Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do namespace :unicorn do desc "Starts unicorn directly" task :start, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do run unicorn_start_cmd end desc "Stops unicorn directly" task :stop, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do run unicorn_kill_cmd('QUIT') end desc "Restarts unicorn directly" task :restart, :roles => :app, :except => { :no_release => true } do run unicorn_kill_cmd('USR2') end # Required attributes # =================== # *port* 80 namespace :setup do desc "Upload configs" task :default, :roles => :app do if exists?(:unicorn_setup_settings) set(:recipe_settings) { unicorn_template_settings } put template.render(_unicorn_template), _unicorn_shared_file else puts "[FATAL] - Unicorn template settings were not found" abort end end desc "Download configs" task :get, :roles => :db do download _unicorn_shared_file, _unicorn_local_file end end namespace :monit do namespace :setup do desc "Upload configs" task :default, :roles => :app do if exists?(:unicorn_setup_settings) run "mkdir -p #{_monit_root}" set(:recipe_settings) { unicorn_template_settings } put template.render(_unicorn_monit_template), _monit_remote_file else puts "[FATAL] - Unicorn/Monit template settings were not found" abort end end desc "Download configs" task :get, :roles => :db do download _monit_remote_file, File.join(local_rails_root, "config/#{application}-monit") end end end end def unicorn_setup_defaults{ # Number of workers (Rule of thumb is 2 per CPU) # Just be aware that every worker needs to cache all classes and thus eat some # of your RAM. 'workers' => fetch(:unicorn_workers, 4), # Workers timeout in the amount of seconds below, when the master kills it and # forks another one. 'workers_timeout' => fetch(:unicorn_workers_timeout, 30), # Workers are started with this user/group # By default we get the user/group set in capistrano. 'user' => fetch(:unicorn_user) { fetch_user }, 'group' => fetch(:unicorn_group) { fetch_group }, 'rails_env' => fetch(:rails_env, 'production'), # configs for the monit template 'pids_root' => _unicorn_pids_root, 'application' => fetch(:application), 'current_path' => current_path, 'remote_config' => _unicorn_current_file }) end def unicorn_template_settings DeepToHash.to_hash unicorn_setup_defaults.deep_merge(fetch(:unicorn_setup_settings, {})) end def unicorn_start_cmd "cd #{current_path} && #{_unicorn_bin} -c #{_unicorn_current_file} -E #{rails_env} -D" end def unicorn_kill_cmd(arg) "kill -#{arg} `cat #{_unicorn_pid}`" end # The wrapped bin to start unicorn # This is necessary if you're using rvm def _unicorn_bin fetch(:unicorn_bin, 'bundle exec unicorn') end # Defines where the unicorn pid will live. def _unicorn_pid fetch(:unicorn_pid) { File.join(shared_path, "pids", "") } end def _unicorn_pids_root _unicorn_pid.split('/').tap{|x| x.pop }.join('/') end # The remote location of unicorn's config file. Used by god to fire it up def _unicorn_current_file File.join(current_path, fetch(:unicorn_remote_file, 'config/unicorn.rb')) end def _unicorn_shared_file File.join(shared_path, fetch(:unicorn_remote_file, 'config/unicorn.rb')) end def _unicorn_local_file File.join(local_rails_root, fetch(:unicorn_local_file, 'config/unicorn.rb')) end def _unicorn_template fetch(:unicorn_template, 'unicorn.rb.erb') end def _unicorn_monit_template fetch(:unicorn_monit_template, 'unicorn_monit.erb') end def _monit_root fetch(:monit_root) { "/home/#{fetch_user}/monit" } end def _monit_remote_file File.join(_monit_root, application) end end