2.8.11 --------- - Default ZMQ server to use inproc protocol instead of tcp (zero-copy between server-broker-worker) - Add 'broadcast_busy' functionality that removes server from cluster if the workers are full - Add cli option for --no-zmq_inproc - Add cli option for --broadcast_busy 2.8.10 --------- - Allow passing a file extension to compile/clean rake tasks. [#143, @localshred] 2.8.9 --------- - Deprecated Protobuf::Lifecycle module in favor of using ActiveSupport::Notifications. [#139, @devin-c] - Modify `$LOAD_PATH` inside descriptors.rb to make it easier for other libraries to write their own compiler plugins using our pre-compiled descriptors. [#141, @localshred] - Add protobuf:clean and protobuf:compile rake tasks for use in external libraries to compile source definitions to a destination. [#142, @localshred] 2.8.8 --------- - ServiceDirectory beacons broadcast on same ip as listening clients. [#133, @devin-c] 2.8.7 --------- - Fire ActiveSupport load hooks when RPC Server and Client classes are loaded. [#126, @liveh2o] - Prevent infinite loop when doing service lookup from directory. [#125, @brianstien] 2.8.6 --------- - Fix string/byte encoding issue when unicode characters present. Reported by @foxban. This was also backported to v2.7.12. [#120] 2.8.5 ---------- - Fix issue where ServiceDirectory lookups were failing when given a class name, breaking the directory load balancing. (#119) 2.8.4 ---------- - Fix issue where frozen strings assigned in a repeated field would cause encoding runtime errors. (#117) 2.8.3 ---------- - Add Deprecation warning when requiring `protobuf/evented`. Version 3.x will not support the eventmachine transport layer for client or server. 2.8.2 ---------- - Remove the <4.0 version constraint on ActiveSupport. 2.8.1 ---------- - Improve `ServiceDirectory` lookup speed ~10x, lookups now done in constant time (devin-c). - Add Timestamp to end of rpc stat log (represents ending time of request processing). - Set `request_size` in the rpc stat within ZMQ Worker (previously missing). - Ensure `request_size` and `response_size` are set on rpc stat for client requests. 2.8.0 ----------- - New compiler supports protobuf compilation/runtime with protoc <= v2.5.0 (c++ compiler removed). [#109] - Deprecated rprotoc in favor of protoc. [0bc9674] - Added service dynamic discovery to the ZMQ connector and server. [#91, @devin-c] - No longer creating `-java` platform gem due to removal of c++ compiler. - Added WTFPL license. 2.7.12 ----------- - Backport string/byte encoding issue when unicode characters present. [code: #122, original issue: #120] 2.0.0 ----------- #### `rprotoc` changes * New option `--ruby_out` to specify the output directory to place generated ruby files. If not provided, ruby code will not be generated. * Extends `libprotoc` to hook in directly to google's provided compiler mechanism. * Removed all previous compiler code including the racc parser, node visitors, etc. * See `protoc --help` for default options. #### `rprotoc` generated files changes * Import `require`s now occur outside of any module or class declaration which solves ruby vm warnings previously seen. * Empty inherited Message and Enum classes are pre-defined in the file, then reopened and their fields applied. This solves the issue of recursive field dependencies of two or more types in the same file. * Generated DSL lines for message fields include the fully qualified name of the type (e.g. `optional ::Protobuf::Field::StringField, :name, 1`) * Support for any combination of `packed`, `deprecated`, and `default` as options to pass to a field definition. * Services are now generated in the corresponding `.pb.rb` file instead of their own `*_service.rb` files as before. #### `rpc_server` changes * Removed `--env` option. The running application or program is solely in charge of ensuring it's environment is properly loaded. * Removed reading of `PB_CLIENT_TYPE`, `PB_SERVER_TYPE` environment variables. Should use mode switches or custom requires (see below) instead. * Removed `--client_socket` in favor of using mode switches. This also means client calls made by the `rpc_server` will run as the same connector type as the given mode (socket, zmq, or evented). * Removed `--pre-cache-definitions` switch in favor of always pre-caching for performance. * Removed `--gc-pause-serialization` since using `--gc-pause-request` in conjunction was redundant. * Removed `--client-type` in favor of mode switches. * Removed `--server-type` in favor of mode switches. * Added mode switch `--evented`. * Added `--threads` to specify number of ZMQ Worker threads to use. Ignored if mode is not zmq. * Added `--print-deprecation-warnings` switch to tell the server whether or not to print deprecation warnings on field usage. Enabled by default. * See `rpc_server help start` for all options and usage. Note: the `start` task is the default and not necessary when running the `rpc_server`. #### Message changes * `Message#get_field` usage should now specify either `Message#get_field_by_name` or `Message#get_field_by_tag`, depending on your lookup criteria. * Support for STDERR output when accessing a message field which has been defined as `[deprecated=true]`. Deprecated warnings can be skipped by running your application or program with `PB_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS=1`. * Significant internal refactoring which provides huge boosts in speed and efficiency both in accessing/writing Message field values, as well as serialization and deserialization routines. * Refactor `Message#to_hash` to delegate hash representations to the field values, simply collecting the display values and returning a hash of fields that are set. This also affects `to_json` output. #### Enum changes * Add `Enum.fetch` class method to polymorphically retrieve an `EnumValue` object. * Add `Enum.value_by_name` to retrieve the corresponding `EnumValue` to the given symbol name. * Add `Enum.enum_by_value` to retrieve the corresponding `EnumValue` to the given integer value. #### RPC Service changes * `async_responder` paradigm is no longer supported. * `self.response=` paradigm should be converted to using `respond_with(object)`. * Significant internal changes that should not bleed beyond the API but which make maintaining the code much easier. #### RPC Client changes * In the absence of `PB_CLIENT_TYPE` environment var, you should be requiring the specific connector type specifically. For instance, if you wish to run in zmq mode for client requests, update your Gemfile: `gem 'protobuf', :require => 'protobuf/zmq'`. * `:async` option on client calls is no longer recognized. #### Other changes * Moved files out of `lib/protobuf/common` folder into `lib/protobuf`. Files affected are logger, wire\_type, util. The only update would need to be the require path to these files since the modules were always `Protobuf::{TYPE}`.