require 'spec_helper' module Beaker describe CLI do let(:cli) { } context 'execute!' do before :each do stub_const("Beaker::Logger", double().as_null_object )"sample.cfg", "w+") do |file| file.write("HOSTS:\n") file.write(" myhost:\n") file.write(" roles:\n") file.write(" - master\n") file.write(" platform: ubuntu-x-x\n") file.write("CONFIG:\n") end allow( cli ).to receive(:setup).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:validate).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:provision).and_return(true) end describe "test fail mode" do it 'continues testing after failed test if using slow fail_mode' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_throw("bad test") allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'slow' cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) expect( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).exactly( 3 ).times expect{ cli.execute! }.to raise_error end it 'stops testing after failed test if using fast fail_mode' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_throw("bad test") allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) expect( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).exactly( 2 ).times expect{ cli.execute! }.to raise_error end end describe "SUT preserve mode" do it 'cleans up SUTs post testing if tests fail and preserve_hosts = never' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_throw("bad test") allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' options[:preserve_hosts] = 'never' cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) netmanager = double(:netmanager) cli.instance_variable_set(:@network_manager, netmanager) expect( netmanager ).to receive(:cleanup).once expect{ cli.execute! }.to raise_error end it 'cleans up SUTs post testing if no tests fail and preserve_hosts = never' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' options[:preserve_hosts] = 'never' cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) netmanager = double(:netmanager) cli.instance_variable_set(:@network_manager, netmanager) expect( netmanager ).to receive(:cleanup).once expect{ cli.execute! }.to_not raise_error end it 'preserves SUTs post testing if no tests fail and preserve_hosts = always' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' options[:preserve_hosts] = 'always' options[:log_dated_dir] = '.' options[:hosts_file] = 'sample.cfg' cli.instance_variable_set(:@hosts, {}) cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) netmanager = double(:netmanager) cli.instance_variable_set(:@network_manager, netmanager) expect( netmanager ).to receive(:cleanup).never expect{ cli.execute! }.to_not raise_error end it 'preserves SUTs post testing if no tests fail and preserve_hosts = always' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_throw("bad test") allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' options[:preserve_hosts] = 'always' cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) netmanager = double(:netmanager) cli.instance_variable_set(:@network_manager, netmanager) expect( netmanager ).to receive(:cleanup).never expect{ cli.execute! }.to raise_error end it 'cleans up SUTs post testing if no tests fail and preserve_hosts = onfail' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' options[:preserve_hosts] = 'onfail' cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) netmanager = double(:netmanager) cli.instance_variable_set(:@network_manager, netmanager) expect( netmanager ).to receive(:cleanup).once expect{ cli.execute! }.to_not raise_error end it 'preserves SUTs post testing if tests fail and preserve_hosts = onfail' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_throw("bad test") allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' options[:preserve_hosts] = 'onfail' cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) netmanager = double(:netmanager) cli.instance_variable_set(:@network_manager, netmanager) expect( netmanager ).to receive(:cleanup).never expect{ cli.execute! }.to raise_error end it 'cleans up SUTs post testing if tests fail and preserve_hosts = onpass' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_throw("bad test") allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' options[:preserve_hosts] = 'onpass' cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) netmanager = double(:netmanager) cli.instance_variable_set(:@network_manager, netmanager) expect( netmanager ).to receive(:cleanup).once expect{ cli.execute! }.to raise_error end it 'preserves SUTs post testing if no tests fail and preserve_hosts = onpass' do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' options[:preserve_hosts] = 'onpass' options[:log_dated_dir] = '.' options[:hosts_file] = 'sample.cfg' cli.instance_variable_set(:@hosts, {}) cli.instance_variable_set(:@options, options) netmanager = double(:netmanager) cli.instance_variable_set(:@network_manager, netmanager) expect( netmanager ).to receive(:cleanup).never expect{ cli.execute! }.to_not raise_error end end describe 'hosts file saving when preserve_hosts should happen' do before :each do allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:pre_suite, :fast).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:tests).and_return(true) allow( cli ).to receive(:run_suite).with(:post_suite).and_return(true) options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) options[:fail_mode] = 'fast' options[:preserve_hosts] = 'onpass' options[:hosts_file] = 'sample.cfg' hosts = [ make_host('petey', { :hypervisor => 'peterPan' }), make_host('hatty', { :hypervisor => 'theMadHatter' }), ] cli.instance_variable_set(:@hosts, hosts) netmanager = double(:netmanager) cli.instance_variable_set(:@network_manager, netmanager) expect( netmanager ).to receive(:cleanup).never allow( cli ).to receive( :print_env_vars_affecting_beaker ) logger = cli.instance_variable_get(:@logger) expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, anything ).ordered expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, anything ).ordered end it 'executes without error' do options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| options[:log_dated_dir] = File.absolute_path(dir) expect{ cli.execute! }.to_not raise_error end end it 'copies a file into the correct location' do options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| options[:log_dated_dir] = File.absolute_path(dir) cli.execute! copied_hosts_file = File.join(File.absolute_path(dir), 'hosts_preserved.yml') expect( File.exists?(copied_hosts_file) ).to be_truthy end end it 'generates a valid YAML file when it copies' do options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| options[:log_dated_dir] = File.absolute_path(dir) cli.execute! copied_hosts_file = File.join(File.absolute_path(dir), 'hosts_preserved.yml') expect{ YAML.load_file(copied_hosts_file) }.to_not raise_error end end it 'sets :provision to false in the copied hosts file' do options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| options[:log_dated_dir] = File.absolute_path(dir) cli.execute! copied_hosts_file = File.join(File.absolute_path(dir), 'hosts_preserved.yml') yaml_content = YAML.load_file(copied_hosts_file) expect( yaml_content['CONFIG']['provision'] ).to be_falsy end end it 'sets the @options :hosts_preserved_yaml_file to the copied file' do options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| options[:log_dated_dir] = File.absolute_path(dir) expect( options.has_key?(:hosts_preserved_yaml_file) ).to be_falsy cli.execute! expect( options.has_key?(:hosts_preserved_yaml_file) ).to be_truthy copied_hosts_file = File.join(File.absolute_path(dir), 'hosts_preserved.yml') expect( options[:hosts_preserved_yaml_file] ).to be === copied_hosts_file end end describe 'output text informing the user that re-use is possible' do it 'if unsupported, does not output extra text' do options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| options[:log_dated_dir] = File.absolute_path(dir) copied_hosts_file = File.join(File.absolute_path(dir), options[:hosts_file]) logger = cli.instance_variable_get(:@logger) expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, "\nYou can re-run commands against the already provisioned SUT(s) by following these steps:\n").never expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, "- change the hosts file to #{copied_hosts_file}").never expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, '- use the --no-provision flag').never cli.execute! end end it 'if supported, outputs the text letting the user know they can re-use these hosts' do options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| options[:log_dated_dir] = File.absolute_path(dir) copied_hosts_file = File.join(File.absolute_path(dir), options[:hosts_file]) hosts = cli.instance_variable_get(:@hosts) hosts << make_host('fusion', { :hypervisor => 'fusion' }) reproducing_cmd = "the faith of the people" allow( cli ).to receive( :build_hosts_preserved_reproducing_command ).and_return( reproducing_cmd ) logger = cli.instance_variable_get(:@logger) expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, "\nYou can re-run commands against the already provisioned SUT(s) with:\n").ordered expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, reproducing_cmd).ordered cli.execute! end end it 'if supported && docker is a hypervisor, outputs text + the untested warning' do options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| options[:log_dated_dir] = File.absolute_path(dir) copied_hosts_file = File.join(File.absolute_path(dir), options[:hosts_file]) hosts = cli.instance_variable_get(:@hosts) hosts << make_host('fusion', { :hypervisor => 'fusion' }) hosts << make_host('docker', { :hypervisor => 'docker' }) reproducing_cmd = "the crow flies true says the shoe to you" allow( cli ).to receive( :build_hosts_preserved_reproducing_command ).and_return( reproducing_cmd ) logger = cli.instance_variable_get(:@logger) expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, "\nYou can re-run commands against the already provisioned SUT(s) with:\n").ordered expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, '(docker support is untested for this feature. please reference the docs for more info)').ordered expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, reproducing_cmd).ordered cli.execute! end end it 'if unsupported && docker is a hypervisor, no extra text output' do options = cli.instance_variable_get(:@options) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| options[:log_dated_dir] = File.absolute_path(dir) copied_hosts_file = File.join(File.absolute_path(dir), options[:hosts_file]) hosts = cli.instance_variable_get(:@hosts) hosts << make_host('docker', { :hypervisor => 'docker' }) logger = cli.instance_variable_get(:@logger) expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, "\nYou can re-run commands against the already provisioned SUT(s) with:\n").never expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, '(docker support is untested for this feature. please reference the docs for more info)').never expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, "- change the hosts file to #{copied_hosts_file}").never expect( logger ).to receive( :send ).with( anything, '- use the --no-provision flag').never cli.execute! end end end end describe '#build_hosts_preserved_reproducing_command' do it 'replaces the hosts file' do new_hosts_file = 'john/deer/was/here.txt' command_to_sub = 'p --log-level debug --hosts pants/of/plan.poo jam --jankies --flag-business' command_correct = "p --log-level debug --hosts #{new_hosts_file} jam --jankies --flag-business" answer = cli.build_hosts_preserved_reproducing_command(command_to_sub, new_hosts_file) expect( answer.start_with?(command_correct) ).to be_truthy end it 'doesn\'t replace an entry if no --hosts key is found' do command_to_sub = 'p --log-level debug johnnypantaloons7 --jankies --flag-business' command_correct = 'p --log-level debug johnnypantaloons7 --jankies --flag-business' answer = cli.build_hosts_preserved_reproducing_command(command_to_sub, 'john/deer/plans.txt') expect( answer.start_with?(command_correct) ).to be_truthy end it 'removes any old --provision flags' do command_to_sub = '--provision jam --provision --jankies --flag-business' command_correct = 'jam --jankies --flag-business' answer = cli.build_hosts_preserved_reproducing_command(command_to_sub, 'can/talk/to/pigs.yml') expect( answer.start_with?(command_correct) ).to be_truthy end it 'removes any old --no-provision flags' do command_to_sub = 'jam --no-provision --jankoos --no-provision --flag-businesses' command_correct = 'jam --jankoos --flag-businesses' answer = cli.build_hosts_preserved_reproducing_command(command_to_sub, 'can/talk/to/bears.yml') expect( answer.start_with?(command_correct) ).to be_truthy end end end end end