#!/bin/bash # This is a simple setup script that generates an enviroment file that # is used to setup the ruby enviroment to run the urbanopt-cli tool. # To use, just run this script in bash (e.g. ./setup-env.sh) # Then you can use this env.sh to setup the enviroment. # (e.g. . env.sh) BASE_DIR_NAME="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)" GEM_HOME=${BASE_DIR_NAME}/gems/ruby/2.7.0 GEM_PATH=${BASE_DIR_NAME}/gems/ruby/2.7.0 PATH=${BASE_DIR_NAME}/ruby/bin:${BASE_DIR_NAME}/gems/ruby/2.7.0/bin:${BASE_DIR_NAME}/gems/ruby/2.7.0/gems/urbanopt-cli-0.11.1/example_files/python_deps/Miniconda-4.12.0/bin:$PATH RUBYLIB=${BASE_DIR_NAME}/OpenStudio/Ruby RUBY_DLL_PATH=${BASE_DIR_NAME}/OpenStudio/Ruby # Remove if exists if [ -f ~/.env_uo.sh ]; then rm ~/.env_uo.sh fi echo "export GEM_HOME=\"${GEM_HOME}\"" >> ~/.env_uo.sh echo "export GEM_PATH=\"${GEM_PATH}\"" >> ~/.env_uo.sh echo "export PATH=\"${PATH}\"" >> ~/.env_uo.sh echo "export RUBYLIB=\"${RUBYLIB}\"" >> ~/.env_uo.sh echo "export RUBY_DLL_PATH=\"${RUBY_DLL_PATH}\"" >> ~/.env_uo.sh