# fluent-plugin-numeric-counter
## Component
### NumericCounterOutput
Fluentd plugin to count messages, matches for numeric range patterns, and emits its result (like fluent-plugin-datacounter).
- Counts per min/hour/day
- Counts per second (average every min/hour/day)
- Percentage of each numeric pattern in total counts of messages
NumericCounterOutput emits messages contains results data, so you can output these message (with 'numcount' tag by default) to any outputs you want.
output ex1 (aggregates all inputs): {"pattern1_count":20, "pattern1_rate":0.333, "pattern1_percentage":25.0, "pattern2_count":40, "pattern2_rate":0.666, "pattern2_percentage":50.0, "unmatched_count":20, "unmatched_rate":0.333, "unmatched_percentage":25.0}
output ex2 (aggregates per tag): {"test_pattern1_count":10, "test_pattern1_rate":0.333, "test_pattern1_percentage":25.0, "test_pattern2_count":40, "test_pattern2_rate":0.666, "test_pattern2_percentage":50.0, "test_unmatched_count":20, "test_unmatched_rate":0.333, "test_unmatched_percentage":25.0}
'input\_tag\_remove\_prefix' option available if you want to remove tag prefix from output field names.
If you want to omit 'unmatched' messages from percentage counting, specify 'outcast_unmatched yes'.
## Configuration
### NumericCounterOutput
Count messages that have attribute 'duration'(response time by microseconds), by several numeric ranges, per minutes.
type numeric_counter
unit minute # or 'count_interval 60s' or '45s', '3m' ... as you want
aggregate all # or 'tag'
count_key duration
# patternX: X(1-20)
# patternX NAME LOW HIGH #=> patternX matches N like LOW <= N < HIGH
pattern1 HIGHSPEED 0 10000 # under 10ms
pattern2 SEMIHIGHSPEED 10000 100000 # under 100ms
pattern3 NORMAL 100000 1000000 # under 1s
pattern4 STUPID 1000000 10000000 # under 10s!
# patternZ (Z is last number of specified patterns)
# patternZ NAME LOW #=> patternZ matches N like LOW <= N (upper threshold is unlimited)
patternZ MUSTDIE 10000000 # over 10s!
Size specifier (like 10k, 5M, 103g) available as 1024\*\*1, 1024\*\*2, 1024\*\*3 ...., for example, for bytes of access log.
type numeric_counter
unit hour
aggregate tag
count_key bytes
pattern1 SMALL 0 1k
pattern2 MIDDLE 1k 1m
pattern3 LARGE 1m 10m
pattern4 HUGE 10m 1g
pattern5 XXXX 1g
You can try to use negative numbers, and floating point numbers.... (not tested enough).
* more tests
* more documents
## Copyright
* Copyright
* Copyright (c) 2012- TAGOMORI Satoshi (tagomoris)
* License
* Apache License, Version 2.0