require 'scorpion/attribute_set' module Scorpion # Identifies objects that are served by {Scorpion scorpions} that feed on # {Scorpion#hunt! hunted} prey. module King # ============================================================================ # @!group Attributes # # @!attribute # @return [Scorpion] the scorpion used to hunt down prey. attr_reader :scorpion # @!attribute # @return [Scorpion::AttributeSet] the set of injected attributes and their # settings. def injected_attributes self.class.injected_attributes end # # @!endgroup Attributes # Feeds one of the {#injected_attributes} to the object. # @param [Scorpion::Attribute] attribute to be fed. # @param [Object] food the value of the attribute # @visibility private # # This method is used by the {#scorpion} to feed the king. Do not call it # directly. def feed( attribute, food ) send "#{ }=", food end # Crown the object as a king and prepare it to be fed. def base ) base.extend Scorpion::King::ClassMethods if base.is_a? Class base.class_exec do # Span a new instance of this class with all non-lazy dependencies # satisfied. # @param [Scorpion] scorpion that will hunt for dependencies. def self.spawn( scorpion, *args, &block ) new( *args, &block ).tap do |king| king.instance_variable_set :@scorpion, scorpion # Go hunt for dependencies that are not lazy and initialize the # references. scorpion.feed! king king.send :on_fed end end end end end def self.included( base ) crown( base ) super end def self.prepended( base ) crown( base ) super end private # Called after the king has been initialized and feed all its required # dependencies. It should be used in place of #initialize when the # constructor needs access to injected attributes. def on_fed end # Convenience method to ask the {#scorpion} to hunt for an object. # @see Scorpion#hunt! def hunt!( contract, *args, &block ) scorpion.hunt! contract, *args, &block end # Convenience method to ask the {#scorpion} to hunt for an object. # @see Scorpion#hunt_by_traits! def hunt_by_traits!( contract, traits, *args, &block ) scorpion.hunt_by_traits! contract, *args, &block end module ClassMethods # Tells a {Scorpion} what to inject into the class when it is constructed # @return [nil] # @see AttributeSet#define def feed_on( &block ) injected_attributes.define &block build_injected_attributes end alias_method :inject, :feed_on alias_method :depend_on, :feed_on # @!attribute # @return [Scorpion::AttributeSet] the set of injected attriutes. def injected_attributes @injected_attributes ||= begin attr = attr.inherit! superclass.injected_attributes if superclass.respond_to? :injected_attributes attr end end private def build_injected_attributes injected_attributes.each do |attr| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{ } @#{ } ||= begin attr = injected_attributes[ :#{ } ] scorpion.hunt!( attr.contract, attr.traits ) end end def #{ }=( value ) @#{ } = value end def #{ }? !!@#{ } end RUBY unless attr.public? class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 private :#{ }= private :#{ }? RUBY end if attr.private? class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 private :#{ } RUBY end end end end end end