class OrigenCoreApplication < Origen::Application = "Origen Core" self.namespace = "Origen" = "Origen Core" config.initials = "Origen" config.rc_url = "" config.semantically_version = true config.release_externally = true config.gem_name = "origen" config.production_targets = { "1m79x" => "production", "2m79x" => "debug", "3m79x" => "mock.rb", } config.lint_test = { # Require the lint tests to pass before allowing a release to proceed :run_on_tag => true, # Auto correct violations where possible whenever 'origen lint' is run :auto_correct => true, # Limit the testing for large legacy applications #:level => :easy, # Run on these directories/files by default #:files => ["lib", "config/application.rb"], } config.remotes = [ # To include the OrigenAppGenerators documentation in the main guides { dir: "origen_app_generators", rc_url: "", version: "v1.1.0", development: true } ] #config.lsf.project = "origen core" config.web_directory = "" config.web_domain = "" config.pattern_prefix = "nvm" config.application_pattern_header do |options| "This is a dummy pattern created by the Origen test environment" end # Add any directories or files not intended to be under change management control # standard Origen files/dirs already included # config.unmanaged_dirs = %w{dir1 dir2} # config.unamanged_files = %w{file1 file2 *.swp} config.output_directory do dir = "#{Origen.root}/output/#{$top.class}" dir.gsub!("::","_") if Origen.running_on_windows? dir end config.reference_directory do dir = "#{Origen.root}/.ref/#{$top.class}" dir.gsub!("::","_") if Origen.running_on_windows? dir end # Help Origen to find patterns based on an iterator config.pattern_name_translator do |name| if name == "dummy_name" {:source => "timing", :output => "timing"} else name.gsub(/_b\d/, "_bx") end end # By block iterator config.pattern_iterator do |iterator| iterator.key = :by_block iterator.loop do |&pattern| $nvm.blocks.each do |block| end end iterator.setup do |block| blk = $nvm.find_block_by_id( blk end iterator.pattern_name do |name, block| name.gsub("_bx", "_b#{}") end end # By setting iterator config.pattern_iterator do |iterator| iterator.key = :by_setting iterator.loop do |settings, &pattern| settings.each do |setting| end end iterator.pattern_name do |name, setting| name.gsub("_x", "_#{setting}") end end def after_web_compile(options) do |plugin| if plugin.config.shared && plugin.config.shared[:origen_guides] action: :compile, files: File.join(plugin.root, plugin.config.shared[:origen_guides]), output: File.join('web', 'content', 'guides') end end end # Ensure that all tests pass before allowing a release to continue def validate_release if !system("origen specs") || !system("origen examples") puts "Sorry but you can't release with failing tests, please fix them and try again." exit 1 else puts "All tests passing, proceeding with release process!" end end #def before_deploy_site # Dir.chdir Origen.root do # system "origen specs -c" # system "origen examples -c" # dir = "#{Origen.root}/web/output/coverage" # FileUtils.remove_dir(dir, true) if File.exists?(dir) # system "mv #{Origen.root}/coverage #{dir}" # end #end def after_release_email(tag, note, type, selector, options) begin command = "origen web compile --remote --api --comment 'Release of #{} #{}'" Dir.chdir Origen.root do system command end rescue Origen.log.error "Web deploy failed" end end end