# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:todo Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity require_relative './method_instrumentor' module InstrumentAllTheThings module MethodProxy def self.for_class(klass) find_for_class(klass) || install_on_class(klass) end def self.find_for_class(klass) klass.ancestors.detect do |a| a.is_a?(Instrumentor) && a._iatt_built_for == klass end end def self.install_on_class(klass) construct_for_class(klass).tap do |m| klass.prepend(m) end end def self.construct_for_class(klass) mod = Module.new do extend Instrumentor end # attaching to the original to_s method = klass.method(:to_s) mod.define_singleton_method(:to_s, &method) mod._iatt_built_for = klass mod end module Instrumentor def inspect "InstrumentAllTheThings::#{@_iatt_built_for}Proxy" end def _iatt_built_for @_iatt_built_for end def _iatt_built_for=(val) @_iatt_built_for = val end def set_context_tags(klass, settings, args, kwargs) return unless settings.is_a?(Hash) && settings[:trace].is_a?(Hash) && settings[:trace][:tags] settings[:context][:tags] = settings[:trace][:tags].map do |tag| if tag.is_a?(Proc) case tag.arity when 2 tag.call(args, kwargs) when 1 tag.parameters[0][1].to_s == 'args' ? tag.call(args) : tag.call(kwargs) else klass.instance_exec(&tag) end else tag end rescue StandardError nil end.compact end def wrap_implementation(method_name, settings) wrap = MethodInstrumentor.new(**settings) set_tags = method(:set_context_tags) define_method(method_name) do |*args, **kwargs, &blk| set_tags.call(self, settings, args, kwargs) wrap.invoke(klass: is_a?(Class) ? self : self.class) do super(*args, **kwargs, &blk) end end end end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity