# stolen wholesale from capistrano, thanks Jamis! require 'base64' require 'fileutils' require 'json' module EY class DeployBase < Task include LoggedOutput # default task def deploy debug "Starting deploy at #{Time.now.asctime}" update_repository_cache require_custom_tasks push_code info "~> Starting full deploy" copy_repository_cache with_failed_release_cleanup do create_revision_file bundle symlink_configs conditionally_enable_maintenance_page run_with_callbacks(:migrate) callback(:before_symlink) symlink end callback(:after_symlink) run_with_callbacks(:restart) disable_maintenance_page cleanup_old_releases debug "Finished deploy at #{Time.now.asctime}" rescue Exception debug "Finished failing to deploy at #{Time.now.asctime}" puts_deploy_failure raise end def enable_maintenance_page maintenance_page_candidates = [ "public/maintenance.html.custom", "public/maintenance.html.tmp", "public/maintenance.html", "public/system/maintenance.html.default", ].map do |file| File.join(c.latest_release, file) end # this one is guaranteed to exist maintenance_page_candidates << File.expand_path( "default_maintenance_page.html", File.dirname(__FILE__) ) # put in the maintenance page maintenance_file = maintenance_page_candidates.detect do |file| File.exists?(file) end @maintenance_up = true roles :app_master, :app, :solo do maint_page_dir = File.join(c.shared_path, "system") visible_maint_page = File.join(maint_page_dir, "maintenance.html") run Escape.shell_command(['mkdir', '-p', maint_page_dir]) run Escape.shell_command(['cp', maintenance_file, visible_maint_page]) end end def conditionally_enable_maintenance_page if c.migrate? || c.stack == "nginx_mongrel" enable_maintenance_page end end def disable_maintenance_page @maintenance_up = false roles :app_master, :app, :solo do run "rm -f #{File.join(c.shared_path, "system", "maintenance.html")}" end end def run_with_callbacks(task, *args) callback(:"before_#{task}") send(task, *args) callback(:"after_#{task}") end # task def push_code info "~> Pushing code to all servers" barrier *(EY::Server.all.map do |server| need_later { server.push_code } end) end # task def restart @restart_failed = true info "~> Restarting app servers" roles :app_master, :app, :solo do restart_command = case c.stack when "nginx_unicorn" pidfile = "/var/run/engineyard/unicorn_#{c.app}.pid" condition = "[ -e #{pidfile} ] && [ ! -d /proc/`cat #{pidfile}` ]" run("if #{condition}; then rm -f #{pidfile}; fi") run("/engineyard/bin/app_#{c.app} deploy") when "nginx_mongrel" sudo("monit restart all -g #{c.app}") when "nginx_passenger" run("touch #{c.current_path}/tmp/restart.txt") else raise "Unknown stack #{c.stack}; restart failed!" end end @restart_failed = false end # task def bundle if File.exist?("#{c.release_path}/Gemfile") info "~> Gemfile detected, bundling gems" lockfile = File.join(c.release_path, "Gemfile.lock") bundler_installer = if File.exist?(lockfile) get_bundler_installer(lockfile) else warn_about_missing_lockfile bundler_09_installer(default_09_bundler) end sudo "#{$0} _#{VERSION}_ install_bundler #{bundler_installer.version}" run "cd #{c.release_path} && bundle _#{bundler_installer.version}_ install #{bundler_installer.options}" end end # task def cleanup_old_releases @cleanup_failed = true info "~> Cleaning up old releases" sudo "ls #{c.release_dir} | head -n -3 | xargs -I{} rm -rf #{c.release_dir}/{}" @cleanup_failed = false end # task def rollback if c.all_releases.size > 1 c.release_path = c.previous_release revision = File.read(File.join(c.release_path, 'REVISION')).strip info "~> Rolling back to previous release: #{short_log_message(revision)}" run_with_callbacks(:symlink, c.previous_release) cleanup_current_release bundle info "~> Restarting with previous release" with_maintenance_page { run_with_callbacks(:restart) } else info "~> Already at oldest release, nothing to roll back to" exit(1) end end # task def migrate return unless c.migrate? @migrations_reached = true roles :app_master, :solo do cmd = "cd #{c.release_path} && PATH=#{c.binstubs_path}:$PATH #{c.framework_envs} #{c.migration_command}" info "~> Migrating: #{cmd}" run(cmd) end end # task def copy_repository_cache info "~> Copying to #{c.release_path}" run("mkdir -p #{c.release_path} && rsync -aq #{c.exclusions} #{c.repository_cache}/ #{c.release_path}") info "~> Ensuring proper ownership" sudo("chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{c.deploy_to}") end def create_revision_file run create_revision_file_command end def symlink_configs(release_to_link=c.release_path) info "~> Symlinking configs" [ "chmod -R g+w #{release_to_link}", "rm -rf #{release_to_link}/log #{release_to_link}/public/system #{release_to_link}/tmp/pids", "mkdir -p #{release_to_link}/tmp", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/log #{release_to_link}/log", "mkdir -p #{release_to_link}/public", "mkdir -p #{release_to_link}/config", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/system #{release_to_link}/public/system", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/pids #{release_to_link}/tmp/pids", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/config/database.yml #{release_to_link}/config/database.yml", "ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/config/mongrel_cluster.yml #{release_to_link}/config/mongrel_cluster.yml", ].each do |cmd| run cmd end sudo "chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{release_to_link}" run "if [ -f \"#{c.shared_path}/config/newrelic.yml\" ]; then ln -nfs #{c.shared_path}/config/newrelic.yml #{release_to_link}/config/newrelic.yml; fi" end # task def symlink(release_to_link=c.release_path) info "~> Symlinking code" run "rm -f #{c.current_path} && ln -nfs #{release_to_link} #{c.current_path} && chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{c.current_path}" @symlink_changed = true rescue Exception sudo "rm -f #{c.current_path} && ln -nfs #{c.previous_release(release_to_link)} #{c.current_path} && chown -R #{c.user}:#{c.group} #{c.current_path}" @symlink_changed = false raise end def callback(what) @callbacks_reached ||= true if File.exist?("#{c.release_path}/deploy/#{what}.rb") base_command = [$0, "_#{VERSION}_", 'hook', what.to_s, '--app', config.app.to_s, '--release-path', config.release_path.to_s, ] run Escape.shell_command(base_command) do |server, cmd| per_instance_args = [ '--framework-env', c.environment.to_s, '--current-role', server.role.to_s, '--config', c.to_json, ] per_instance_args << '--current-name' << server.name.to_s if server.name cmd << " " << Escape.shell_command(per_instance_args) end end end protected def puts_deploy_failure if @cleanup_failed info "~> [Relax] Your site is running new code, but cleaning up old deploys failed" elsif @maintenance_up info "~> [Attention] Maintenance page still up, consider the following before removing:" info " * any deploy hooks ran, be careful if they were destructive" if @callbacks_reached info " * any migrations ran, be careful if they were destructive" if @migrations_reached if @symlink_changed info " * your new code is symlinked as current" else info " * your old code is still symlinked as current" end info " * application servers failed to restart" if @restart_failed else info "~> [Relax] Your site is still running old code and nothing destructive could have occurred" end end def with_maintenance_page conditionally_enable_maintenance_page yield if block_given? disable_maintenance_page end def with_failed_release_cleanup yield rescue Exception cleanup_current_release raise end def cleanup_current_release sudo "rm -rf #{c.release_path}" end def warn_about_missing_lockfile info "!>" info "!> WARNING: Gemfile.lock is missing!" info "!> You can get different gems in production than what you tested with." info "!> You can get different gems on every deployment even if your Gemfile hasn't changed." info "!> Deploying may take a long time." info "!>" info "!> Fix this by running \"git add Gemfile.lock; git commit\" and deploying again." info "!> If you don't have a Gemfile.lock, run \"bundle lock\" to create one." info "!>" info "!> This deployment will use bundler #{default_09_bundler} to run 'bundle install'." info "!>" end def get_bundler_installer(lockfile) parser = LockfileParser.new(File.read(lockfile)) case parser.lockfile_version when :bundler09 bundler_09_installer(parser.bundler_version || default_09_bundler) when :bundler10 bundler_10_installer(parser.bundler_version || default_10_bundler) else raise "Unknown lockfile version #{parser.lockfile_version}" end end public :get_bundler_installer def bundler_09_installer(version) BundleInstaller.new(version, '--without=development --without=test') end def bundler_10_installer(version) BundleInstaller.new(version, "--deployment --path #{c.shared_path}/bundled_gems --binstubs #{c.binstubs_path} --without development test") end def default_09_bundler() "0.9.26" end def default_10_bundler() "1.0.0" end end # DeployBase class Deploy < DeployBase def self.new(opts={}) # include the correct fetch strategy include EY::Strategies.const_get(opts.strategy)::Helpers super end def self.run(opts={}) conf = EY::Deploy::Configuration.new(opts) EY::Server.config = conf new(conf).send(opts["default_task"]) end end end