// @category ui/layout // throw an error if archetype/ui has not been registered $a-blackhole: require-archetype-modules(archetype/ui); // additional non-standard compass features required in this module @import "compass/layout/stretching"; // makes your element centered vertically and horizontally in a parent element // @mixin centered-box @mixin centered-box() { @include stretch(); margin: auto; } // mixin for generating a fade box which fades from transparent to white // @mixin fade-box // @param $width {String} the width of the overlay // @param $height {String} the height of the overlay // @param $direction {String} top=vertical left=horizontal // @param $from {Color} the start color // @param $to {Color} the end color @mixin fade-box($width: 100%, $height: 100%, $direction: top, $from: rgba(255,255,255,0.4), $to: rgba(255,255,255,1)) { @if support-legacy-browser('ie', '8', $threshold: $critical-usage-threshold) { @if $direction == left { @include ie-filter(gradient(startColorstr=ie-hex-str($from), endColorstr=ie-hex-str($to), GradientType=1)); } @else { @include ie-filter(gradient(startColorstr=ie-hex-str($from), endColorstr=ie-hex-str($to))); } } @include background-image(linear-gradient($direction, $from, $to) ); @include pseudo-element($width: $width, $height: $height, $position: absolute); text-align: center; bottom: 0; #{if($direction == left, right, left)}: 0; }