module ActionAccess class Keeper include Singleton def initialize @rules = {} end # Set clearance to perform actions over a resource. # # Clearance level and resource can be either plural or singular. # # == Examples: # let :user, :show, :profile # let :user, :show, @profile # let :user, :show, ProfilesController # # Any user can can access 'profiles#show'. # # let :admins, [:edit, :update], :articles, namespace: :admin # let :admins, [:edit, :update], @admin_article # let :admins, [:edit, :update], Admin::ArticlesController # # Admins can access 'admin/articles#edit' and 'admin/articles#update'. # def let(clearance_level, actions, resource, options = {}) clearance_level = clearance_level.to_s.singularize.to_sym actions = Array(actions).map(&:to_sym) controller = get_controller_name(resource, options) @rules[controller] ||= {} @rules[controller][clearance_level] = actions return nil end # Check if a given clearance level allows to perform certain action on a resource. # # Clearance level and resource can be either plural or singular. # # == Examples: # lets? :users, :create, :profiles # lets? :users, :create, @profile # lets? :users, :create, ProfilesController # # True if users are allowed to access 'profiles#create'. # # lets? :admin, :edit, :article, namespace: :admin # lets? :admin, :edit, @admin_article # lets? :admin, :edit, Admin::ArticlesController # # True if any admin is allowed to access 'admin/articles#edit'. # def lets?(clearance_level, action, resource, options = {}) clearance_level = clearance_level.to_s.singularize.to_sym action = action.to_sym controller = get_controller_name(resource, options) # Load the controller to ensure its rules are loaded (lazy loading rules). rules = @rules[controller] return false unless rules # Check rules Array(rules[:all]).include?(:all) || Array(rules[:all]).include?(action) || Array(rules[clearance_level]).include?(:all) || Array(rules[clearance_level]).include?(action) end private def get_controller_name(resource, options = {}) # Assume a controller if given a class return if resource.is_a? Class # Assume a model instance if not a string or symbol unless resource.is_a?(String) || resource.is_a?(Symbol) resource = end # Build controller name path = options[:namespace].to_s.split(/::|\//).reject(&:blank?).map(&:camelize) path << resource.to_s.camelize.pluralize + 'Controller' controller = path.join('::') # Make sure that the controller exists. # Will throw a NameError exception if resource and/or namespace are wrong. controller.constantize # Return controller name return controller end end end