require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'hash_definition') module ROXML class Definition # :nodoc: attr_reader :name, :type, :hash, :blocks, :accessor, :to_xml class << self def silence_xml_name_warning? @silence_xml_name_warning || (ROXML.const_defined?('SILENCE_XML_NAME_WARNING') && ROXML::SILENCE_XML_NAME_WARNING) end def silence_xml_name_warning! @silence_xml_name_warning = true end end def initialize(sym, *args, &block) @accessor = sym @opts = extract_options!(args) @default = @opts.delete(:else) @to_xml = @opts.delete(:to_xml) @name_explicit = @opts.has_key?(:from) if @opts.has_key?(:readonly) raise ArgumentError, "There is no 'readonly' option. You probably mean to use :frozen => true" end @opts.reverse_merge!(:as => [], :in => nil) @opts[:as] = [*@opts[:as]] @type = extract_type(args) @opts[:as] << :bool if @accessor.to_s.ends_with?('?') if @type.try(:xml_name_without_deprecation?) unless self.class.silence_xml_name_warning? warn "WARNING: As of 2.3, a breaking change has been in the naming of sub-objects. " + "ROXML now considers the xml_name of the sub-object before falling back to the accessor name of the parent. " + "Use :from on the parent declaration to override this behavior. Set ROXML::SILENCE_XML_NAME_WARNING to avoid this message." self.class.silence_xml_name_warning! end @opts[:from] ||= @type.tag_name else @opts[:from] ||= variable_name end @blocks = collect_blocks(block, @opts[:as]) @name = @opts[:from].to_s @name = @name.singularize if hash? || array? if hash? && ( || @name = '*' end raise ArgumentError, "Can't specify both :else default and :required" if required? && @default end def variable_name accessor.to_s.ends_with?('?') ? accessor.to_s.chomp('?') : accessor.to_s end def hash @hash ||=, name) if hash? end def hash? @type == :hash end def name? @name == '*' end def name_explicit? @name_explicit end def content? @type == :content end def array? @opts[:as].include? :array end def cdata? @opts[:as].include? :cdata end def wrapper @opts[:in] end def required? @opts[:required] end def freeze? @opts[:frozen] end def default @default ||= [] if array? @default ||= {} if hash? @default.duplicable? ? @default.dup : @default end def to_ref(inst) case type when :attr then XMLAttributeRef when :content then XMLTextRef when :text then XMLTextRef when :hash then XMLHashRef when Symbol then raise ArgumentError, "Invalid type argument #{opts.type}" else XMLObjectRef, inst) end private def self.all(items, &block) array = items.is_a?(Array) results = (array ? items : [items]).map do |item| yield item end array ? results : results.first end BLOCK_TO_FLOAT = lambda do |val| all(val) do |v| Float(v) unless blank_string?(v) end end BLOCK_TO_INT = lambda do |val| all(val) do |v| Integer(v) unless blank_string?(v) end end def self.fetch_bool(value, default) value = value.try(:downcase) if %w{true yes 1}.include? value true elsif %w{false no 0}.include? value false else default end end def self.blank_string?(value) value.is_a?(String) && value.blank? end BLOCK_SHORTHANDS = { :integer => BLOCK_TO_INT, # deprecated Integer => BLOCK_TO_INT, :float => BLOCK_TO_FLOAT, # deprecated Float => BLOCK_TO_FLOAT, Date => lambda do |val| if defined?(Date) all(val) {|v| Date.parse(v) unless blank_string?(v) } end end, DateTime => lambda do |val| if defined?(DateTime) all(val) {|v| DateTime.parse(v) unless blank_string?(v) } end end, Time => lambda do |val| if defined?(Time) all(val) {|v| Time.parse(v) unless blank_string?(v) } end end, :bool => nil, :bool_standalone => lambda do |val| all(val) do |v| fetch_bool(v, nil) end end, :bool_combined => lambda do |val| all(val) do |v| fetch_bool(v, v) end end } def collect_blocks(block, as) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn ":as => :float is deprecated. Use :as => Float instead" if as.include?(:float) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn ":as => :integer is deprecated. Use :as => Integer instead" if as.include?(:integer) shorthands = as & BLOCK_SHORTHANDS.keys if shorthands.size > 1 raise ArgumentError, "multiple block shorthands supplied #{', ')}" end shorthand = shorthands.first if shorthand == :bool # if a second block is present, and we can't coerce the xml value # to bool, we need to be able to pass it to the user-provided block shorthand = block ? :bool_combined : :bool_standalone end [BLOCK_SHORTHANDS[shorthand], block].compact end def extract_options!(args) opts = args.extract_options! unless (opts.keys & HASH_KEYS).empty? args.push(opts) opts = {} end opts end def extract_type(args) types = (@opts.keys & TYPE_KEYS) # type arg if && types.empty? type = args.first if type.is_a? Array @opts[:as] << :array return type.first elsif type.is_a? Hash @opts[:hash] = type return :hash else return type end end unless args.empty? raise ArgumentError, "too many arguments (#{(args + types).join(', ')}). Should be name, type, and " + "an options hash, with the type and options optional" end # type options if @opts[:from] = @opts.delete(types.first) types.first elsif types.empty? :text else raise ArgumentError, "more than one type option specified: #{types.join(', ')}" end end end end