# This is the primary location for defining spree preferences # # The expectation is that this is created once and stored in # the spree environment # # setters: # a.color = :blue # a[:color] = :blue # a.set :color = :blue # a.preferred_color = :blue # # getters: # a.color # a[:color] # a.get :color # a.preferred_color # require 'spree/core/search/base' require 'spree/core/preferences/configuration' module Spree module Core class Configuration < Preferences::Configuration # Alphabetized to more easily lookup particular preferences preference :address_requires_state, :boolean, default: true # should state/state_name be required preference :address_requires_phone, :boolean, default: true # Determines whether we require phone in address preference :admin_path, :string, deprecated: true preference :admin_products_per_page, :integer, deprecated: true preference :admin_orders_per_page, :integer, deprecated: true preference :admin_properties_per_page, :integer, deprecated: true preference :admin_promotions_per_page, :integer, deprecated: true preference :admin_customer_returns_per_page, :integer, deprecated: true preference :admin_users_per_page, :integer, deprecated: true preference :admin_show_version, :boolean, deprecated: true preference :allow_checkout_on_gateway_error, :boolean, default: false preference :allow_guest_checkout, :boolean, default: true preference :alternative_shipping_phone, :boolean, default: false # Request extra phone for ship addr preference :always_include_confirm_step, :boolean, default: false # Ensures confirmation step is always in checkout_progress bar, but does not force a confirm step if your payment methods do not support it. preference :always_put_site_name_in_title, :boolean, deprecated: true preference :title_site_name_separator, :string, deprecated: true preference :auto_capture, :boolean, default: false # automatically capture the credit card (as opposed to just authorize and capture later) preference :auto_capture_on_dispatch, :boolean, default: false # Captures payment for each shipment in Shipment#after_ship callback, and makes Shipment.ready when payment authorized. preference :binary_inventory_cache, :boolean, default: false # only invalidate product cache when a stock item changes whether it is in_stock preference :checkout_zone, :string, default: nil, deprecated: true # replace with the name of a zone if you would like to limit the countries preference :company, :boolean, default: false # Request company field for billing and shipping addr preference :currency, :string, default: 'USD', deprecated: true preference :default_country_id, :integer, deprecated: true preference :disable_sku_validation, :boolean, default: false # when turned off disables the built-in SKU uniqueness validation preference :disable_store_presence_validation, :boolean, default: false # when turned off disables Store presence validation for Products and Payment Methods preference :expedited_exchanges, :boolean, default: false # NOTE this requires payment profiles to be supported on your gateway of choice as well as a delayed job handler to be configured with activejob. kicks off an exchange shipment upon return authorization save. charge customer if they do not return items within timely manner. preference :expedited_exchanges_days_window, :integer, default: 14 # the amount of days the customer has to return their item after the expedited exchange is shipped in order to avoid being charged preference :layout, :string, deprecated: 'Please use Spree::Frontend::Config[:layout] instead' preference :logo, :string, deprecated: true preference :mailer_logo, :string, deprecated: true preference :max_level_in_taxons_menu, :integer, deprecated: true preference :products_per_page, :integer, default: 12 preference :require_master_price, :boolean, default: true preference :restock_inventory, :boolean, default: true # Determines if a return item is restocked automatically once it has been received preference :return_eligibility_number_of_days, :integer, default: 365 preference :send_core_emails, :boolean, default: true # Default mail headers settings preference :shipping_instructions, :boolean, deprecated: true preference :show_only_complete_orders_by_default, :boolean, deprecated: true preference :show_variant_full_price, :boolean, default: false # Displays variant full price or difference with product price. Default false to be compatible with older behavior preference :show_products_without_price, :boolean, default: false preference :show_raw_product_description, :boolean, deprecated: true preference :tax_using_ship_address, :boolean, default: true preference :track_inventory_levels, :boolean, default: true # Determines whether to track on_hand values for variants / products. preference :use_user_locale, :boolean, default: true # Store credits configurations preference :non_expiring_credit_types, :array, default: [] preference :credit_to_new_allocation, :boolean, default: false # Multi store configurations preference :show_store_selector, :boolean, deprecated: true # searcher_class allows spree extension writers to provide their own Search class def searcher_class Spree::Deprecation.warn('`Spree::Config.searcher_class` is deprecated and will be removed in Spree v5, please use `Spree.searcher_class` instead.') @searcher_class ||= Spree.searcher_class end # Sets the path used for products, taxons and pages. preference :storefront_products_path, :string, default: 'products' preference :storefront_taxons_path, :string, default: 't' preference :storefront_pages_path, :string, default: 'pages' attr_writer :searcher_class end end end