require "numru/gphys/varray" require "numru/gphys/varraynetcdf" require "numru/gphys/varraycomposite" require "date" =begin =class NumRu::Axis A class of to handle a descretized physical coordinate. ==Overview An NumRu::Axis object is meant to represent a dimension in a NumRu::Grid object, which is used in NumRu::Grid (Hereafter, NumRu:: is omitted). An Axis has 1-dimensional data on grid-point posisions as a VArray. In addition, it can have supplementary data (as VArray objects). Three types of axes are supported in this class: 1. Simple (mostly point-sampled) axes 2. Cell-type axes. In this case, grid points are either at cell boundaries or within the cells (oftern at the center). 3. Simple ("bare") indexing (without particular physical meaning) In most applications, the 1st type would be enough, but the 2nd type would be useful for some type of numerical simulation. The 3rd is not physical and may not be considered as "axes", but this could be convenient for some practical applications. ==Class Methods,bare_index=false,name=nil) Constructor. The first two arguments are to specify one of the types explained above. ARGUMENTS * cell (true or false) * bare_index (true or false) * name (String or nil): the default name (when nil) is "noname" RETURN VALUE * an Axis ---Axis.defined_operations Returns the name of the methods defined in Axis to do some operation along the axis. RETURN VALUE * an Array of String. Current default value is ["integrate","average"]. ---Axis.humane_messaging = t_or_f If false is given, the [] method is changed to return a naive straightforward message if the axis is lost. -- By default, it returns a fancy but sometimes unwanted message if the axis is the time with since field in the form of yyyy-mm-dd.... ==Instance Methods ---name=(nm) Set a name. ARGUMENTS * name (String) RETURN VALUE * name (the argument) ---name Returns the name. RETURN VALUE * a String ---cell? Whether or not self is a cell-type axis. RETURN VALUE * true or false ---cell_center? Whether or not self represents data points within the cells (which is often, but not necessarily, the centers of the cells). RETURN VALUE * true, false, or nil (when the axis is not cell-type) ---cell_bounds? Whether or not self represents data points at the cell bondaries. RETURN VALUE * true, false, or nil (when the axis is not cell-type) ---bare_index? Whether or not self is of the bare-index type. RETURN VALUE * true or false. ---flatten Returns the VArray objects in self as a flat Array. No cloning is made. RETURN VALUE * an Array of VArray objects. ---each_varray Iterator for each VArray object in self (dependent on (()). RETURN VALUE * an Array of VArray objects (same as (())). ---copy Make a deep clone onto memory. All the VArray objects in the return value will be of the root class of VArray. RETURN VALUE * an Axis ---collect This method is like (()), but it is the 'collect' iterator for each VArray in self (block required). RETURN VALUE * an Axis ---pos=(pos) Sets the grid-point positions (disretized coordinate values). ARGUMENTS * pos (a 1D VArray) RETURN VALUE * pos (the argument) ---set_pos(pos) Sets the grid-point positions (disretized coordinate values). ARGUMENTS * pos (a 1D VArray) RETURN VALUE * self ---pos Returns the grid-point positions (disretized coordinate values). RETURN VALUE * a VArray (no duplication is made) ---cell_center When cell-type, returns the positions of grid points at cell centers. RETURN VALUE * a VArray (no duplication is made) ---cell_bounds When cell-type, returns the positions of grid points at cell boundaries. RETURN VALUE * a VArray (no duplication is made) ---length Returns the length of the axis. RETURN VALUE * an Integer ---set_cell(center, bounds, name=nil) Set up cell-type axis, by giving both the cell centers and boundaries. Completion of the set up is deferred until one of (()) and (()) is called. ARGUMENTS * center (a 1D VArray) * bounds (a 1D VArray) * name (String) RETURN VALUE * self ---set_cell_guess_bounds(center, name=nil) Set up cell-type axis, by specifing only the cell centers and deriving bounds with a naive assumption. ARGUMENTS * center (a 1D VArray) * name (String) RETURN VALUE * self ---set_pos_to_center Set the position of the current axis to the centers of the cells. This or (()) is needed to complete the set up with set_cell_* methods. ---set_pos_to_bounds Set the position of the current axis to the cell bondaries. This or (()) is needed to complete the set up with set_cell_* methods. ---set_aux(name,vary) Set auxiliary data ARGUMENTS * name (String) a tag to express the kind of the data * vary (a VArray) the data RETURN VALUE * vary (the 2nd argument) ---get_aux(name) Returns auxiliary data ARGUMENTS * name (String) a tag to express the kind of the data (see (())). RETURN VALUE * a VArray ---aux_names Returns a list of the names of auxiliary data RETURN VALUE * an Array of String ---to_gphys(datavary1d=nil) To construct a GPhys object from an Axis. ARGUMENTS * datavary1d (nil or VArray) : If nil, the position object of self becomes the main data object. If a VArray, it is used as the main data object. RETURN VALUE * a GPhys ---[] (slicer) Returns a subset. Its specification is the same as in NArray. RETURN VALUE * an Axis ---cut(coord_cutter) Similar to ((<[]>)), but is based on the physical coordinate. RETURN VALUE * an Axis ---cut_rank_conserving(coord_cutter) Similar to (()), but is always rank-conserving. That is, a subset specification like [i] is treated as [i..i] RETURN VALUE * an Axis ---integrate(ary,dim) Does integration along the axis ARGUMENTS * ary (NArray or NArray-like multi-dimensional data class) the data, whose dim-th dimension must have the same length as the axis. * dim (Integer) : The dimension of ary, to which the operation is applied. RETURN VALUE * an obejct with the same class as ary, or of a Numeric class if ary is 1D. ---integ_weight Returns the integration weight (whose default is nil). ---integ_weight=(wgt) Sets the integration weight (whose default is nil). ---average(ary,dim) Similar to (()), but does averaging ARGUMENTS * see (()) RETURN VALUE * see (()) ---average_weight Returns the integration weight (whose default is nil). ---average_weight=(wgt) Sets the integration weight (whose default is nil). ---draw_positive Returns the direction to plot the axis, which relies on the VArray#axis_draw_positive method. RETURN VALUE * one of the following: * true: axis should be drawn in the increasing order (to right/upward) * false: axis should be drawn in the decreasing order * nil: not specified ---cyclic? Returns whether the axis is cyclic. (Relies on the VArray#axis_cyclic? method.) RETURN VALUE * one of the following: * true: cyclic * false: not cyclic * nil: not specified ---modulo Returns the modulo of a cyclic axis (Relies on the VArray#axis_modulo method.) RETURN VALUE * one of the following: * Float if the modulo is defined * nil if modulo is not found =end module NumRu class Axis @@humane_message = true # if true, [] returns a humane message when the # axis is lost. if false, it returns a naive one def self.humane_message=(t_or_f) @@humane_message = t_or_f end @@strftime_fmt = nil # nil, or String to explicitly specify the format # for strftime used in [] def self.strftime_fmt=(fmt) @@strftime_fmt = fmt end def self.strftime_fmt @@strftime_fmt end def initialize(cell=false,bare_index=false,name=nil) @init_fin = false # true/false (true if initializatn finished) @name = name # String @pos = nil # VArray (to set it can be deferred if # @cell to support mother axes) @cell = cell # true/false @cell_center = nil # VArray (defined if @cell) @cell_bounds = nil # VArray (defined if @cell) @bare_index = bare_index # true/false(if true @cell is meaningless) @aux = nil # Hash of VArray (auxiliary quantities) end def inspect "" end def name=(nm) @name=nm end def name @name || "noname" end def cell? @cell end def cell_center? @cell && @pos.equal?(@cell_center) end def cell_bounds? @cell && @pos.equal?(@cell_bounds) end def bare_index? @bare_index end def flatten # return VArrays contained in a flat array out = out.push(@pos) if @pos out.push(@cell_center) if @cell_center && !cell_center? out.push(@cell_bounds) if @cell_bounds && !cell_bounds? if @aux @aux.each{|k,v| out.push(v) } end out end def each_varray self.flatten.each{|x| yield x} end def copy # deep clone onto memory out =, bare_index?, name) if cell? out.set_cell( @cell_center.copy, @cell_bounds.copy ) if cell_center? out.set_pos_to_center elsif cell_bounds? out.set_pos_to_bounds end else out.set_pos( @pos.copy ) end if @aux @aux.each{|k,v| out.set_aux(k, v.copy) } end out end def collect # This method is like (()), but it is the 'collect' # iterator for each VArray in self (block required). out =, bare_index?, name) if cell? out.set_cell( yield(@cell_center), yield(@cell_bounds) ) if cell_center? out.set_pos_to_center elsif cell_bounds? out.set_pos_to_bounds end else out.set_pos( yield(@pos) ) end if @aux @aux.each{|k,v| out.set_aux(k, yield(v)) } end out end def pos=(pos) if !@cell if ! pos.is_a?(VArray) raise ArgumentError,"arg not a VArray: #{pos.class}" end if pos.rank != 1 raise ArgumentError,"rank of #{} (#{pos.rank}) is not 1" end @pos=pos @init_fin = true if ! @name @name = end else raise "This method is not available for a cell axis. "+ "Use set_pos_to_center or set_pos_to_bounds instead." end pos end def set_pos(pos) self.pos= pos @name = self end def pos raise "pos has not been set" if !@pos @pos end def cell_center @cell_center end def cell_bounds @cell_bounds end def length if @pos @pos.length else raise "length is not determined until pos is set" end end def set_cell(center, bounds, name=nil) # it is the user's obligation to ensure that center and bounds # have the same units etc. # < error check > if ! @cell; raise "method not available for a non-cell axis"; end if ! center.is_a?(VArray) raise ArgumentError,"1st arg not a VArray: #{center.class}" end if center.rank != 1 raise ArgumentError,"center: rank of #{} (#{center.rank}) is not 1" end if ! bounds.is_a?(VArray) raise ArgumentError,"2nd arg not a VArray: #{bounds.class}" end if bounds.rank != 1 raise ArgumentError,"bounds: rank of #{} (#{bounds.rank}) is not 1" end if( center.length != bounds.length-1 ) raise "center.length != bounds.length-1" end # < do the job > @cell_center = center @cell_bounds = bounds if name @name=name end @init_fin = true # To set @pos is deferred at this moment. # use set_pos_to_(bounds|center) to make # the object fully available self end def set_aux(name,vary) if !name.is_a?(String) raise ArgumentError,"1nd arg: not a String" end if ! vary.is_a?(VArray) raise ArgumentError,"2nd arg not a VArray: #{vary.class}" end if vary.rank != 1 raise ArgumentError,"rank of #{} (#{vary.rank}) is not 1" end if !@aux; @aux =; end @aux[name] = vary self end def get_aux(name) @aux[name] end def aux_names @aux ? @aux.keys : [] end def to_gphys(datavary1d=nil) # To form a 1-dimensional GPhys # (Dependent on GPhys&Grid, unlike other methods Axis, # so the test program is in gphys.rb) # Arguments # * datavary1d (nil or VArray): 1D VArray with the same # size as the axis. If omitted, @pos (coordinate variable # of the variable) is used. if !datavary1d datavary1d = @pos.copy else if datavary1d.rank != 1 || datavary1d.length != length raise ArgumentError, "Must be 1D and same size" end end, datavary1d ) end def [] (slicer) if ! @pos raise "pos has not been set. Forgot set_pos_to_(center|bounds)?" end case slicer when Fixnum pos=@pos[slicer] cval = ( pos.val.is_a?(Numeric) ? pos.val : pos.val[0] ) units = pos.get_att('units') info_lost = false if @@humane_message if units && /(.*) *since *(.*)/ =~ units stun = $1 tun = Units[stun] since = DateTime.parse($2) if Units[units] =~ Units['days since 1-1-1'] # s,hour,day,.. sec = tun.convert( cval, Units['seconds'] ).round + 1e-1 # ^ take "round" to avoid round error in sec # (Note that %S below takes floor of seconds). datetime = since + (sec/86400.0) info_lost = datetime.strftime(@@strftime_fmt || '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%z') info_lost_set = true elsif Units[units] =~ Units['months since 1-1-1'] # year,month,pentad,.. monun = Units['months'] if /mon/ =~ stun || /year/ =~ stun datetime = since >> tun.convert( cval, monun ).round info_lost = datetime.strftime(@@strftime_fmt || '%Y-%m') else # maybe pentad datetime = since >> tun.convert( cval, monun ) info_lost = datetime.strftime(@@strftime_fmt || '%Y-%m-%d') end info_lost_set = true end end end if !info_lost_set sval = sprintf("%g",cval) info_lost = "#{}=#{sval}" if (units) # substitution info_lost += " "+units end end return info_lost when Range, true # re-organize the range to support slicing of variables # with a 1 larger / smaller length. if true===slicer range=0..-1 else range = slicer end first = range.first last = range.exclude_end? ? range.last-1 : range.last if first < 0 first += self.length # first will be counted from the beginning end if last >= 0 last -= self.length # last will be counted from the end end slicer = first..last,@bare_index) when Hash range = slicer.keys[0] step = slicer[range] range = 0..-1 if range==true first = range.first last = range.exclude_end? ? range.last-1 : range.last if first < 0 first += self.length # first will be counted from the beginning end if last >= 0 last -= self.length # last will be counted from the end end slicer = { (first..last) => step },@bare_index) # always not a cell axis when NArray, Array,@bare_index) # always not a cell axis else raise ArgumentError, "Axis slicing with #{slicer.inspect} is not available" end if newax.bare_index? || !newax.cell? pos=@pos[slicer] newax.set_pos( pos ) elsif newax.cell? center=@cell_center[slicer] bounds=@cell_bounds[slicer] newax.set_cell( center, bounds ) if self.cell_center? newax.set_pos_to_center elsif self.cell_bounds? newax.set_pos_to_bounds end end if @aux @aux.each{ |name, vary| # if (aux=vary[slicer]).rank != 0 newax.set_aux(name, vary[slicer]) # else # print "WARNING #{__FILE__}:#{__LINE__} auxiliary VArray #{name} is eliminated\n" # end } end newax end def cut(coord_cutter) _cut_(false, coord_cutter) end def cut_rank_conserving(coord_cutter) _cut_(true, coord_cutter) end def _cut_(conserve_rank, coord_cutter) # assume that the coordinates are monotonic (without checking) slicer = ax = self.pos.val units = self.pos.get_att('units') case coord_cutter when true slicer=true when Range # find the grid points included in the range range = coord_cutter range_ary = [range.first, range.last] xmin = range_ary.min xmax = range_ary.max xmin = UNumeric.from_date(xmin,units).val if xmin.class <= Date xmax = UNumeric.from_date(xmax,units).val if xmax.class <= Date wh = ( (ax >= xmin) & (ax <= xmax) ).where if wh.length == 0 raise "Range #{range} does not include any grid point in the axis '#{name}'" end idmin = wh.min idmax = wh.max slicer=idmin..idmax when Numeric, Date, DateTime # find the nearst point pt = coord_cutter pt = UNumeric.from_date(pt,units).val if pt.class <= Date dx = (ax-pt).abs minloc = _minloc_(dx) if conserve_rank slicer=minloc..minloc else slicer=minloc end when Array, NArray # find the nearst points ary = coord_cutter slicer = ary.collect{ |pt| pt = UNumeric.from_date(pt,units).val if pt.class <= Date dx = (ax-pt).abs minloc = _minloc_(dx) } else raise TypeError, "(#{coord_cutter.inspect}) is not accepted as a coordinate selector" end [ self[slicer], slicer ] end private :_cut_ def _minloc_(a) # private to be used in _cut_ # Developper's MEMO: Such a method should be supported in NArray minloc = 0 # initialization for i in 0...(a.length-1) # here, do not assume monotonic minloc = i+1 if a[i+1] ## 2005/09/12 DEVLOPMENT MEMO by horinout ## cyclic でちょうど1グリッド伸ばしたら modulo に達する場合 ## 点サンプルやセル中央タイプでもサイクリック用重みをつける ## ようにしたい. if( @bare_index ) @integ_weight =!(1) #dist = weight.length elsif ( !@cell || (@cell && @pos.equal?(@cell_bounds)) ) # --- use trapezoidal formula --- posv = @pos.val if posv.length == 1 raise "cannot define the default integration when length==1 and non-cell" end #dist = (posv[-1]-posv[0]).abs @integ_weight = posv.dup @integ_weight[0] = (posv[1]-posv[0]).abs/2 @integ_weight[-1] = (posv[-1]-posv[-2]).abs/2 @integ_weight[1..-2] = (posv[2..-1] - posv[0..-3]).abs/2 else # --- assume that the center values represents the averages --- bd = @cell_bounds.val @integ_weight = (bd[1..-1] - bd[0..-2]).abs #dist = (bd[-1]-bd[0]).abs end end def _set_default_avg_weight raise "Initialization is not completed" if ! @init_fin if ! @pos raise "pos has not been set. Call set_pos_to_(center|bounds)." end # < define numerical integration / averaging > if( @bare_index ) @avg_weight =!(1) dist = @avg_weight.length @avg_weight /= dist elsif ( !@cell || (@cell && @pos.equal?(@cell_bounds)) ) # --- use trapezoidal formula --- posv = @pos.val if posv.length == 1 @avg_weight = NArray[1] else dist = (posv[-1]-posv[0]).abs @avg_weight = posv.dup @avg_weight[0] = (posv[1]-posv[0]).abs/2 @avg_weight[-1] = (posv[-1]-posv[-2]).abs/2 @avg_weight[1..-2] = (posv[2..-1] - posv[0..-3]).abs/2 @avg_weight /= dist end else # --- assume that the center values represents the averages --- bd = @cell_bounds.val @avg_weight = (bd[1..-1] - bd[0..-2]).abs dist = (bd[-1]-bd[0]).abs @avg_weight /= dist end end ####### end end ################################################### ## < test > if $0 == __FILE__ include NumRu xc = NArray.float(10).indgen! + 0.5 ).rename("x") xb = NArray.float(11).indgen! ).rename("xb") axpt = axcel =,xb) axcel_c = axcel.dup.set_pos_to_center axcel_b = axcel.dup.set_pos_to_bounds axcel2 = p "axcel",axcel, "axcel2",axcel2 print "########\n" p axpt.pos.val p axcel_c.pos.val p axcel_b.pos.val z = NArray.float(xc.length, 2).random! ) w = NArray.float(xc.length).indgen! ) w2 = NArray.float(xb.length).indgen!-0.5 ) p z.val p axpt.average(z,0), axcel_c.average(z,0) p z.sum(0)/10 print "### avg/integ ###\n" p axpt.average(w,0), axcel_c.average(w,0), axpt.integrate(w,0), axcel_c.integrate(w,0), axcel_b.integrate(w2,0) axpt.integ_weight = NArray.sfloat(axpt.length).fill!(0.5) p 'with artificial integ_weight:', axpt.integrate(w,0) # axcel.set_default_algorithms # this is to fail print "////////\n" p axpt[1..3].pos.val p axcel_c[1..3].cell_center.val, axcel_c[1..3].cell_bounds.val p axcel_b[1..3].cell_center.val, axcel_b[1..3].cell_bounds.val p axpt[1] p axcel_b[5] p axcel_b.cut(4.3) axcut, slicer = axcel_c.cut(3.0..7.0) p axcut.copy, slicer p axcel_b.cut([3.2, 2.5, 6.9]) p axpt axcel_c.set_aux('aux1',xc*4) p axcel_c.flatten p axcel_c.copy.flatten print "##\n" p axcel_c.each_varray{|va| p va} axcl = axcel_c.collect{|va| va*2} print "###\n" p axcl.class, axcl.each_varray{|va| p va} axpt.pos.set_att("units","days since 2001-01-01") p axpt.cut(,1,4,12,0)) end