module Sequel class Dataset # Given a type (e.g. select) and an array of clauses, # return an array of methods to call to build the SQL string. def self.clause_methods(type, clauses){|clause| :"#{type}_#{clause}_sql"}.freeze end # These symbols have _join methods created (e.g. inner_join) that # call join_table with the symbol, passing along the arguments and # block from the method call. CONDITIONED_JOIN_TYPES = [:inner, :full_outer, :right_outer, :left_outer, :full, :right, :left] # These symbols have _join methods created (e.g. natural_join) that # call join_table with the symbol. They only accept a single table # argument which is passed to join_table, and they raise an error # if called with a block. UNCONDITIONED_JOIN_TYPES = [:natural, :natural_left, :natural_right, :natural_full, :cross] AND_SEPARATOR = " AND ".freeze BOOL_FALSE = "'f'".freeze BOOL_TRUE = "'t'".freeze COLUMN_REF_RE1 = /\A([\w ]+)__([\w ]+)___([\w ]+)\z/.freeze COLUMN_REF_RE2 = /\A([\w ]+)___([\w ]+)\z/.freeze COLUMN_REF_RE3 = /\A([\w ]+)__([\w ]+)\z/.freeze COUNT_FROM_SELF_OPTS = [:distinct, :group, :sql, :limit, :compounds] DATASET_ALIAS_BASE_NAME = 't'.freeze IS_LITERALS = {nil=>'NULL'.freeze, true=>'TRUE'.freeze, false=>'FALSE'.freeze}.freeze IS_OPERATORS = ::Sequel::SQL::ComplexExpression::IS_OPERATORS N_ARITY_OPERATORS = ::Sequel::SQL::ComplexExpression::N_ARITY_OPERATORS NULL = "NULL".freeze QUALIFY_KEYS = [:select, :where, :having, :order, :group] QUESTION_MARK = '?'.freeze DELETE_CLAUSE_METHODS = clause_methods(:delete, %w'from where') INSERT_CLAUSE_METHODS = clause_methods(:insert, %w'into columns values') SELECT_CLAUSE_METHODS = clause_methods(:select, %w'with distinct columns from join where group having compounds order limit') UPDATE_CLAUSE_METHODS = clause_methods(:update, %w'table set where') TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S%N%z'".freeze STANDARD_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = "TIMESTAMP #{TIMESTAMP_FORMAT}".freeze TWO_ARITY_OPERATORS = ::Sequel::SQL::ComplexExpression::TWO_ARITY_OPERATORS WILDCARD = '*'.freeze SQL_WITH = "WITH ".freeze # SQL fragment for the aliased expression def aliased_expression_sql(ae) as_sql(literal(ae.expression), ae.aliaz) end # SQL fragment for the SQL array. def array_sql(a) a.empty? ? '(NULL)' : "(#{expression_list(a)})" end # SQL fragment for BooleanConstants def boolean_constant_sql(constant) literal(constant) end # SQL fragment for specifying given CaseExpression. def case_expression_sql(ce) sql = '(CASE ' sql << "#{literal(ce.expression)} " if ce.expression ce.conditions.collect{ |c,r| sql << "WHEN #{literal(c)} THEN #{literal(r)} " } sql << "ELSE #{literal(ce.default)} END)" end # SQL fragment for the SQL CAST expression. def cast_sql(expr, type) "CAST(#{literal(expr)} AS #{db.cast_type_literal(type)})" end # SQL fragment for specifying all columns in a given table. def column_all_sql(ca) "#{quote_schema_table(ca.table)}.*" end # SQL fragment for complex expressions def complex_expression_sql(op, args) case op when *IS_OPERATORS r = if r.nil? || supports_is_true? raise(InvalidOperation, 'Invalid argument used for IS operator') unless v = IS_LITERALS[r] "(#{literal(} #{op} #{v})" elsif op == :IS complex_expression_sql(:"=", args) else complex_expression_sql(:OR, ["!=", *args),,, nil)]) end when :IN, :"NOT IN" cols = vals = col_array = true if cols.is_a?(Array) || cols.is_a?(SQL::SQLArray) if vals.is_a?(Array) || vals.is_a?(SQL::SQLArray) val_array = true empty_val_array = vals.to_a == [] end if col_array if empty_val_array if op == :IN literal(SQL::BooleanExpression.from_value_pairs({|x| [x, x]}, :AND, true)) else literal(1=>1) end elsif !supports_multiple_column_in? if val_array expr =, *{|vs| SQL::BooleanExpression.from_value_pairs({|c, v| [c, v]})}) literal(op == :IN ? expr : ~expr) else old_vals = vals vals = vals.to_a val_cols = old_vals.columns complex_expression_sql(op, [cols,!{|x| x.values_at(*val_cols)}]) end else "(#{literal(cols)} #{op} #{literal(vals)})" end else if empty_val_array if op == :IN literal(SQL::BooleanExpression.from_value_pairs([[cols, cols]], :AND, true)) else literal(1=>1) end else "(#{literal(cols)} #{op} #{literal(vals)})" end end when *TWO_ARITY_OPERATORS "(#{literal(} #{op} #{literal(})" when *N_ARITY_OPERATORS "(#{args.collect{|a| literal(a)}.join(" #{op} ")})" when :NOT "NOT #{literal(}" when :NOOP literal( when :'B~' "~#{literal(}" else raise(InvalidOperation, "invalid operator #{op}") end end # SQL fragment for constants def constant_sql(constant) constant.to_s end # Returns the number of records in the dataset. def count aggregate_dataset.get{COUNT(:*){}.as(count)}.to_i end # Formats a DELETE statement using the given options and dataset options. # # dataset.filter{|o| o.price >= 100}.delete_sql #=> # "DELETE FROM items WHERE (price >= 100)" def delete_sql return static_sql(opts[:sql]) if opts[:sql] check_modification_allowed! clause_sql(:delete) end # Returns an EXISTS clause for the dataset as a LiteralString. # #[:items].exists).sql # #=> "SELECT 1 WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM items))" def exists"EXISTS (#{select_sql})") end # The first source (primary table) for this dataset. If the dataset doesn't # have a table, raises an error. If the table is aliased, returns the aliased name. def first_source_alias source = @opts[:from] if source.nil? || source.empty? raise Error, 'No source specified for query' end case s = source.first when SQL::AliasedExpression s.aliaz when Symbol sch, table, aliaz = split_symbol(s) aliaz ? aliaz.to_sym : s else s end end alias first_source first_source_alias # SQL fragment specifying an SQL function call def function_sql(f) args = f.args "#{f.f}#{args.empty? ? '()' : literal(args)}" end # Inserts multiple values. If a block is given it is invoked for each # item in the given array before inserting it. See #multi_insert as # a possible faster version that inserts multiple records in one # SQL statement. def insert_multiple(array, &block) if block array.each {|i| insert(block[i])} else array.each {|i| insert(i)} end end # Formats an INSERT statement using the given values. The API is a little # complex, and best explained by example: # # # Default values # DB[:items].insert_sql #=> 'INSERT INTO items DEFAULT VALUES' # DB[:items].insert_sql({}) #=> 'INSERT INTO items DEFAULT VALUES' # # Values without columns # DB[:items].insert_sql(1,2,3) #=> 'INSERT INTO items VALUES (1, 2, 3)' # DB[:items].insert_sql([1,2,3]) #=> 'INSERT INTO items VALUES (1, 2, 3)' # # Values with columns # DB[:items].insert_sql([:a, :b], [1,2]) #=> 'INSERT INTO items (a, b) VALUES (1, 2)' # DB[:items].insert_sql(:a => 1, :b => 2) #=> 'INSERT INTO items (a, b) VALUES (1, 2)' # # Using a subselect # DB[:items].insert_sql(DB[:old_items]) #=> 'INSERT INTO items SELECT * FROM old_items # # Using a subselect with columns # DB[:items].insert_sql([:a, :b], DB[:old_items]) #=> 'INSERT INTO items (a, b) SELECT * FROM old_items def insert_sql(*values) return static_sql(@opts[:sql]) if @opts[:sql] check_modification_allowed! columns = [] case values.size when 0 return insert_sql({}) when 1 case vals = when Hash vals = @opts[:defaults].merge(vals) if @opts[:defaults] vals = vals.merge(@opts[:overrides]) if @opts[:overrides] values = [] vals.each do |k,v| columns << k values << v end when Dataset, Array, LiteralString values = vals else if vals.respond_to?(:values) && (v = vals.values).is_a?(Hash) return insert_sql(v) end end when 2 if (v0 = && ((v1 = || v1.is_a?(Dataset) || v1.is_a?(LiteralString)) columns, values = v0, v1 raise(Error, "Different number of values and columns given to insert_sql") if values.is_a?(Array) and columns.length != values.length end end columns ={|k| literal(String === k ? k.to_sym : k)} clone(:columns=>columns, :values=>values)._insert_sql end # SQL fragment specifying a JOIN clause without ON or USING. def join_clause_sql(jc) table = jc.table table_alias = jc.table_alias table_alias = nil if table == table_alias tref = table_ref(table) " #{join_type_sql(jc.join_type)} #{table_alias ? as_sql(tref, table_alias) : tref}" end # SQL fragment specifying a JOIN clause with ON. def join_on_clause_sql(jc) "#{join_clause_sql(jc)} ON #{literal(filter_expr(jc.on))}" end # SQL fragment specifying a JOIN clause with USING. def join_using_clause_sql(jc) "#{join_clause_sql(jc)} USING (#{column_list(jc.using)})" end # Returns a joined dataset. Uses the following arguments: # # * type - The type of join to do (e.g. :inner) # * table - Depends on type: # * Dataset - a subselect is performed with an alias of tN for some value of N # * Model (or anything responding to :table_name) - table.table_name # * String, Symbol: table # * expr - specifies conditions, depends on type: # * Hash, Array with all two pairs - Assumes key (1st arg) is column of joined table (unless already # qualified), and value (2nd arg) is column of the last joined or primary table (or the # :implicit_qualifier option). # To specify multiple conditions on a single joined table column, you must use an array. # Uses a JOIN with an ON clause. # * Array - If all members of the array are symbols, considers them as columns and # uses a JOIN with a USING clause. Most databases will remove duplicate columns from # the result set if this is used. # * nil - If a block is not given, doesn't use ON or USING, so the JOIN should be a NATURAL # or CROSS join. If a block is given, uses a ON clause based on the block, see below. # * Everything else - pretty much the same as a using the argument in a call to filter, # so strings are considered literal, symbols specify boolean columns, and blockless # filter expressions can be used. Uses a JOIN with an ON clause. # * options - a hash of options, with any of the following keys: # * :table_alias - the name of the table's alias when joining, necessary for joining # to the same table more than once. No alias is used by default. # * :implicit_qualifier - The name to use for qualifying implicit conditions. By default, # the last joined or primary table is used. # * block - The block argument should only be given if a JOIN with an ON clause is used, # in which case it yields the table alias/name for the table currently being joined, # the table alias/name for the last joined (or first table), and an array of previous # SQL::JoinClause. def join_table(type, table, expr=nil, options={}, &block) using_join = expr.is_a?(Array) && !expr.empty? && expr.all?{|x| x.is_a?(Symbol)} if using_join && !supports_join_using? h = {} expr.each{|s| h[s] = s} return join_table(type, table, h, options) end case options when Hash table_alias = options[:table_alias] last_alias = options[:implicit_qualifier] when Symbol, String, SQL::Identifier table_alias = options last_alias = nil else raise Error, "invalid options format for join_table: #{options.inspect}" end if Dataset === table if table_alias.nil? table_alias_num = (@opts[:num_dataset_sources] || 0) + 1 table_alias = dataset_alias(table_alias_num) end table_name = table_alias else table = table.table_name if table.respond_to?(:table_name) table_name = table_alias || table end join = if expr.nil? and !block_given?, table, table_alias) elsif using_join raise(Sequel::Error, "can't use a block if providing an array of symbols as expr") if block_given?, type, table, table_alias) else last_alias ||= @opts[:last_joined_table] || first_source_alias if Sequel.condition_specifier?(expr) expr = expr.collect do |k, v| k = qualified_column_name(k, table_name) if k.is_a?(Symbol) v = qualified_column_name(v, last_alias) if v.is_a?(Symbol) [k,v] end end if block_given? expr2 = yield(table_name, last_alias, @opts[:join] || []) expr = expr ?, expr, expr2) : expr2 end, type, table, table_alias) end opts = {:join => (@opts[:join] || []) + [join], :last_joined_table => table_name} opts[:num_dataset_sources] = table_alias_num if table_alias_num clone(opts) end # Returns a literal representation of a value to be used as part # of an SQL expression. # # dataset.literal("abc'def\\") #=> "'abc''def\\\\'" # dataset.literal(:items__id) #=> "" # dataset.literal([1, 2, 3]) => "(1, 2, 3)" # dataset.literal(DB[:items]) => "(SELECT * FROM items)" # dataset.literal(:x + 1 > :y) => "((x + 1) > y)" # # If an unsupported object is given, an exception is raised. def literal(v) case v when String return v if v.is_a?(LiteralString) v.is_a?(SQL::Blob) ? literal_blob(v) : literal_string(v) when Symbol literal_symbol(v) when Integer literal_integer(v) when Hash literal_hash(v) when SQL::Expression literal_expression(v) when Float literal_float(v) when BigDecimal literal_big_decimal(v) when NilClass literal_nil when TrueClass literal_true when FalseClass literal_false when Array literal_array(v) when Time literal_time(v) when DateTime literal_datetime(v) when Date literal_date(v) when Dataset literal_dataset(v) else literal_other(v) end end # Returns an array of insert statements for inserting multiple records. # This method is used by #multi_insert to format insert statements and # expects a keys array and and an array of value arrays. # # This method should be overridden by descendants if the support # inserting multiple records in a single SQL statement. def multi_insert_sql(columns, values){|r| insert_sql(columns, r)} end # SQL fragment for NegativeBooleanConstants def negative_boolean_constant_sql(constant) "NOT #{boolean_constant_sql(constant)}" end # SQL fragment for the ordered expression, used in the ORDER BY # clause. def ordered_expression_sql(oe) "#{literal(oe.expression)} #{oe.descending ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'}" end # SQL fragment for a literal string with placeholders def placeholder_literal_string_sql(pls) args = pls.args s = if args.is_a?(Hash) re = /:(#{{|k| Regexp.escape(k.to_s)}.join('|')})\b/ pls.str.gsub(re){literal(args[$1.to_sym])} else i = -1 pls.str.gsub(QUESTION_MARK){literal(} end s = "(#{s})" if pls.parens s end # SQL fragment for the qualifed identifier, specifying # a table and a column (or schema and table). def qualified_identifier_sql(qcr) [qcr.table, qcr.column].map{|x| [SQL::QualifiedIdentifier, SQL::Identifier, Symbol].any?{|c| x.is_a?(c)} ? literal(x) : quote_identifier(x)}.join('.') end # Qualify to the given table, or first source if not table is given. def qualify(table=first_source) qualify_to(table) end # Return a copy of the dataset with unqualified identifiers in the # SELECT, WHERE, GROUP, HAVING, and ORDER clauses qualified by the # given table. If no columns are currently selected, select all # columns of the given table. def qualify_to(table) o = @opts return clone if o[:sql] h = {} (o.keys & QUALIFY_KEYS).each do |k| h[k] = qualified_expression(o[k], table) end h[:select] = [] if !o[:select] || o[:select].empty? clone(h) end # Qualify the dataset to its current first source. This is useful # if you have unqualified identifiers in the query that all refer to # the first source, and you want to join to another table which # has columns with the same name as columns in the current dataset. # See qualify_to. def qualify_to_first_source qualify_to(first_source) end # Adds quoting to identifiers (columns and tables). If identifiers are not # being quoted, returns name as a string. If identifiers are being quoted # quote the name with quoted_identifier. def quote_identifier(name) return name if name.is_a?(LiteralString) name = name.value if name.is_a?(SQL::Identifier) name = input_identifier(name) name = quoted_identifier(name) if quote_identifiers? name end # Separates the schema from the table and returns a string with them # quoted (if quoting identifiers) def quote_schema_table(table) schema, table = schema_and_table(table) "#{"#{quote_identifier(schema)}." if schema}#{quote_identifier(table)}" end # This method quotes the given name with the SQL standard double quote. # should be overridden by subclasses to provide quoting not matching the # SQL standard, such as backtick (used by MySQL and SQLite). def quoted_identifier(name) "\"#{name.to_s.gsub('"', '""')}\"" end # Split the schema information from the table def schema_and_table(table_name) sch = db.default_schema if db case table_name when Symbol s, t, a = split_symbol(table_name) [s||sch, t] when SQL::QualifiedIdentifier [table_name.table, table_name.column] when SQL::Identifier [sch, table_name.value] when String [sch, table_name] else raise Error, 'table_name should be a Symbol, SQL::QualifiedIdentifier, SQL::Identifier, or String' end end # Formats a SELECT statement # # dataset.select_sql # => "SELECT * FROM items" def select_sql return static_sql(@opts[:sql]) if @opts[:sql] clause_sql(:select) end # Same as select_sql, not aliased directly to make subclassing simpler. def sql select_sql end # SQL fragment for specifying subscripts (SQL arrays) def subscript_sql(s) "#{literal(s.f)}[#{expression_list(s.sub)}]" end # SQL query to truncate the table def truncate_sql if opts[:sql] static_sql(opts[:sql]) else check_modification_allowed! raise(InvalidOperation, "Can't truncate filtered datasets") if opts[:where] _truncate_sql(source_list(opts[:from])) end end # Formats an UPDATE statement using the given values. # # dataset.update_sql(:price => 100, :category => 'software') #=> # "UPDATE items SET price = 100, category = 'software'" # # Raises an error if the dataset is grouped or includes more # than one table. def update_sql(values = {}) return static_sql(opts[:sql]) if opts[:sql] check_modification_allowed! clone(:values=>values)._update_sql end # Add a condition to the WHERE clause. See #filter for argument types. # # # SELECT * FROM items GROUP BY a HAVING a AND b # # SELECT * FROM items WHERE b GROUP BY a HAVING a def where(*cond, &block) _filter(:where, *cond, &block) end # The SQL fragment for the given window's options. def window_sql(opts) raise(Error, 'This dataset does not support window functions') unless supports_window_functions? window = literal(opts[:window]) if opts[:window] partition = "PARTITION BY #{expression_list(Array(opts[:partition]))}" if opts[:partition] order = "ORDER BY #{expression_list(Array(opts[:order]))}" if opts[:order] frame = case opts[:frame] when nil nil when :all "ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING" when :rows "ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING" else raise Error, "invalid window frame clause, should be :all, :rows, or nil" end "(#{[window, partition, order, frame].compact.join(' ')})" end # The SQL fragment for the given window function's function and window. def window_function_sql(function, window) "#{literal(function)} OVER #{literal(window)}" end # Add a simple common table expression (CTE) with the given name and a dataset that defines the CTE. # A common table expression acts as an inline view for the query. # Options: # * :args - Specify the arguments/columns for the CTE, should be an array of symbols. # * :recursive - Specify that this is a recursive CTE def with(name, dataset, opts={}) raise(Error, 'This datatset does not support common table expressions') unless supports_cte? clone(:with=>(@opts[:with]||[]) + [opts.merge(:name=>name, :dataset=>dataset)]) end # Add a recursive common table expression (CTE) with the given name, a dataset that # defines the nonrecursive part of the CTE, and a dataset that defines the recursive part # of the CTE. Options: # * :args - Specify the arguments/columns for the CTE, should be an array of symbols. # * :union_all - Set to false to use UNION instead of UNION ALL combining the nonrecursive and recursive parts. def with_recursive(name, nonrecursive, recursive, opts={}) raise(Error, 'This datatset does not support common table expressions') unless supports_cte? clone(:with=>(@opts[:with]||[]) + [opts.merge(:recursive=>true, :name=>name, :dataset=>nonrecursive.union(recursive, {:all=>opts[:union_all] != false, :from_self=>false}))]) end # Returns a copy of the dataset with the static SQL used. This is useful if you want # to keep the same row_proc/graph, but change the SQL used to custom SQL. # # dataset.with_sql('SELECT * FROM foo') # SELECT * FROM foo def with_sql(sql, *args) sql =, args) unless args.empty? clone(:sql=>sql) end CONDITIONED_JOIN_TYPES.each do |jtype| class_eval("def #{jtype}_join(*args, &block); join_table(:#{jtype}, *args, &block) end", __FILE__, __LINE__) end UNCONDITIONED_JOIN_TYPES.each do |jtype| class_eval("def #{jtype}_join(table); raise(Sequel::Error, '#{jtype}_join does not accept join table blocks') if block_given?; join_table(:#{jtype}, table) end", __FILE__, __LINE__) end alias join inner_join protected # Formats in INSERT statement using the stored columns and values. def _insert_sql clause_sql(:insert) end # Formats an UPDATE statement using the stored values. def _update_sql clause_sql(:update) end # Return a from_self dataset if an order or limit is specified, so it works as expected # with UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT clauses. def compound_from_self (@opts[:limit] || @opts[:order]) ? from_self : self end private # Formats the truncate statement. Assumes the table given has already been # literalized. def _truncate_sql(table) "TRUNCATE TABLE #{table}" end # Returns an appropriate symbol for the alias represented by s. def alias_alias_symbol(s) case s when Symbol s when String s.to_sym when SQL::Identifier s.value.to_s.to_sym else raise Error, "Invalid alias for alias_alias_symbol: #{s.inspect}" end end # Returns an appropriate alias symbol for the given object, which can be # a Symbol, String, SQL::Identifier, SQL::QualifiedIdentifier, or # SQL::AliasedExpression. def alias_symbol(sym) case sym when Symbol s, t, a = split_symbol(sym) a || s ? (a || t).to_sym : sym when String sym.to_sym when SQL::Identifier sym.value.to_s.to_sym when SQL::QualifiedIdentifier alias_symbol(sym.column) when SQL::AliasedExpression alias_alias_symbol(sym.aliaz) else raise Error, "Invalid alias for alias_symbol: #{sym.inspect}" end end # Clone of this dataset usable in aggregate operations. Does # a from_self if dataset contains any parameters that would # affect normal aggregation, or just removes an existing # order if not. def aggregate_dataset options_overlap(COUNT_FROM_SELF_OPTS) ? from_self : unordered end # Do a simple join of the arguments (which should be strings or symbols) separated by commas def argument_list(args) args.join(COMMA_SEPARATOR) end # SQL fragment for specifying an alias. expression should already be literalized. def as_sql(expression, aliaz) "#{expression} AS #{quote_identifier(aliaz)}" end # Raise an InvalidOperation exception if deletion is not allowed # for this dataset def check_modification_allowed! raise(InvalidOperation, "Grouped datasets cannot be modified") if opts[:group] raise(InvalidOperation, "Joined datasets cannot be modified") if !supports_modifying_joins? && joined_dataset? end # Prepare an SQL statement by calling all clause methods for the given statement type. def clause_sql(type) sql = type.to_s.upcase send("#{type}_clause_methods").each{|x| send(x, sql)} sql end # Converts an array of column names into a comma seperated string of # column names. If the array is empty, a wildcard (*) is returned. def column_list(columns) (columns.nil? || columns.empty?) ? WILDCARD : expression_list(columns) end # The alias to use for datasets, takes a number to make sure the name is unique. def dataset_alias(number) :"#{DATASET_ALIAS_BASE_NAME}#{number}" end # The order of methods to call to build the DELETE SQL statement def delete_clause_methods DELETE_CLAUSE_METHODS end # Converts an array of expressions into a comma separated string of # expressions. def expression_list(columns){|i| literal(i)}.join(COMMA_SEPARATOR) end # The strftime format to use when literalizing the time. def default_timestamp_format requires_sql_standard_datetimes? ? STANDARD_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT : TIMESTAMP_FORMAT end # Format the timestamp based on the default_timestamp_format, with a couple # of modifiers. First, allow %N to be used for fractions seconds (if the # database supports them), and override %z to always use a numeric offset # of hours and minutes. def format_timestamp(v) v2 = Sequel.application_to_database_timestamp(v) fmt = default_timestamp_format.gsub(/%[Nz]/) do |m| if m == '%N' format_timestamp_usec(v.is_a?(DateTime) ? v.sec_fraction*86400000000 : v.usec) if supports_timestamp_usecs? else if supports_timestamp_timezones? # Would like to just use %z format, but it doesn't appear to work on Windows # Instead, the offset fragment is constructed manually minutes = (v2.is_a?(DateTime) ? v2.offset * 1440 : v2.utc_offset/60).to_i format_timestamp_offset(*minutes.divmod(60)) end end end v2.strftime(fmt) end # Return the SQL timestamp fragment to use for the timezone offset. def format_timestamp_offset(hour, minute) sprintf("%+03i%02i", hour, minute) end # Return the SQL timestamp fragment to use for the fractional time part. # Should start with the decimal point. Uses 6 decimal places by default. def format_timestamp_usec(usec) sprintf(".%06d", usec) end # SQL fragment specifying a list of identifiers # SQL fragment specifying a list of identifiers def identifier_list(columns){|i| quote_identifier(i)}.join(COMMA_SEPARATOR) end # SQL fragment specifying the table to insert INTO def insert_into_sql(sql) sql << " INTO #{source_list(@opts[:from])}" end # The order of methods to call to build the INSERT SQL statement def insert_clause_methods INSERT_CLAUSE_METHODS end # SQL fragment specifying the columns to insert into def insert_columns_sql(sql) columns = opts[:columns] sql << " (#{columns.join(COMMA_SEPARATOR)})" if columns && !columns.empty? end # SQL fragment specifying the values to insert. def insert_values_sql(sql) case values = opts[:values] when Array sql << (values.empty? ? " DEFAULT VALUES" : " VALUES #{literal(values)}") when Dataset sql << " #{subselect_sql(values)}" when LiteralString sql << " #{values}" else raise Error, "Unsupported INSERT values type, should be an Array or Dataset: #{values.inspect}" end end # SQL fragment specifying a JOIN type, converts underscores to # spaces and upcases. def join_type_sql(join_type) "#{join_type.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').upcase} JOIN" end # Whether this dataset is a joined dataset def joined_dataset? (opts[:from].is_a?(Array) && opts[:from].size > 1) || opts[:join] end # SQL fragment for Array. Treats as an expression if an array of all two pairs, or as a SQL array otherwise. def literal_array(v) Sequel.condition_specifier?(v) ? literal_expression(SQL::BooleanExpression.from_value_pairs(v)) : array_sql(v) end # SQL fragment for BigDecimal def literal_big_decimal(v) d = v.to_s("F") v.nan? || v.infinite? ? "'#{d}'" : d end # SQL fragment for SQL::Blob def literal_blob(v) literal_string(v) end # SQL fragment for Dataset. Does a subselect inside parantheses. def literal_dataset(v) "(#{subselect_sql(v)})" end # SQL fragment for Date, using the ISO8601 format. def literal_date(v) v.strftime("#{'DATE ' if requires_sql_standard_datetimes?}'%Y-%m-%d'") end # SQL fragment for DateTime def literal_datetime(v) format_timestamp(v) end # SQL fragment for SQL::Expression, result depends on the specific type of expression. def literal_expression(v) v.to_s(self) end # SQL fragment for false def literal_false BOOL_FALSE end # SQL fragment for Float def literal_float(v) v.to_s end # SQL fragment for Hash, treated as an expression def literal_hash(v) literal_expression(SQL::BooleanExpression.from_value_pairs(v)) end # SQL fragment for Integer def literal_integer(v) v.to_s end # SQL fragment for nil def literal_nil NULL end # SQL fragment for a type of object not handled by Dataset#literal. # Calls sql_literal if object responds to it, otherwise raises an error. # Classes implementing sql_literal should call a class-specific method on the dataset # provided and should add that method to Sequel::Dataset, allowing for adapters # to provide customized literalizations. # If a database specific type is allowed, this should be overriden in a subclass. def literal_other(v) if v.respond_to?(:sql_literal) v.sql_literal(self) else raise Error, "can't express #{v.inspect} as a SQL literal" end end # SQL fragment for String. Doubles \ and ' by default. def literal_string(v) "'#{v.gsub(/\\/, "\\\\\\\\").gsub(/'/, "''")}'" end # Converts a symbol into a column name. This method supports underscore # notation in order to express qualified (two underscores) and aliased # (three underscores) columns: # # dataset.literal(:abc) #=> "abc" # dataset.literal(:abc___a) #=> "abc AS a" # dataset.literal(:items__abc) #=> "" # dataset.literal(:items__abc___a) #=> " AS a" def literal_symbol(v) c_table, column, c_alias = split_symbol(v) qc = "#{"#{quote_identifier(c_table)}." if c_table}#{quote_identifier(column)}" c_alias ? as_sql(qc, c_alias) : qc end # SQL fragment for Time def literal_time(v) format_timestamp(v) end # SQL fragment for true def literal_true BOOL_TRUE end # Returns a qualified column name (including a table name) if the column # name isn't already qualified. def qualified_column_name(column, table) if Symbol === column c_table, column, c_alias = split_symbol(column) unless c_table case table when Symbol schema, table, t_alias = split_symbol(table) t_alias ||=, table) if schema when Sequel::SQL::AliasedExpression t_alias = table.aliaz end c_table = t_alias || table end, column) else column end end # Qualify the given expression e to the given table. def qualified_expression(e, table) case e when Symbol t, column, aliaz = split_symbol(e) if t e elsif aliaz,, aliaz) else, e) end when Array{|a| qualified_expression(a, table)} when Hash h = {} e.each{|k,v| h[qualified_expression(k, table)] = qualified_expression(v, table)} h when SQL::Identifier, e) when SQL::OrderedExpression, table), e.descending) when SQL::AliasedExpression, table), e.aliaz) when SQL::CaseExpression, table), qualified_expression(e.default, table), qualified_expression(e.expression, table)) when SQL::Cast, table), e.type) when SQL::Function, *qualified_expression(e.args, table)) when SQL::ComplexExpression, *qualified_expression(e.args, table)) when SQL::SQLArray, table)) when SQL::Subscript, table), qualified_expression(e.sub, table)) when SQL::WindowFunction, table), qualified_expression(e.window, table)) when SQL::Window o = e.opts.dup o[:partition] = qualified_expression(o[:partition], table) if o[:partition] o[:order] = qualified_expression(o[:order], table) if o[:order] when SQL::PlaceholderLiteralString args = if e.args.is_a?(Hash) h = {} e.args.each{|k,v| h[k] = qualified_expression(v, table)} h else qualified_expression(e.args, table) end, args, e.parens) else e end end # The order of methods to call to build the SELECT SQL statement def select_clause_methods SELECT_CLAUSE_METHODS end # Modify the sql to add the columns selected def select_columns_sql(sql) sql << " #{column_list(@opts[:select])}" end # Modify the sql to add the DISTINCT modifier def select_distinct_sql(sql) if distinct = @opts[:distinct] sql << " DISTINCT#{" ON (#{expression_list(distinct)})" unless distinct.empty?}" end end # Modify the sql to add a dataset to the via an EXCEPT, INTERSECT, or UNION clause. # This uses a subselect for the compound datasets used, because using parantheses doesn't # work on all databases. I consider this an ugly hack, but can't I think of a better default. def select_compounds_sql(sql) return unless @opts[:compounds] @opts[:compounds].each do |type, dataset, all| compound_sql = subselect_sql(dataset) sql << " #{type.to_s.upcase}#{' ALL' if all} #{compound_sql}" end end # Modify the sql to add the list of tables to select FROM def select_from_sql(sql) sql << " FROM #{source_list(@opts[:from])}" if @opts[:from] end alias delete_from_sql select_from_sql # Modify the sql to add the expressions to GROUP BY def select_group_sql(sql) sql << " GROUP BY #{expression_list(@opts[:group])}" if @opts[:group] end # Modify the sql to add the filter criteria in the HAVING clause def select_having_sql(sql) sql << " HAVING #{literal(@opts[:having])}" if @opts[:having] end # Modify the sql to add the list of tables to JOIN to def select_join_sql(sql) @opts[:join].each{|j| sql << literal(j)} if @opts[:join] end # Modify the sql to limit the number of rows returned and offset def select_limit_sql(sql) sql << " LIMIT #{literal(@opts[:limit])}" if @opts[:limit] sql << " OFFSET #{literal(@opts[:offset])}" if @opts[:offset] end # Modify the sql to add the expressions to ORDER BY def select_order_sql(sql) sql << " ORDER BY #{expression_list(@opts[:order])}" if @opts[:order] end alias delete_order_sql select_order_sql alias update_order_sql select_order_sql # Modify the sql to add the filter criteria in the WHERE clause def select_where_sql(sql) sql << " WHERE #{literal(@opts[:where])}" if @opts[:where] end alias delete_where_sql select_where_sql alias update_where_sql select_where_sql # SQL Fragment specifying the WITH clause def select_with_sql(sql) ws = opts[:with] return if !ws || ws.empty? sql.replace("#{select_with_sql_base}#{{|w| "#{quote_identifier(w[:name])}#{"(#{argument_list(w[:args])})" if w[:args]} AS #{literal_dataset(w[:dataset])}"}.join(COMMA_SEPARATOR)} #{sql}") end # The base keyword to use for the SQL WITH clause def select_with_sql_base SQL_WITH end # Converts an array of source names into into a comma separated list. def source_list(source) raise(Error, 'No source specified for query') if source.nil? || source.empty?{|s| table_ref(s)}.join(COMMA_SEPARATOR) end # Splits the symbol into three parts. Each part will # either be a string or nil. # # For columns, these parts are the table, column, and alias. # For tables, these parts are the schema, table, and alias. def split_symbol(sym) s = sym.to_s if m = COLUMN_REF_RE1.match(s) m[1..3] elsif m = COLUMN_REF_RE2.match(s) [nil, m[1], m[2]] elsif m = COLUMN_REF_RE3.match(s) [m[1], m[2], nil] else [nil, s, nil] end end # SQL to use if this dataset uses static SQL. Since static SQL # can be a PlaceholderLiteralString in addition to a String, # we literalize nonstrings. def static_sql(sql) sql.is_a?(String) ? sql : literal(sql) end # SQL fragment for a subselect using the given database's SQL. def subselect_sql(ds) ds.sql end # SQL fragment specifying a table name. def table_ref(t) t.is_a?(String) ? quote_identifier(t) : literal(t) end # The order of methods to call to build the UPDATE SQL statement def update_clause_methods UPDATE_CLAUSE_METHODS end # SQL fragment specifying the tables from with to delete. # Includes join table if modifying joins is allowed. def update_table_sql(sql) sql << " #{source_list(@opts[:from])}" select_join_sql(sql) if supports_modifying_joins? end # The SQL fragment specifying the columns and values to SET. def update_set_sql(sql) values = opts[:values] set = if values.is_a?(Hash) values = opts[:defaults].merge(values) if opts[:defaults] values = values.merge(opts[:overrides]) if opts[:overrides] # get values from hash do |k, v| "#{k.is_a?(String) && !k.is_a?(LiteralString) ? quote_identifier(k) : literal(k)} = #{literal(v)}" end.join(COMMA_SEPARATOR) else # copy values verbatim values end sql << " SET #{set}" end end end