module MailyHeraldHelper def sequence_mailing_list_actions mailing actions = [ { :name => :custom, :url => webui_mailing_path(mailing), :icon => "glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right", :title => "Show" }, { :name => :custom, :url => edit_webui_mailing_path(mailing), :icon => "glyphicon glyphicon-pencil", :title => "Edit" }, { :name => :custom, :url => webui_mailing_path(mailing), :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are you sure you want to remove this mailing?", :icon => "glyphicon glyphicon-trash", :title => "Remove" } ] actions.insert(0, { :name => :custom, :url => "#mailing-#{}", :class => "show-preview", :icon => "glyphicon glyphicon-search", :title => "Preview" }) if @sequence && @subscription actions end def sequence_entity_list_actions entity [ { :name => :custom, :url => subscription_webui_sequence_path(:entity_id => entity), :icon => "glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right", :title => "Show" } ] end def mailing_entity_list_actions mailing, entity actions = [] actions.push({ :name => :custom, :url => preview_webui_mailing_path(:subscription_id => mailing.subscription_for(entity)), :icon => "glyphicon glyphicon-search", :title => "Preview template below", :remote => true }) actions.push({ :name => :custom, :url => mailing.sequence? ? subscription_webui_sequence_path(:id => mailing.sequence, :entity_id => entity) : subscription_webui_mailing_path(:entity_id => entity), :icon => "glyphicon glyphicon-hand-right", :title => "Show" }) actions end def time_tag(time) return unless time text = distance_of_time_in_words(, time) content_tag('abbr', text, :title => format_time(time)) end def time_tag_ago(time) return unless time text = distance_of_time_in_words(, time) content_tag('abbr', t('time_distance.ago', :text => text), :title => time) end def time_tag_to(time) return unless time text = distance_of_time_in_words(, time) content_tag('abbr', t('', :text => text), :title => time) end def delivery_log_list_actions delivery_log mailing = delivery_log.mailing entity = delivery_log.entity actions = [] actions.push({ :name => :custom, :url => webui_dashboard_path(delivery_log), :icon => "icon-search", :title => "Show log details" }) actions.push({ :name => :custom, :url => mailing.sequence? ? subscription_webui_sequence_path(:id => mailing.sequence, :entity_id => entity) : subscription_webui_mailing_path(:id => mailing, :entity_id => entity), :icon => "icon-hand-right", :title => "Subscription" }) unless @subscription actions end def subscription_group_subscription_actions subscription [{ :name => :custom, :url => toggle_subscription_webui_subscription_group_path(:subscription_id => subscription), :method => :get, :confirm => "Are you sure you want to change this subscription?", :icon => "icon-refresh", :title => "Toggle subscription" }] end def time_tag_relative(time) if time > time_tag_to time else time_tag_ago time end end def context_attributes_link options = {} link_to context_attributes_webui_mailings_path(:context_name => options[:context]), :role => "button", :data => {:toggle => "modal", :target => "#context-attributes"}, :class => "show-context-attributes" do concat(content_tag(:i, "", :class => "glyphicon glyphicon-th-list")) concat(" show") unless options[:notext] end end def maily_herald_context_options_for_select selected = nil, options = {} MailyHerald.contexts.keys.collect {|c| [c, c] } end def maily_herald_mailer_options_for_select selected = nil, options = {} [ ['generic', 'generic'] ] end def maily_herald_context_attributes_list name MailyHerald.context(name).each end def maily_herald_token_action_options_for_select selected = nil, options = {} [ ['Unsubscribe', 'unsubscribe'], ['Custom', 'custom'], ] end def maily_herald_subscription_group_options_for_select selected = nil, options = {} [["none", ""]] + MailyHerald::SubscriptionGroup.all.collect {|sg| [sg.title,] } end end