or an end customer. # Required. # [CallCenter] # [Customer] def call_center_or_self_service=(v) @call_center_or_self_service = validate_set_inclusion(v, CALL_CENTER_OR_SELF_SERVICE, __method__) end # Package information can be one of three types: RMA, Invoice or # Order number. This will appear on the second label generated when # the LabelFormat “TWO” is selected. # Optional. def packaging_information2=(v) @packaging_information2 = validate_string_length(v, 15, __method__) end # Package information can be one of three types: RMA, Invoice or # Order number. This will appear on the generated label. # Optional. def packaging_information=(v) @packaging_information = validate_string_length(v, 15, __method__) end # Override address if more address information # is needed or system cannot find address. If # the address_override_notification value is # true then any address error being passed from # WebTools would be bypassed and a successful # response will be sent. # Required. def address_override_notification=(v) @address_validation = to_bool(v) end # Insured amount of package. def insurance_amount=(v) @insurance_amount = nil if (1..200).include?(v.to_f) @insurance_amount = v else raise USPSValidationError, "#{__method__} must be a numerical value between 1 and 200, found value '#{v}'." end end # Description of the merchandise. # Optional. def merchandise_description=(v) @merchandise_description = validate_string_length(v, 255, __method__) end # Service type of the label as specified in the merchant profile setup. # Required. # [044] (Parcel Return Service) # [019] (Priority Mail Returns service) # [596] (Priority Mail Returns service, Insurance <= $200) # [020] (First-Class Package Return service) # [597] (First-Class Package Return service, Insurance <= $200) # [022] (Ground Return Service) # [024] (PRS – Full Network) # [017] (PRS – Full Network, Insurance <=$200) # [018] (PRS – Full Network, Insurance >$200) def service_type_code=(v) @service_type_code = validate_set_inclusion(v, SERVICE_TYPE_CODE, __method__) end # Size of the label. # Required. # * 4X6 # * Zebra-4X6 # * 4X4 # * 3X6 def label_definition=(v) @label_definition = validate_set_inclusion(v, LABEL_DEFINITION, __method__) end def label_format @label_format && LABEL_FORMAT[@label_format] end # Format in which the label(s) will be printed. # * null (“Instructions”) # * NOI (“No Instructions”) # * TWO (“Double Label”) def label_format=(v) @label_format = validate_set_inclusion(v, LABEL_FORMAT.keys, __method__) end # The intended recipient of the returned package (e.g. Returns Department). # Optional. def attention=(v) @attention = validate_string_length(v, 38, __method__) end # The name of the company to which the package is being returned. # Optional. def company_name=(v) @company_name = validate_string_length(v, 38, __method__) end # Required. def merchant_account_id=(v) @merchant_account_id = nil if v.to_i > 0 @merchant_account_id = v else raise USPSValidationError, "#{__method__} must be a valid positive integer, found value '#{v}'." end end # Required. def mid=(v) @mid = nil if v.to_s =~ /^\d{6,9}$/ @mid = v else raise USPSValidationError, "#{__method__} must be a valid integer between 6 and 9 digits in length, found value '#{v}'." end end # Urbanization of customer returning the package (only applicable to Puerto Rico addresses). # Optional. def customer_urbanization=(v) @customer_urbanization = validate_string_length(v, 32, __method__) end # Name of customer returning package. # Required. def customer_name=(v) @customer_name = validate_range(v, 1, 32, __method__) end # Address of the customer returning the package. # Required. def customer_address1=(v) @customer_address1 = validate_range(v, 1, 32, __method__) end # Secondary address unit designator / number of customer # returning the package. (such as an apartment or # suite number, e.g. APT 202, STE 100) def customer_address2=(v) @customer_address2 = validate_range(v, 0, 32, __method__) end # City of customer returning the package. # Required. def customer_city=(v) @customer_city = validate_range(v, 1, 32, __method__) end # State of customer returning the package. # Required. def customer_state=(v) @customer_state = nil if (v = sanitize(v)) && v =~ /^[a-zA-Z]{2}$/ @customer_state = v else raise USPSValidationError, "#{__method__} must be a String 2 chars in length, found value '#{v}'." end end # Zipcode of customer returning the package. # According to the USPS documentation, Zipcode is optional # unless address_override_notification is true # and address_validation is set to false. # It's probably just easier to require Zipcodes. # Required. def customer_zipcode=(v) @customer_zipcode = nil if (v = sanitize(v)) v = v[0..4] if v =~ /^\d{5}$/ @customer_zipcode = v end else raise USPSValidationError, "#{__method__} must be a 5 digit number, found value '#{v}'." end end def verify_or_raise_required %w(customer_name customer_address1 customer_city customer_state customer_zipcode label_format label_definition service_type_code call_center_or_self_service).each do |attr| raise, attr) unless send(attr.to_sym) end # Safer than using inflection acroynms raise"MID", "mid") unless mid raise"MerchantAccountID", "merchant_account_id") unless merchant_account_id end def to_xml xml_builder = do |xml| xml.ExternalReturnLabelRequest do xml.CustomerName { xml.text(customer_name) } xml.CustomerAddress1 { xml.text(customer_address1) } xml.CustomerAddress2 { xml.text(customer_address2) } if customer_address2 xml.CustomerCity { xml.text(customer_city) } xml.CustomerState { xml.text(customer_state) } xml.CustomerZipCode { xml.text(customer_zipcode) } if customer_zipcode xml.CustomerUrbanization { xml.text(customer_urbanization) } if customer_urbanization xml.MerchantAccountID { xml.text(merchant_account_id) } xml.MID { xml.text(mid) } xml.SenderName { xml.text(sender_name) } if sender_name xml.SenderEmail { xml.text(sender_email) } if sender_email xml.RecipientName { xml.text(recipient_name) } if recipient_name xml.RecipientEmail { xml.text(recipient_email) } if recipient_email xml.RecipientBcc { xml.text(recipient_bcc) } if recipient_bcc xml.LabelFormat { xml.text(label_format) } if label_format xml.LabelDefinition { xml.text(label_definition) } if label_definition xml.ServiceTypeCode { xml.text(service_type_code) } if service_type_code xml.CompanyName { xml.text(company_name) } if company_name xml.Attention { xml.text(attention) } if attention xml.CallCenterOrSelfService { xml.text(call_center_or_self_service) } xml.MerchandiseDescription { xml.text(merchandise_description) } if merchandise_description xml.InsuranceAmount { xml.text(insurance_amount) } if insurance_amount xml.AddressOverrideNotification { xml.text(!!address_override_notification) } xml.PackageInformation { xml.text(packaging_information) } if packaging_information xml.PackageInformation2 { xml.text(packaging_information2) } if packaging_information2 xml.ImageType { xml.text(image_type) } if image_type xml.AddressValidation { xml.text(!!address_validation) } end end xml_builder.to_xml end private def to_bool(v, default = false) v = v.to_s if v =~ (/(true|yes|1)$/i) true elsif v =~ (/(false|no|0)$/i) false else default end end def sanitize(v) if v.is_a?(String) v.strip! v[0..CAP_STRING_LEN - 1] else nil end end def validate_range(v, min, max, meth) if (v = sanitize(v).to_s) && ((min.to_i)..(max.to_i)).include?(v.length) if v.length == 0 nil else v end else raise USPSValidationError, "#{meth} must be a String between #{min.to_i} and #{max.to_i} chars in length, found value '#{v}'." end end def validate_string_length(s, max_len, meth) if (s = sanitize(s)) && s.length <= max_len.to_i s else raise USPSValidationError, "#{meth} must be a String no more than #{max_len} chars in length, found value '#{s}'." end end def validate_set_inclusion(v, set, meth) if set.respond_to?(:include?) && set.include?(v) v else raise USPSValidationError, "#{v} is not valid in #{meth}, try any of the following: #{(set.respond_to?(:join) && set.join(',')) || ''}" end end def validate_email(v, meth) if (v = sanitize(v)) && v =~ USPS_EMAIL_REGEX v else raise USPSValidationError, "'#{v}' is not a valid e-mail in #{meth}" end end end end