class TestLab module Utility # GLI Module # # @author Zachary Patten module GLI require 'ztk' LAB_ACTION_ORDER = %W(build demolish recycle bounce create destroy up down provision deprovision).map(&:to_sym) LAB_ACTIONS = { :create => ["Initialize %s", "Attempts to create the <%= @component %>."], :destroy => ["Terminate %s", "Attempts to destroy the <%= @component %>."], :up => ["On-line %s", "Attempts to online the <%= @component %>."], :down => ["Off-line %s", "Attempts to offline the <%= @component %>."], :provision => ["Provision %s", "Attempts to provision the <%= @component %>."], :deprovision => ["De-provision %s", "Attempts to deprovision the <%= @component %>."], :bounce => ["Bounce %s (down->up)", <<-EOF], Attempts to bounce the <%= @component %>. TestLab will attempt to offline, then online the <%= @component %>. The <%= @component %> are taken through the following states: Current -> Down -> Up EOF :recycle => ["Recycle %s (demolish->build)", <<-EOF], Attempts to recycle the <%= @component %>. TestLab will attempt to demolish, then build the <%= @component %>. The <%= @component %> are taken through the following states: Current -> Demolish -> Build EOF :build => ["Build %s (create->up->provision)", <<-EOF], Attempts to build the <%= @component %>. TestLab will attempt to create, online and provision the <%= @component %>. The <%= @component %> are taken through the following states: Current -> Create -> Up -> Provision EOF :demolish => ["Demolish %s (deprovision->down->destroy)", <<-EOF] Attempts to demolish the <%= @component %>. TestLab will attempt to deprovision, offline and destroy the <%= @component %>. The <%= @component %> are taken through the following states: Current -> Deprovision -> Down -> Destroy EOF } def build_lab_commands(component, klass, &block) desc %(Manage lab #{component}s) command component do |c| c.desc %(Optional #{component} ID or comma separated list of #{component} IDs) c.arg_name %(#{component}[,#{component},...]) c.flag [:n, :name] LAB_ACTION_ORDER.each do |lab_action| action_desc = LAB_ACTIONS[lab_action] c.desc(action_desc.first % "#{component}s") c.long_desc(ZTK::Template.string(action_desc.last, {:component => "#{component}s"})) c.command lab_action do |la| la.action do |global_options, options, args| iterate_objects_by_name(options[:name], klass) do |object| object.send(lab_action) end end end end !block.nil? and end end def iterate_objects_by_name(name, klass, &block) objects = klass_name = klass.to_s.split('::').last.downcase if name.nil? objects ={ |object| (!object.template rescue true) } else names = name.split(',') objects = klass.find(names).select{ |object| (!object.template rescue true) } end (objects.nil? || (objects.count == 0)) and raise TestLab::TestLabError, "We could not find any of the #{klass_name}s you supplied!" objects.each do |object| !block.nil? and end objects end end end end