module Opro module Oauth end module Controllers module Concerns end end # Include helpers in the given scope to AC and AV. def self.include_helpers(scope) ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) do include scope::ApplicationControllerHelper if defined?(scope::ApplicationControllerHelper) end end def self.setup yield self set_login_logout_methods end def self.set_login_logout_methods case auth_strategy when :devise login_method { |controller, current_user| controller.sign_in(current_user, :bypass => true) } logout_method { |controller, current_user| controller.sign_out(current_user) } authenticate_user_method { |controller| controller.authenticate_user! } find_user_for_auth do |controller, params| return false if params[:password].blank? find_params = params.each_with_object({}) {|(key,value), hash| hash[key] = value if Devise.authentication_keys.include?(key.to_sym) } # Try to get fancy, some clients have :username hardcoded, if we have nothing in our find hash # we can make an educated guess here if find_params.blank? && params[:username].present? find_params = { Devise.authentication_keys.first => params[:username] } end user = User.where(find_params).first if find_params.present? return false unless user.present? return false unless user.valid_password?(params[:password]) user end else # nothing end end # Used by application controller to log user in def self.login(*args) raise 'login method not set; please specify an oPRO auth_strategy in config/initializers/opro.rb' if login_method.blank?*args) end # Used by application controller to log user out def self.logout(*args) raise 'logout method not set; please specify an oPRO auth_strategy in config/initializers/opro.rb' if login_method.blank?*args) end # Used by set_login_logout_methods to pre-define login, logout, and authenticate methods def self.auth_strategy(auth_strategy = nil) if auth_strategy.present? @auth_strategy = auth_strategy else @auth_strategy end end def self.auth_strategy=(auth_strategy) @auth_strategy = auth_strategy end def self.login_method(&block) if block.present? @login_method = block else @login_method or raise 'login method not set; please specify an oPRO auth_strategy in config/initializers/opro.rb' end end def self.request_permissions=(permissions) @request_permissions = permissions end def self.request_permissions @request_permissions || [] end def self.require_refresh_within=(require_refresh_within) @require_refresh_within = require_refresh_within end def self.require_refresh_within @require_refresh_within end def self.logout_method(&block) if block.present? @logout_method = block else @logout_method or raise 'logout method not set; please specify an oPRO auth_strategy in config/initializers/opro.rb' end end def self.authenticate_user_method(&block) if block.present? @authenticate_user_method = block else @authenticate_user_method or raise 'authenticate_user_method not set, please specify an oPRO auth_strategy in config/initializers/opro.rb' end end # calls all of the different auths made available, def self.find_user_for_all_auths!(controller, params) @user = false find_user_for_auth.each do |auth_block| break if @user.present? @user =, params) end @user end # default to no match def self.header_auth_regex @header_auth_regex || /$^/ end # Allows a user to set define a custom authorization regular expression def self.header_auth_regex=(regexstring) raise "not a regex" unless regexstring.is_a? Regexp @header_auth_regex = regexstring end # Needed to `return` from the blocks provided to `find_user_for_auth` def self.convert_to_lambda &block if RUBY_ENGINE && RUBY_ENGINE == "jruby" return lambda(&block) else # Grossssss, don't use obj = obj.define_singleton_method(:_, &block) return obj.method(:_).to_proc end end # holds an Array of authentication blocks is called by find_user_for_all_auths! in token controller # can be used for finding users using multiple methods (password, facebook, twitter, etc.) def self.find_user_for_auth(&block) if block.present? @find_for_authentication ||= [] @find_for_authentication << convert_to_lambda(&block) else @find_for_authentication or raise 'find_for_authentication not set, please specify an oPRO auth_strategy in config/initializers/opro.rb' end end def self.password_exchange_enabled=(password_exchange_enabled) @password_exchange_enabled = password_exchange_enabled end def self.password_exchange_enabled? @password_exchange_enabled end end require 'opro/controllers/concerns/rate_limits' require 'opro/controllers/concerns/error_messages' require 'opro/controllers/concerns/permissions' require 'opro/controllers/application_controller_helper' require 'opro/engine'