require 'spec_helper' describe "Proxy + WebDriver" do let(:driver) { Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox, :profile => profile } let(:proxy) { new_proxy } let(:wait) { => 10) } let(:profile) { pr = pr.proxy = proxy.selenium_proxy pr } after { driver.quit proxy.close } it "should fetch a HAR" do proxy.new_har("1") driver.get url_for("1.html") wait.until { driver.title == '1' } proxy.new_page "2" driver.get url_for("2.html") wait.until { driver.title == '2' } har = proxy.har har.should be_kind_of(HAR::Archive) har.pages.size.should == 2 end it "should fetch a HAR and capture headers" do proxy.new_har("2", :capture_headers => true) driver.get url_for("2.html") wait.until { driver.title == '2' } entry = proxy.har.entries.first entry.should_not be_nil entry.request.headers.should_not be_empty end it "should fetch a HAR and capture content" do proxy.new_har("2", :capture_content => true) driver.get url_for("2.html") wait.until { driver.title == '2' } entry = proxy.har.entries.first entry.should_not be_nil entry.response.content.size.should be > 0 entry.response.content.text.should =="spec/fixtures/2.html") end it "should fetch a HAR and capture binary content as Base64 encoded string" do proxy.new_har("binary", :capture_binary_content => true) driver.get url_for("empty.gif") entry = proxy.har.entries.first entry.should_not be_nil entry.response.content.size.should be > 0 require 'base64' expected_content = Base64.encode64("spec/fixtures/empty.gif")).strip entry.response.content.text.should == expected_content end describe 'whitelist' do it "allows access to urls in whitelist" do dest = url_for('1.html') proxy.whitelist(Regexp.quote(dest), 404) driver.get dest wait.until { driver.title == '1' } end it "disallows access to urls outside whitelist" do proxy.new_har('whitelist') proxy.whitelist('foo\.bar\.com', 404) driver.get url_for('2.html') proxy.har.entries.first.response.status.should == 404 end it "can be cleared" do proxy.new_har('whitelist') proxy.whitelist('foo\.bar\.com', 404) proxy.clear_whitelist driver.get url_for('2.html') proxy.har.entries.first.response.status.should_not == 404 end end describe 'blacklist' do it "disallows access to urls in blacklist" do proxy.new_har('blacklist') dest = url_for('1.html') proxy.blacklist(Regexp.quote(dest), 404) driver.get dest proxy.har.entries.first.response.status.should == 404 end it "allows access to urls outside blacklist" do proxy.blacklist('foo\.bar\.com', 404) driver.get url_for('2.html') wait.until { driver.title == '2' } end it "can be cleared" do proxy.new_har('blacklist') dest = url_for('1.html') proxy.blacklist(Regexp.quote(dest), 404) proxy.clear_blacklist driver.get dest proxy.har.entries.first.response.status.should_not == 404 end end describe 'rewrite rules' do let(:uri) { URI.parse url_for('1.html') } before do proxy.rewrite(%r{1\.html}, '2.html') end it 'fetches the rewritten url' do driver.get uri wait.until { driver.title == '2' } end it 'can be cleared' do proxy.clear_rewrites driver.get uri wait.until { driver.title == '1' } end end it 'should set timeouts' do proxy.timeouts(read: 0.001) driver.get url_for('slow') wait.until { driver.title == 'Problem loading page' } # This title appears in Firefox end it "should set headers" do proxy.headers('Content-Type' => "text/html") end it "should set limits" do proxy.limit(:downstream_kbps => 100, :upstream_kbps => 100, :latency => 2) end it 'should remap given DNS hosts' do uri = URI.parse url_for('1.html') host = '' proxy.remap_dns_hosts(host => = host driver.get uri wait.until { driver.title == '1' } end end