# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require 'bigdecimal' require 'time' module AMQ module Protocol describe Table do timestamp = Time.utc(2010, 12, 31, 23, 58, 59) bigdecimal_1 = BigDecimal.new("1.0") bigdecimal_2 = BigDecimal.new("5E-3") DATA = { {} => "\x00\x00\x00\x00", {"test" => 1} => "\x00\x00\x00\x0E\x04testl\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01", {"float" => 1.92} => "\x00\x00\x00\x0F\x05floatd?\xFE\xB8Q\xEB\x85\x1E\xB8", {"test" => "string"} => "\x00\x00\x00\x10\x04testS\x00\x00\x00\x06string", {"test" => {}} => "\x00\x00\x00\n\x04testF\x00\x00\x00\x00", {"test" => bigdecimal_1} => "\x00\x00\x00\v\x04testD\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01", {"test" => bigdecimal_2} => "\x00\x00\x00\v\x04testD\x03\x00\x00\x00\x05", {"test" => timestamp} => "\x00\x00\x00\x0e\x04testT\x00\x00\x00\x00M\x1enC" } describe ".encode" do it "should return \"\x00\x00\x00\x00\" for nil" do encoded_value = "\x00\x00\x00\x00" expect(Table.encode(nil)).to eql(encoded_value) end it "should serialize { :test => true }" do expect(Table.encode(:test => true)). to eql("\x00\x00\x00\a\x04testt\x01".force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)) end it "should serialize { :test => false }" do expect(Table.encode(:test => false)). to eql("\x00\x00\x00\a\x04testt\x00".force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)) end it "should serialize { :coordinates => { :latitude => 59.35 } }" do expect(Table.encode(:coordinates => { :latitude => 59.35 })). to eql("\x00\x00\x00#\vcoordinatesF\x00\x00\x00\x12\blatituded@M\xAC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCC\xCD".force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)) end it "should serialize { :coordinates => { :longitude => 18.066667 } }" do expect(Table.encode(:coordinates => { :longitude => 18.066667 })). to eql("\x00\x00\x00$\vcoordinatesF\x00\x00\x00\x13\tlongituded@2\x11\x11\x16\xA8\xB8\xF1".force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)) end DATA.each do |data, encoded| it "should return #{encoded.inspect} for #{data.inspect}" do expect(Table.encode(data)).to eql(encoded.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)) end end end describe ".decode" do DATA.each do |data, encoded| it "should return #{data.inspect} for #{encoded.inspect}" do expect(Table.decode(encoded)).to eql(data) end it "is capable of decoding what it encodes" do expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(data))).to eq(data) end end # DATA.each it "is capable of decoding boolean table values" do input1 = { "boolval" => true } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input1))).to eq(input1) input2 = { "boolval" => false } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input2))).to eq(input2) end it "is capable of decoding nil table values" do input = { "nilval" => nil } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding nil table in nested hash/map values" do input = { "hash" => {"nil" => nil} } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding string table values" do input = { "stringvalue" => "string" } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) expect(Table.decode("\x00\x00\x00\x17\vstringvalueS\x00\x00\x00\x06string")).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding byte array table values (as Ruby strings)" do expect(Table.decode("\x00\x00\x00\x17\vstringvaluex\x00\x00\x00\x06string")).to eq({"stringvalue" => "string"}) end it "is capable of decoding string table values with UTF-8 characters" do input = { "строка".force_encoding(::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) => "значение".force_encoding(::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding integer table values" do input = { "intvalue" => 10 } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding signed integer table values" do input = { "intvalue" => -10 } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding long table values" do input = { "longvalue" => 912598613 } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding float table values" do input = { "floatvalue" => 100.0 } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding time table values" do input = { "intvalue" => Time.parse("2011-07-14 01:17:46 +0400") } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding empty hash table values" do input = { "hashvalue" => Hash.new } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding empty array table values" do input = { "arrayvalue" => Array.new } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding single string value array table values" do input = { "arrayvalue" => ["amq-protocol"] } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding simple nested hash table values" do input = { "hashvalue" => { "a" => "b" } } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding nil table values" do input = { "nil" => nil } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it 'is capable of decoding 8bit signed integers' do output = TableValueDecoder.decode_byte("\xC0",0).first expect(output).to eq(192) end it 'is capable of decoding 16bit signed integers' do output = TableValueDecoder.decode_short("\x06\x8D", 0).first expect(output).to eq(1677) end it "is capable of decoding tables" do input = { "boolval" => true, "intval" => 1, "strval" => "Test", "timestampval" => Time.parse("2011-07-14 01:17:46 +0400"), "floatval" => 3.14, "longval" => 912598613, "hashval" => { "protocol" => "AMQP091", "true" => true, "false" => false, "nil" => nil } } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding deeply nested tables" do input = { "hashval" => { "protocol" => { "name" => "AMQP", "major" => 0, "minor" => "9", "rev" => 1.0, "spec" => { "url" => "http://bit.ly/hw2ELX", "utf8" => "à bientôt".force_encoding(::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) } }, "true" => true, "false" => false, "nil" => nil } } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input))).to eq(input) end it "is capable of decoding array values in tables" do input1 = { "arrayval1" => [198, 3, 77, 8.0, ["inner", "array", { "oh" => "well", "it" => "should work", "3" => 6 }], "two", { "a" => "value", "is" => nil }], "arrayval2" => [198, 3, 77, "two", { "a" => "value", "is" => nil }, 8.0, ["inner", "array", { "oh" => "well", "it" => "should work", "3" => 6 }]] } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input1))).to eq(input1) now = Time.now input2 = { "coordinates" => { "latitude" => 59.35, "longitude" => 18.066667 }, "participants" => 11, "venue" => "Stockholm", "true_field" => true, "false_field" => false, "nil_field" => nil, "ary_field" => ["one", 2.0, 3] } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input2))).to eq(input2) input3 = { "timely" => { "now" => now } } expect(Table.decode(Table.encode(input3))["timely"]["now"].to_i).to eq(now.to_i) end end # describe end end end