module Md2Man module Roff #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # document-level processing #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def preprocess document @ordered_list_id = 0 @table_cells = {} document end def postprocess document document.strip. # ensure that spaces after URLs appear properly gsub(/(?<=^\.[UM]E) \s/, "\n"). # encode references to other man pages as "hyperlinks" gsub(/(\S+)(\([1-9nol]\)[[:punct:]]?\s*)/, "\n.BR \\1 \\2\n"). # squeeze blank lines to prevent double-spaced output gsub(/^\n/, '') end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # block-level processing #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARAGRAPH_INDENT = /^\s*$|^ (?=\S)/ def paragraph text head, *body = text.lines.to_a head_indented = head =~ PARAGRAPH_INDENT body_indented = !body.empty? && body.all? {|s| s =~ PARAGRAPH_INDENT } if head_indented || body_indented macro = if head_indented && body_indented then :IP else :TP end text.gsub! PARAGRAPH_INDENT, '' else macro = :PP text.chomp! end "\n.#{macro}\n#{text}\n" end def block_code code, language "\\n#{code.chomp}\\n" end def block_quote quote "\n.RS\n#{remove_leading_pp(quote).chomp}\n.RE\n" end def block_html html warn "md2man/roff: block_html not implemented: #{html.inspect}" end def header text, level macro = case level when 1 then :TH when 2 then :SH else :SS end "\n.#{macro} #{text.chomp}\n" end def hrule "\n.ti 0\n\\l'\\n(.lu'\n" end def list contents, list_type result = [] if list_type == :ordered result << ".nr step#{@ordered_list_id} 0 1" @ordered_list_id += 1 end result << ".RS\n#{contents}\n.RE\n" result.join("\n") end def list_item text, list_type designator = case list_type when :ordered "\\n+[step#{@ordered_list_id}]" when :unordered "\\(bu 2" end ".IP #{designator}\n#{remove_leading_pp(text).lstrip.chomp}\n" end def table header, body head_rows = decode_table_rows(header) body_rows = decode_table_rows(body) ".TS\nallbox;\n#{ [ do |row| (['cb'] * row.length).join(TABLE_COL_DELIM) end, do |row| do |content, alignment| (alignment || :left).to_s[0,1] end.join(TABLE_COL_DELIM) end ].join(TABLE_ROW_DELIM) }\n.\n#{ (head_rows + body_rows).map do |row| end.join(TABLE_ROW_DELIM) }\n.TE\n" end def table_row content encode_table_row content end def table_cell content, alignment encode_table_cell [content, alignment] end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # span-level processing #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def linebreak "\\n" end def emphasis text "\\fI#{text}\\fP" end def double_emphasis text "\\fB#{text}\\fP" end def triple_emphasis text "\\s+2#{double_emphasis text}\\s-2" end def strikethrough text warn "md2man/roff: strikethrough not implemented: #{text.inspect}" end def superscript text warn "md2man/roff: superscript not implemented: #{text.inspect}" end def codespan code # NOTE: this double font sequence gives us the best of both worlds: # man(1) shows it in bold and `groff -Thtml` shows it in monospace "\\fB\\fC#{code}\\fR" end def link link, title, content content + if link =~ /^mailto:/ autolink $', :email else autolink link, :url end end def autolink link, link_type if link_type == :email "\n.MT #{link.chomp}\n.ME " else "\n.UR #{link.chomp}\n.UE " end end def image link, title, alt_text warn "md2man/roff: image not implemented: #{link.inspect}" end def raw_html html warn "md2man/roff: raw_html not implemented: #{html.inspect}" end #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # low-level processing #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- def normal_text text text.gsub('-', '\\-') if text end def entity text if unicode = entity_to_unicode(text) unicode_to_glyph unicode else warn "md2man/roff: entity not implemented: #{text.inspect}" end end private def remove_leading_pp text text.sub(/\A\n\.PP\n/, '') end TABLE_COL_DELIM = ' ' TABLE_ROW_DELIM = "\n" TABLE_CELL_DELIM = "\t" def decode_table_rows rows rows.split(TABLE_ROW_DELIM).map do |row| row.split(TABLE_CELL_DELIM).map do |cell| @table_cells.delete cell end end end def encode_table_row row row + TABLE_ROW_DELIM end def encode_table_cell cell key = cell.object_id.to_s @table_cells[key] = cell key + TABLE_CELL_DELIM end def entity_to_unicode entity if ENTITY_TO_UNICODE.key? entity ENTITY_TO_UNICODE[entity] elsif entity =~ /^&#(\d+);$/ $1.to_i elsif entity =~ /^&#x(\h+);$/ $1.to_i(16) end end def unicode_to_glyph unicode if UNICODE_TO_GLYPH.key? unicode UNICODE_TO_GLYPH[unicode] elsif unicode < 256 '\\[char%d]' % unicode else '\\[u%04x]' % unicode end end # see # see ENTITY_TO_UNICODE = { '"' => 0x0022, '&' => 0x0026, ''' => 0x0027, '<' => 0x003c, '>' => 0x003e, ' ' => 0x00a0, '¡' => 0x00a1, '¢' => 0x00a2, '£' => 0x00a3, '¤' => 0x00a4, '¥' => 0x00a5, '¦' => 0x00a6, '§' => 0x00a7, '¨' => 0x00a8, '©' => 0x00a9, 'ª' => 0x00aa, '«' => 0x00ab, '¬' => 0x00ac, '­' => 0x00ad, '®' => 0x00ae, '¯' => 0x00af, '°' => 0x00b0, '±' => 0x00b1, '²' => 0x00b2, '³' => 0x00b3, '´' => 0x00b4, 'µ' => 0x00b5, '¶' => 0x00b6, '·' => 0x00b7, '¸' => 0x00b8, '¹' => 0x00b9, 'º' => 0x00ba, '»' => 0x00bb, '¼' => 0x00bc, '½' => 0x00bd, '¾' => 0x00be, '¿' => 0x00bf, 'À' => 0x00c0, 'Á' => 0x00c1, 'Â' => 0x00c2, 'Ã' => 0x00c3, 'Ä' => 0x00c4, 'Å' => 0x00c5, 'Æ' => 0x00c6, 'Ç' => 0x00c7, 'È' => 0x00c8, 'É' => 0x00c9, 'Ê' => 0x00ca, 'Ë' => 0x00cb, 'Ì' => 0x00cc, 'Í' => 0x00cd, 'Î' => 0x00ce, 'Ï' => 0x00cf, 'Ð' => 0x00d0, 'Ñ' => 0x00d1, 'Ò' => 0x00d2, 'Ó' => 0x00d3, 'Ô' => 0x00d4, 'Õ' => 0x00d5, 'Ö' => 0x00d6, '×' => 0x00d7, 'Ø' => 0x00d8, 'Ù' => 0x00d9, 'Ú' => 0x00da, 'Û' => 0x00db, 'Ü' => 0x00dc, 'Ý' => 0x00dd, 'Þ' => 0x00de, 'ß' => 0x00df, 'à' => 0x00e0, 'á' => 0x00e1, 'â' => 0x00e2, 'ã' => 0x00e3, 'ä' => 0x00e4, 'å' => 0x00e5, 'æ' => 0x00e6, 'ç' => 0x00e7, 'è' => 0x00e8, 'é' => 0x00e9, 'ê' => 0x00ea, 'ë' => 0x00eb, 'ì' => 0x00ec, 'í' => 0x00ed, 'î' => 0x00ee, 'ï' => 0x00ef, 'ð' => 0x00f0, 'ñ' => 0x00f1, 'ò' => 0x00f2, 'ó' => 0x00f3, 'ô' => 0x00f4, 'õ' => 0x00f5, 'ö' => 0x00f6, '÷' => 0x00f7, 'ø' => 0x00f8, 'ù' => 0x00f9, 'ú' => 0x00fa, 'û' => 0x00fb, 'ü' => 0x00fc, 'ý' => 0x00fd, 'þ' => 0x00fe, 'ÿ' => 0x00ff, 'Œ' => 0x0152, 'œ' => 0x0153, 'Š' => 0x0160, 'š' => 0x0161, 'Ÿ' => 0x0178, 'ƒ' => 0x0192, 'ˆ' => 0x02c6, '˜' => 0x02dc, 'Α' => 0x0391, 'Β' => 0x0392, 'Γ' => 0x0393, 'Δ' => 0x0394, 'Ε' => 0x0395, 'Ζ' => 0x0396, 'Η' => 0x0397, 'Θ' => 0x0398, 'Ι' => 0x0399, 'Κ' => 0x039a, 'Λ' => 0x039b, 'Μ' => 0x039c, 'Ν' => 0x039d, 'Ξ' => 0x039e, 'Ο' => 0x039f, 'Π' => 0x03a0, 'Ρ' => 0x03a1, 'Σ' => 0x03a3, 'Τ' => 0x03a4, 'Υ' => 0x03a5, 'Φ' => 0x03a6, 'Χ' => 0x03a7, 'Ψ' => 0x03a8, 'Ω' => 0x03a9, 'α' => 0x03b1, 'β' => 0x03b2, 'γ' => 0x03b3, 'δ' => 0x03b4, 'ε' => 0x03b5, 'ζ' => 0x03b6, 'η' => 0x03b7, 'θ' => 0x03b8, 'ι' => 0x03b9, 'κ' => 0x03ba, 'λ' => 0x03bb, 'μ' => 0x03bc, 'ν' => 0x03bd, 'ξ' => 0x03be, 'ο' => 0x03bf, 'π' => 0x03c0, 'ρ' => 0x03c1, 'ς' => 0x03c2, 'σ' => 0x03c3, 'τ' => 0x03c4, 'υ' => 0x03c5, 'φ' => 0x03c6, 'χ' => 0x03c7, 'ψ' => 0x03c8, 'ω' => 0x03c9, 'ϑ' => 0x03d1, 'ϒ' => 0x03d2, 'ϖ' => 0x03d6, ' ' => 0x2002, ' ' => 0x2003, ' ' => 0x2009, '‌' => 0x200c, '‍' => 0x200d, '‎' => 0x200e, '‏' => 0x200f, '–' => 0x2013, '—' => 0x2014, '‘' => 0x2018, '’' => 0x2019, '‚' => 0x201a, '“' => 0x201c, '”' => 0x201d, '„' => 0x201e, '†' => 0x2020, '‡' => 0x2021, '•' => 0x2022, '…' => 0x2026, '‰' => 0x2030, '′' => 0x2032, '″' => 0x2033, '‹' => 0x2039, '›' => 0x203a, '‾' => 0x203e, '⁄' => 0x2044, '€' => 0x20ac, 'ℑ' => 0x2111, '℘' => 0x2118, 'ℜ' => 0x211c, '™' => 0x2122, 'ℵ' => 0x2135, '←' => 0x2190, '↑' => 0x2191, '→' => 0x2192, '↓' => 0x2193, '↔' => 0x2194, '↵' => 0x21b5, '⇐' => 0x21d0, '⇑' => 0x21d1, '⇒' => 0x21d2, '⇓' => 0x21d3, '⇔' => 0x21d4, '∀' => 0x2200, '∂' => 0x2202, '∃' => 0x2203, '∅' => 0x2205, '∇' => 0x2207, '∈' => 0x2208, '∉' => 0x2209, '∋' => 0x220b, '∏' => 0x220f, '∑' => 0x2211, '−' => 0x2212, '∗' => 0x2217, '√' => 0x221a, '∝' => 0x221d, '∞' => 0x221e, '∠' => 0x2220, '∧' => 0x2227, '∨' => 0x2228, '∩' => 0x2229, '∪' => 0x222a, '∫' => 0x222b, '∴' => 0x2234, '∼' => 0x223c, '≅' => 0x2245, '≈' => 0x2248, '≠' => 0x2260, '≡' => 0x2261, '≤' => 0x2264, '≥' => 0x2265, '⊂' => 0x2282, '⊃' => 0x2283, '⊄' => 0x2284, '⊆' => 0x2286, '⊇' => 0x2287, '⊕' => 0x2295, '⊗' => 0x2297, '⊥' => 0x22a5, '⋅' => 0x22c5, '⌈' => 0x2308, '⌉' => 0x2309, '⌊' => 0x230a, '⌋' => 0x230b, '⟨' => 0x2329, '⟩' => 0x232a, '◊' => 0x25ca, '♠' => 0x2660, '♣' => 0x2663, '♥' => 0x2665, '♦' => 0x2666, } # see groff_char(7) and "Special Characters" in groff(7) UNICODE_TO_GLYPH = { 0x0022 => "\\[dq]", 0x0023 => "\\[sh]", 0x0024 => "\\[Do]", 0x0026 => '&', 0x0027 => "\\[aq]", 0x002b => "\\[pl]", 0x002f => "\\[sl]", 0x003c => '<', 0x003d => "\\[eq]", 0x003e => '>', 0x0040 => "\\[at]", 0x005b => "\\[lB]", 0x005c => "\\[rs]", 0x005d => "\\[rB]", 0x005e => "\\[ha]", 0x005f => "\\[nl]", 0x007b => "\\[lC]", 0x007c => "\\[ba]", #0x007c => "\\[or]", 0x007d => "\\[rC]", 0x007e => "\\[ti]", 0x00a0 => "\\~", 0x00a1 => "\\[r!]", 0x00a2 => "\\[ct]", 0x00a3 => "\\[Po]", 0x00a4 => "\\[Cs]", 0x00a5 => "\\[Ye]", 0x00a6 => "\\[bb]", 0x00a7 => "\\[sc]", 0x00a8 => "\\[ad]", 0x00a9 => "\\[co]", 0x00aa => "\\[Of]", 0x00ab => "\\[Fo]", 0x00ac => "\\[no]", #0x00ac => "\\[tno]", 0x00ad => '-', 0x00ae => "\\[rg]", 0x00af => "\\[a-]", 0x00b0 => "\\[de]", 0x00b1 => "\\[+-]", #0x00b1 => "\\[t+-]", 0x00b2 => "\\[S2]", 0x00b3 => "\\[S3]", 0x00b4 => "\\[aa]", 0x00b5 => "\\[mc]", 0x00b6 => "\\[ps]", 0x00b7 => "\\[pc]", 0x00b8 => "\\[ac]", 0x00b9 => "\\[S1]", 0x00ba => "\\[Om]", 0x00bb => "\\[Fc]", 0x00bc => "\\[14]", 0x00bd => "\\[12]", 0x00be => "\\[34]", 0x00bf => "\\[r?]", 0x00c0 => "\\[`A]", 0x00c1 => "\\['A]", 0x00c2 => "\\[^A]", 0x00c3 => "\\[~A]", 0x00c4 => "\\[:A]", 0x00c5 => "\\[oA]", 0x00c6 => "\\[AE]", 0x00c7 => "\\[,C]", 0x00c8 => "\\[`E]", 0x00c9 => "\\['E]", 0x00ca => "\\[^E]", 0x00cb => "\\[:E]", 0x00cc => "\\[`I]", 0x00cd => "\\['I]", 0x00ce => "\\[^I]", 0x00cf => "\\[:I]", 0x00d0 => "\\[-D]", 0x00d1 => "\\[~N]", 0x00d2 => "\\[`O]", 0x00d3 => "\\['O]", 0x00d4 => "\\[^O]", 0x00d5 => "\\[~O]", 0x00d6 => "\\[:O]", 0x00d7 => "\\[mu]", #0x00d7 => "\\[tmu]", 0x00d8 => "\\[/O]", 0x00d9 => "\\[`U]", 0x00da => "\\['U]", 0x00db => "\\[^U]", 0x00dc => "\\[:U]", 0x00dd => "\\['Y]", 0x00de => "\\[TP]", 0x00df => "\\[ss]", 0x00e0 => "\\[`a]", 0x00e1 => "\\['a]", 0x00e2 => "\\[^a]", 0x00e3 => "\\[~a]", 0x00e4 => "\\[:a]", 0x00e5 => "\\[oa]", 0x00e6 => "\\[ae]", 0x00e7 => "\\[,c]", 0x00e8 => "\\[`e]", 0x00e9 => "\\['e]", 0x00ea => "\\[^e]", 0x00eb => "\\[:e]", 0x00ec => "\\[`i]", 0x00ed => "\\['i]", 0x00ee => "\\[^i]", 0x00ef => "\\[:i]", 0x00f0 => "\\[Sd]", 0x00f1 => "\\[~n]", 0x00f2 => "\\[`o]", 0x00f3 => "\\['o]", 0x00f4 => "\\[^o]", 0x00f5 => "\\[~o]", 0x00f6 => "\\[:o]", 0x00f7 => "\\[di]", #0x00f7 => "\\[tdi]", 0x00f8 => "\\[/o]", 0x00f9 => "\\[`u]", 0x00fa => "\\['u]", 0x00fb => "\\[^u]", 0x00fc => "\\[:u]", 0x00fd => "\\['y]", 0x00fe => "\\[Tp]", 0x00ff => "\\[:y]", 0x0131 => "\\[.i]", 0x0132 => "\\[IJ]", 0x0133 => "\\[ij]", 0x0141 => "\\[/L]", 0x0142 => "\\[/l]", 0x0152 => "\\[OE]", 0x0153 => "\\[oe]", 0x0160 => "\\[vS]", 0x0161 => "\\[vs]", 0x0178 => "\\[:Y]", 0x0192 => "\\[Fn]", 0x02c6 => "\\[a^]", 0x02dc => "\\[a~]", 0x0300 => "\\[ga]", 0x0301 => "\\[aa]", 0x0302 => "\\[a^]", 0x0303 => "\\[a~]", 0x0304 => "\\[a-]", 0x0306 => "\\[ab]", 0x0307 => "\\[a.]", 0x0308 => "\\[ad]", 0x030a => "\\[ao]", 0x030b => '\\[a"]', 0x030c => "\\[ah]", 0x0327 => "\\[ac]", 0x0328 => "\\[ho]", 0x0391 => "\\[*A]", 0x0392 => "\\[*B]", 0x0393 => "\\[*G]", 0x0394 => "\\[*D]", 0x0395 => "\\[*E]", 0x0396 => "\\[*Z]", 0x0397 => "\\[*Y]", 0x0398 => "\\[*H]", 0x0399 => "\\[*I]", 0x039a => "\\[*K]", 0x039b => "\\[*L]", 0x039c => "\\[*M]", 0x039d => "\\[*N]", 0x039e => "\\[*C]", 0x039f => "\\[*O]", 0x03a0 => "\\[*P]", 0x03a1 => "\\[*R]", 0x03a3 => "\\[*S]", 0x03a4 => "\\[*T]", 0x03a5 => "\\[*U]", 0x03a6 => "\\[*F]", 0x03a7 => "\\[*X]", 0x03a8 => "\\[*Q]", 0x03a9 => "\\[*W]", 0x03b1 => "\\[*a]", 0x03b2 => "\\[*b]", 0x03b3 => "\\[*g]", 0x03b4 => "\\[*d]", 0x03b5 => "\\[*e]", 0x03b6 => "\\[*z]", 0x03b7 => "\\[*y]", 0x03b8 => "\\[*h]", 0x03b9 => "\\[*i]", 0x03ba => "\\[*k]", 0x03bb => "\\[*l]", 0x03bc => "\\[*m]", 0x03bd => "\\[*n]", 0x03be => "\\[*c]", 0x03bf => "\\[*o]", 0x03c0 => "\\[*p]", 0x03c1 => "\\[*r]", 0x03c2 => "\\[ts]", 0x03c3 => "\\[*s]", 0x03c4 => "\\[*t]", 0x03c5 => "\\[*u]", 0x03c6 => "\\[+f]", 0x03c7 => "\\[*x]", 0x03c8 => "\\[*q]", 0x03c9 => "\\[*w]", 0x03d1 => "\\[+h]", 0x03d5 => "\\[*f]", 0x03d6 => "\\[+p]", 0x03f5 => "\\[+e]", 0x2010 => "\\[hy]", 0x2013 => "\\[en]", 0x2014 => "\\[em]", 0x2018 => "\\[oq]", 0x2019 => "\\[cq]", 0x201a => "\\[bq]", 0x201c => "\\[lq]", 0x201d => "\\[rq]", 0x201e => "\\[Bq]", 0x2020 => "\\[dg]", 0x2021 => "\\[dd]", 0x2022 => "\\[bu]", 0x2030 => "\\[%0]", 0x2032 => "\\[fm]", 0x2033 => "\\[sd]", 0x2039 => "\\[fo]", 0x203a => "\\[fc]", 0x203e => "\\[rn]", 0x2044 => "\\[f/]", #0x20ac => "\\[Eu]", 0x20ac => "\\[eu]", 0x210f => "\\[-h]", #0x210f => "\\[hbar]", 0x2111 => "\\[Im]", 0x2118 => "\\[wp]", 0x211c => "\\[Re]", 0x2122 => "\\[tm]", 0x2135 => "\\[Ah]", 0x215b => "\\[18]", 0x215c => "\\[38]", 0x215d => "\\[58]", 0x215e => "\\[78]", 0x2190 => "\\[<-]", 0x2191 => "\\[ua]", 0x2192 => "\\[->]", 0x2193 => "\\[da]", 0x2194 => "\\[<>]", 0x2195 => "\\[va]", 0x21b5 => "\\[CR]", 0x21d0 => "\\[lA]", 0x21d1 => "\\[uA]", 0x21d2 => "\\[rA]", 0x21d3 => "\\[dA]", 0x21d4 => "\\[hA]", 0x21d5 => "\\[vA]", 0x2200 => "\\[fa]", 0x2202 => "\\[pd]", 0x2203 => "\\[te]", 0x2205 => "\\[es]", 0x2207 => "\\[gr]", 0x2208 => "\\[mo]", 0x2209 => "\\[nm]", 0x220b => "\\[st]", 0x220f => "\\[product]", 0x2210 => "\\[coproduct]", 0x2211 => "\\[sum]", 0x2212 => "\\[mi]", 0x2213 => "\\[-+]", 0x2217 => "\\[**]", #0x221a => "\\[sqrt]", 0x221a => "\\[sr]", 0x221d => "\\[pt]", 0x221e => "\\[if]", 0x2220 => "\\[/_]", 0x2227 => "\\[AN]", 0x2228 => "\\[OR]", 0x2229 => "\\[ca]", 0x222a => "\\[cu]", #0x222b => "\\[integral]", 0x222b => "\\[is]", 0x2234 => "\\[3d]", #0x2234 => "\\[tf]", 0x223c => "\\[ap]", 0x2243 => "\\[|=]", 0x2245 => "\\[=~]", #0x2248 => "\\[~=]", 0x2248 => "\\[~~]", 0x2260 => "\\[!=]", 0x2261 => "\\[==]", 0x2264 => "\\[<=]", 0x2265 => "\\[>=]", 0x226a => "\\[<<]", 0x226b => "\\[>>]", 0x2282 => "\\[sb]", 0x2283 => "\\[sp]", 0x2284 => "\\[nb]", 0x2286 => "\\[ib]", 0x2287 => "\\[ip]", 0x2295 => "\\[c+]", 0x2297 => "\\[c*]", 0x22a5 => "\\[pp]", 0x22c5 => "\\[md]", 0x2308 => "\\[lc]", 0x2309 => "\\[rc]", 0x230a => "\\[lf]", 0x230b => "\\[rf]", 0x2329 => "\\[la]", 0x232a => "\\[ra]", 0x239b => "\\[parenlefttp]", 0x239c => "\\[parenleftex]", 0x239d => "\\[parenleftbt]", 0x239e => "\\[parenrighttp]", 0x239f => "\\[parenrightex]", 0x23a0 => "\\[parenrightbt]", 0x23a1 => "\\[bracketlefttp]", 0x23a2 => "\\[bracketleftex]", 0x23a3 => "\\[bracketleftbt]", 0x23a4 => "\\[bracketrighttp]", 0x23a5 => "\\[bracketrightex]", 0x23a6 => "\\[bracketrightbt]", #0x23a7 => "\\[bracelefttp]", 0x23a7 => "\\[lt]", #0x23a8 => "\\[braceleftmid]", 0x23a8 => "\\[lk]", #0x23a9 => "\\[braceleftbt]", 0x23a9 => "\\[lb]", #0x23aa => "\\[braceex]", #0x23aa => "\\[braceleftex]", #0x23aa => "\\[bracerightex]", 0x23aa => "\\[bv]", #0x23ab => "\\[bracerighttp]", 0x23ab => "\\[rt]", #0x23ac => "\\[bracerightmid]", 0x23ac => "\\[rk]", #0x23ad => "\\[bracerightbt]", 0x23ad => "\\[rb]", 0x23af => "\\[an]", 0x2502 => "\\[br]", 0x25a1 => "\\[sq]", 0x25ca => "\\[lz]", 0x25cb => "\\[ci]", 0x261c => "\\[lh]", 0x261e => "\\[rh]", 0x2660 => "\\[SP]", 0x2663 => "\\[CL]", 0x2665 => "\\[HE]", 0x2666 => "\\[DI]", 0x2713 => "\\[OK]", 0x27e8 => "\\[la]", 0x27e9 => "\\[ra]", } end end