# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # See also https://openstudio.net/license # ******************************************************************************* require 'erb' # start the measure class CalibrationReports < OpenStudio::Measure::ReportingMeasure # define the name that a user will see, this method may be deprecated as # the display name in PAT comes from the name field in measure.xml def name 'Calibration Reports' end # define the arguments that the user will input def arguments OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(runner, user_arguments) super(runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking return false unless runner.validateUserArguments(arguments, user_arguments) os_version = OpenStudio::VersionString.new(OpenStudio.openStudioVersion) min_version_feature1 = OpenStudio::VersionString.new('1.2.2') # get the last model and sql file model = runner.lastOpenStudioModel if model.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last model.') return false end model = model.get sqlFile = runner.lastEnergyPlusSqlFile if sqlFile.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last sql file.') return false end sqlFile = sqlFile.get model.setSqlFile(sqlFile) # put data into variables, these are available in the local scope binding # building_name = model.getBuilding.name.get web_asset_path = OpenStudio.getSharedResourcesPath / OpenStudio::Path.new('web_assets') energy = '' calibrationGuidelines = OpenStudio::Model::UtilityBill.calibrationGuidelines energy << 'var calibrationGuidelines = [' calibrationGuidelines.each do |calibrationGuideline| energy << '"' << calibrationGuideline << '",' end energy = energy[0..-2] energy << "];\n" maxNMBE = OpenStudio::Model::UtilityBill.maxNMBE(calibrationGuidelines[0]) energy << 'var ashraeMaxNMBE = ' energy << if !maxNMBE.empty? maxNMBE.get.to_s else 'N/A' end energy << ";\n" if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue('ashrae_max_nmbe', maxNMBE.get, '%') end maxCVRMSE = OpenStudio::Model::UtilityBill.maxCVRMSE(calibrationGuidelines[0]) energy << 'var ashraeMaxCVRMSE = ' energy << if !maxCVRMSE.empty? maxCVRMSE.get.to_s else 'N/A' end energy << ";\n" if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue('ashrae_max_cvrmse', maxCVRMSE.get, '%') end maxNMBE = OpenStudio::Model::UtilityBill.maxNMBE(calibrationGuidelines[1]) energy << 'var fempMaxNMBE = ' energy << if !maxNMBE.empty? maxNMBE.get.to_s else 'N/A' end energy << ";\n" if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue('femp_max_nmbe', maxNMBE.get, '%') end maxCVRMSE = OpenStudio::Model::UtilityBill.maxCVRMSE(calibrationGuidelines[1]) energy << 'var fempMaxCVRMSE = ' energy << if !maxCVRMSE.empty? maxCVRMSE.get.to_s else 'N/A' end energy << ";\n" if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue('femp_max_cvrmse', maxCVRMSE.get, '%') end energyElec = "\t\"Electricity Consumption\":{\n\t\t\"units\":\"kWh\",\n" energyDemand = "\t\"Electricity Demand\":{\n\t\t\"units\":\"kW\",\n" energyGas = "\t\"Natural Gas Consumption\":{\n\t\t\"units\":\"therms\",\n" tempStartDate = '' tempEndDate = '' elecStartDate = "\t\t\t\t\"Start\":[" elecEndDate = "\t\t\t\t\"End\":[" gasStartDate = "\t\t\t\t\"Start\":[" gasEndDate = "\t\t\t\t\"End\":[" elecActualConsumption = "\t\t\t\t\"Actual\":[" elecModelConsumption = "\t\t\t\t\"Model\":[" actualPeakDemand = "\t\t\t\t\"Actual\":[" modelPeakDemand = "\t\t\t\t\"Model\":[" gasActualConsumption = "\t\t\t\t\"Actual\":[" gasModelConsumption = "\t\t\t\t\"Model\":[" elecNMBE = "\t\t\t\t\"NMBE\":[" demandNMBE = "\t\t\t\t\"NMBE\":[" gasNMBE = "\t\t\t\t\"NMBE\":[" peakDemandUnitConversionFactor = 1.0 consumptionUnitConversionFactor = 1.0 hasElec = false hasDemand = false hasGas = false missingData = false # must have a runPeriod runPeriod = model.runPeriod if runPeriod.empty? missingData = true runner.registerWarning('Model has no run period and cannot generate all data.') end # must have a calendarYear to generate model data yearDescription = model.yearDescription if yearDescription.empty? missingData = true runner.registerWarning('Model has no year description and cannot generate all data.') else calendarYear = yearDescription.get.calendarYear if calendarYear.empty? missingData = true runner.registerWarning('Model has no calendar year and cannot generate all data.') end end bill_index = 1 model.getUtilityBills.each do |utilityBill| if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_name", utilityBill.name.get) runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_fuel_type", utilityBill.fuelType.valueDescription) end cvrsme = 0.0 unless utilityBill.CVRMSE.empty? cvrsme = utilityBill.CVRMSE.get if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_consumption_cvrmse", cvrsme, '%') end cvrsme = format '%.2f', cvrsme end nmbe = 0.0 unless utilityBill.NMBE.empty? nmbe = utilityBill.NMBE.get if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_consumption_nmbe", nmbe, '%') end nmbe = format '%.2f', nmbe end string = '' string << "\t\t\"cvrsme\":\"" << cvrsme.to_s << "\",\n\t\t\"nmbe\":\"" << nmbe.to_s << "\",\n\t\t\t\"data\":{\n" hasDemandValues = false if !utilityBill.peakDemandUnitConversionFactor.empty? hasDemandValues = true energyElec << string energyDemand << string peakDemandUnitConversionFactor = utilityBill.peakDemandUnitConversionFactor.get else hasDemandValues = false energyGas << string end consumptionUnitConversionFactor = utilityBill.consumptionUnitConversionFactor period_index = 1 actual_consumption = 0.0 modeled_consumption = 0.0 actual_demand = 0.0 modeled_demand = 0.0 utilityBill.billingPeriods.each do |billingPeriod| tempStartDate = '"' << billingPeriod.startDate.monthOfYear.value.to_s tempStartDate << '/' tempStartDate << billingPeriod.startDate.dayOfMonth.to_s << '"' tempEndDate = '"' << billingPeriod.endDate.monthOfYear.value.to_s tempEndDate << '/' tempEndDate << billingPeriod.endDate.dayOfMonth.to_s << '"' if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_start_date", billingPeriod.startDate.to_s) runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_end_date", billingPeriod.endDate.to_s) end if hasDemandValues elecStartDate << tempStartDate << ',' elecEndDate << tempEndDate << ',' consumption = billingPeriod.consumption if !consumption.empty? hasElec = true elecActualConsumption << consumption.get.to_s actual_consumption += consumption.get if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_consumption_actual", consumption.get, utilityBill.consumptionUnit) end else elecActualConsumption << '0' end elecActualConsumption << ',' consumption = billingPeriod.modelConsumption if !consumption.empty? hasElec = true temp = consumption.get / consumptionUnitConversionFactor elecModelConsumption << temp.round.to_s modeled_consumption += temp if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_consumption_modeled", temp, utilityBill.consumptionUnit) end else elecModelConsumption << '0' end elecModelConsumption << ',' peakDemand = billingPeriod.peakDemand if !peakDemand.empty? hasDemand = true actualPeakDemand << peakDemand.get.to_s actual_demand = peakDemand.get if peakDemand.get > actual_demand if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_peak_demand_actual", peakDemand.get, utilityBill.peakDemandUnit.get) end else actualPeakDemand << '0' end actualPeakDemand << ',' peakDemand = billingPeriod.modelPeakDemand if !peakDemand.empty? hasDemand = true temp = peakDemand.get / 1000 temp_str = format '%.1f', temp modelPeakDemand << temp_str.to_s modeled_demand = temp if temp > modeled_demand if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_peak_demand_modeled", temp, utilityBill.peakDemandUnit.get) end else modelPeakDemand << '0' end modelPeakDemand << ',' if !billingPeriod.peakDemand.empty? && !billingPeriod.modelPeakDemand.empty? && (billingPeriod.peakDemand.get != 0) percent = 100 * ((billingPeriod.modelPeakDemand.get / 1000) - billingPeriod.peakDemand.get) / billingPeriod.peakDemand.get percent_str = format '%.2f', percent demandNMBE << percent_str.to_s if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_peak_demand_nmbe", percent, '%') end else demandNMBE << '0' end demandNMBE << ',' if !billingPeriod.consumption.empty? && !billingPeriod.modelConsumption.empty? && (billingPeriod.consumption.get != 0) percent = 100 * ((billingPeriod.modelConsumption.get / consumptionUnitConversionFactor) - billingPeriod.consumption.get) / billingPeriod.consumption.get percent_str = format '%.2f', percent elecNMBE << percent_str.to_s if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_consumption_nmbe", percent, '%') end else elecNMBE << '0' end elecNMBE << ',' else gasStartDate << tempStartDate << ',' gasEndDate << tempEndDate << ',' consumption = billingPeriod.consumption if !consumption.empty? hasGas = true gasActualConsumption << consumption.get.to_s actual_consumption += consumption.get if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_consumption_actual", consumption.get, utilityBill.consumptionUnit) end else gasActualConsumption << '0' end gasActualConsumption << ',' consumption = billingPeriod.modelConsumption if !consumption.empty? hasGas = true temp = consumption.get / consumptionUnitConversionFactor gasModelConsumption << temp.round.to_s modeled_consumption += temp if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_consumption_modeled", temp, utilityBill.consumptionUnit) end else gasModelConsumption << '0' end gasModelConsumption << ',' if !billingPeriod.consumption.empty? && !billingPeriod.modelConsumption.empty? && (billingPeriod.consumption.get != 0) percent = 100 * ((billingPeriod.modelConsumption.get / consumptionUnitConversionFactor) - billingPeriod.consumption.get) / billingPeriod.consumption.get percent_str = format '%.2f', percent gasNMBE << percent_str.to_s if os_version >= min_version_feature1 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_period_#{period_index}_consumption_nmbe", percent, '%') end else gasNMBE << '0' end gasNMBE << ',' end period_index += 1 end if os_version >= min_version_feature1 if actual_consumption > 0.0 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_consumption_actual", actual_consumption, utilityBill.consumptionUnit) runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_consumption_modeled", modeled_consumption, utilityBill.consumptionUnit) end if actual_demand > 0.0 runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_peak_demand_actual", actual_demand, utilityBill.peakDemandUnit.get) runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_peak_demand_modeled", modeled_demand, utilityBill.peakDemandUnit.get) runner.registerValue("utility_bill_#{bill_index}_peak_demand_nmbe", 100.0 * (modeled_demand - actual_demand) / actual_demand, '%') end end bill_index += 1 end elecStartDate = elecStartDate[0..-2] elecStartDate << "],\n" elecEndDate = elecEndDate[0..-2] elecEndDate << "],\n" elecActualConsumption = elecActualConsumption[0..-2] elecActualConsumption << "],\n" elecModelConsumption = elecModelConsumption[0..-2] elecModelConsumption << "],\n" actualPeakDemand = actualPeakDemand[0..-2] actualPeakDemand << "],\n" modelPeakDemand = modelPeakDemand[0..-2] modelPeakDemand << "],\n" elecNMBE = elecNMBE[0..-2] elecNMBE << "]\n" demandNMBE = demandNMBE[0..-2] demandNMBE << "]\n" energyElec << elecStartDate << elecEndDate << elecActualConsumption << elecModelConsumption << elecNMBE energyElec << "\t\t}\n" << "\t},\n" energyDemand << elecStartDate << elecEndDate << actualPeakDemand << modelPeakDemand << demandNMBE energyDemand << "\t\t}\n" << "\t},\n" gasStartDate = gasStartDate[0..-2] gasStartDate << "],\n" gasEndDate = gasEndDate[0..-2] gasEndDate << "],\n" gasActualConsumption = gasActualConsumption[0..-2] gasActualConsumption << "],\n" gasModelConsumption = gasModelConsumption[0..-2] gasModelConsumption << "],\n" gasNMBE = gasNMBE[0..-2] gasNMBE << "]\n" energyGas << gasStartDate << gasEndDate << gasActualConsumption << gasModelConsumption << gasNMBE energyGas << "\t\t}\n" << "\t},\n" energy << "var consumption = {\n" energy << energyElec if hasElec energy << energyDemand if hasDemand energy << energyGas if hasGas energy << '};' # echo out our values # runner.registerInfo("This building is named #{building_name}.") # read in template html_in_path = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/resources/report.html.in" html_in_path = if File.exist?(html_in_path) html_in_path else "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/report.html.in" end html_in = '' File.open(html_in_path, 'r') do |file| html_in = file.read end # configure template with variable values renderer = ERB.new(html_in) html_out = renderer.result(binding) # write html file html_out_path = './report.html' File.open(html_out_path, 'w') do |file| file << html_out # make sure data is written to the disk one way or the other begin file.fsync rescue StandardError file.flush end end # closing the sql file sqlFile.close # reporting final condition if missingData == true runner.registerFinalCondition('Calibration Report was not generated successfully.') else runner.registerFinalCondition('Calibration Report generated successfully.') end true end end # this allows the measure to be use by the application CalibrationReports.new.registerWithApplication