namespace :comfortable_mexican_sofa do # Example use: # rake comfortable_mexican_sofa:import:all FROM=mysite.local PATH=/path/to/seed_data namespace :import do task :check_for_requirements => :environment do |task, args| @from = args[:from].present?? args[:from] : nil @site = args[:to].present?? args[:to] : nil @seed_path = ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.seed_data_path = (args[:seed_path].present?? args[:seed_path] : nil) || ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.seed_data_path if !@seed_path abort 'SEED_PATH is not set. Please define where cms fixtures are located.' end unless File.exists?((@from && @seed_path = "#{@seed_path}/#{@from}").to_s) abort "FROM is not properly set. Cannot find fixtures in '#{@seed_path}'" end if !(@site = CmsSite.find_by_hostname(args[:to])) abort "TO is not properly set. Cannot find site with hostname '#{args[:to]}'" end puts "Starting import into #{@site.label} (#{@site.hostname}) from '#{@seed_path}'" end desc 'Import layouts into database' task :layouts => [:environment, :check_for_requirements] do |task, args| puts 'Importing Layouts' puts '-----------------' layouts = Dir.glob(File.expand_path('layouts/*.yml', @seed_path)).collect do |layout_file_path| attributes = YAML.load_file(layout_file_path).symbolize_keys! @site.cms_layouts.load_from_file(@site, attributes[:slug]) end CmsPage.connection.transaction do # Fixtures are not ordered in any particular way. Saving order matters, # so we cycle them until there nothing left to save while layouts.present? layout = layouts.shift if !layout.parent || layout.parent && parent = @site.cms_layouts.find_by_slug(layout.parent.slug) layout.parent = (parent rescue nil) should_write = true existing_layout = nil if existing_layout = @site.cms_layouts.find_by_slug(layout.slug) print "Found layout in database with slug: #{layout.slug}. Overwrite? (yN): " should_write = ($stdin.gets.to_s.strip.downcase == 'y') end if should_write if existing_layout existing_layout.attributes = layout.attributes.slice('label', 'content', 'css', 'js') layout = existing_layout end puts "Saving layout: #{layout.label} (#{layout.slug})"! else puts "Skipping layout: #{layout.label} (#{layout.slug})" end else layouts.push layout end end end end desc 'Import pages into database' task :pages => [:environment, :check_for_requirements] do |task, args| puts 'Importing Pages' puts '---------------' pages = Dir.glob(File.expand_path('pages/**/*.yml', @seed_path)).collect do |page_file_path| attributes = YAML.load_file(page_file_path).symbolize_keys! @site.cms_pages.load_from_file(@site, attributes[:full_path]) end CmsPage.connection.transaction do # Fixtures are not ordered in any particular way. Saving order matters, # so we cycle them until there nothing left to save while pages.present? page = pages.shift if !page.parent || page.parent && parent = @site.cms_pages.find_by_full_path(page.parent.full_path) page.parent = (parent rescue nil) page.cms_layout = @site.cms_layouts.find_by_slug(page.cms_layout.slug) should_write = true existing_page = nil if existing_page = @site.cms_pages.find_by_full_path(page.full_path) print "Found page in database with full_path: #{page.full_path}. Overwrite? (yN): " should_write = ($stdin.gets.to_s.strip.downcase == 'y') end if should_write if existing_page # merging cms_blocks_attributes with the existing page attrs = page.cms_blocks_attributes.collect do |block_attrs| existing_block = existing_page.cms_blocks_attributes.find{|b| b[:label] == block_attrs[:label]} block_attrs[:id] = existing_block[:id] if existing_block block_attrs.stringify_keys end existing_page.attributes = page.attributes.slice('label') existing_page.cms_blocks_attributes = attrs page = existing_page end puts "... Saving page: #{page.label} (#{page.full_path})"! else puts "... Skipping page: #{page.label} (#{page.full_path})" end else pages.push page end end end end desc 'Import snippets into database' task :snippets => [:environment, :check_for_requirements] do |task, args| puts 'Importing Snippets' puts '------------------' snippets = Dir.glob(File.expand_path('snippets/*.yml', @seed_path)).collect do |snippet_file_path| attributes = YAML.load_file(snippet_file_path).symbolize_keys! @site.cms_snippets.load_from_file(@site, attributes[:slug]) end CmsSnippet.connection.transaction do snippets.each do |snippet| should_write = true existing_snippet = nil if existing_snippet = @site.cms_snippets.find_by_slug(snippet.slug) print "Found snippet in database with slug: #{snippet.slug}. Overwrite? (yN): " should_write = ($stdin.gets.to_s.strip.downcase == 'y') end if should_write if existing_snippet existing_snippet.attributes = snippet.attributes.slice('label', 'content') snippet = existing_snippet end puts "... Saving snippet: #{snippet.label} (#{snippet.slug})"! else puts "... Skipping snippet: #{snippet.label} (#{snippet.slug})" end end end end desc 'Import layouts, pages and snippets all in one go' task :all => [:layouts, :pages, :snippets] end # Example use: # rake comfortable_mexican_sofa:import:all TO=mysite.local PATH=/path/to/seed_data namespace :export do task :check_for_requirements => :environment do |task, args| @site = args[:from].present?? args[:from] : nil @to = args[:to].present?? args[:to] : nil @seed_path = ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.seed_data_path = (args[:seed_path].present?? args[:seed_path] : nil) || ComfortableMexicanSofa.config.seed_data_path if !@seed_path abort 'SEED_PATH is not set. Please define where cms fixtures are located.' end if !(@site = CmsSite.find_by_hostname(args[:from])) abort "FROM is not properly set. Cannot find site with hostname '#{args[:from]}'" end unless @to && @seed_path = "#{@seed_path}/#{@to}" abort "TO is not properly set. What's the target hostname?" end FileUtils.mkdir_p @seed_path FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{@seed_path}/layouts" FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{@seed_path}/pages" FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{@seed_path}/snippets" puts "Starting export from #{@site.label} (#{@site.hostname}) to '#{@seed_path}'" end desc 'Export layouts to yaml files' task :layouts => [:environment, :check_for_requirements] do |task, args| puts 'Exporting Layouts' puts '-----------------' CmsLayout.all.each do |layout| should_write = true file_path = File.join(@seed_path, 'layouts', "#{layout.slug}.yml") if File.exists?(file_path) print "Found layout fixture: #{file_path} Overwrite? (yN): " should_write = ($stdin.gets.to_s.strip.downcase == 'y') end if should_write attributes = layout.attributes.slice('label', 'slug', 'content', 'css', 'js') attributes['parent'] = layout.parent.slug if layout.parent open(file_path, 'w') do |f| f.write(attributes.to_yaml) end puts "... Saving layout: #{layout.label} (#{layout.slug})" else puts "... Skipping layout: #{layout.label} (#{layout.slug})" end end end desc 'Export pages to yaml files' task :pages => [:environment, :check_for_requirements] do |task, args| puts 'Exporting Pages' puts '---------------' CmsPage.all.each do |page| should_write = true page_name = page.full_path.split('/').last || 'index' page_path = (p = page.full_path.split('/')) && p.pop && p.join('/') FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{@seed_path}/pages/#{page_path}" file_path = File.join(@seed_path, 'pages', "#{page_path}/#{page_name}.yml") if File.exists?(file_path) print "Found page fixture: #{file_path} Overwrite? (yN): " should_write = ($stdin.gets.to_s.strip.downcase == 'y') end if should_write attributes = page.attributes.slice('label', 'slug', 'full_path') attributes['parent'] = page.parent.full_path if page.parent attributes['cms_layout'] = page.cms_layout.slug attributes['cms_blocks_attributes'] = page.cms_blocks_attributes.collect{|b| b.delete(:id) && b.stringify_keys} open(file_path, 'w') do |f| f.write(attributes.to_yaml) end puts "... Saving page: #{page.label} (#{page.full_path})" else puts "... Skipping page: #{page.label} (#{page.full_path})" end end end desc 'Export snippets to yaml files' task :snippets => [:environment, :check_for_requirements] do |task, args| puts 'Exporting Snippets' puts '------------------' CmsSnippet.all.each do |snippet| should_write = true file_path = File.join(@seed_path, 'snippets', "#{snippet.slug}.yml") if File.exists?(file_path) print "Found snippet fixture: #{file_path} Overwrite? (yN): " should_write = ($stdin.gets.to_s.strip.downcase == 'y') end if should_write attributes = snippet.attributes.slice('label', 'slug', 'content') open(file_path, 'w') do |f| f.write(attributes.to_yaml) end puts "... Saving snippet: #{snippet.label} (#{snippet.slug})" else puts "... Skipping snippet: #{snippet.label} (#{snippet.slug})" end end end desc 'Export layouts, pages and snippets all in one go' task :all => [:layouts, :pages, :snippets] end end