%h1.invisible Create a New Application = breadcrumb_for_create_application(@type_groups[0][0]) = app_wizard_steps_create 0, :active => true = flashes %section %p.larger Choose a web programming cartridge or kick the tires with a quickstart. After you create the application you can add cartridges to enable additional capabilities like databases, metrics, and continuous build support with Jenkins. %section %form.form-search.form-search-block{:id => 'form-search-create-apps', :method => 'get'} %input.search-query{:type => 'text', :name => 'search', :placeholder => 'Search by keyword or tag', :value => @search} %button.search{:type => 'submit'} - if @browse_tags.present? %span.dropdown %a.btn.dropdown-toggle{:href => '#', :data => {:toggle => 'dropdown'}} Browse by tag... %span.caret %ul.dropdown-menu#tag-filter - @browse_tags.each do |(name, tag)| - if name %li= link_to name, application_types_path(:tag => tag) - else %hr %section - if @type_groups.length == 1 - title, types = @type_groups.first %h3.divide #{title} - if types.length > 4 %small= link_to '(show all)', application_types_path .row - in_columns_of(2, types).each do |types| .span6.tile-dark = render :partial => 'application_type', :collection => types, :locals => {:excluded_tags => []} - else .row - in_balanced_columns_of(2, @type_groups).each do |groups| .span6 - groups.each do |(title, types)| %h3.divide= title = render :collection => types, :locals => {:excluded_tags => []} %p #{link_to "See all application types", application_types_path} %section %p Can't find what you're looking for? Try broadening your search or filtering by another tag. -#%p Can't find what you're looking for? #{link_to "Browse the Quickstarts", community_quickstarts_url} on our community, or #{link_to "create your own!", create_quickstart_url} - content_for :javascripts do :javascript jQuery('.tile-click').click(function(evt) { if (evt.target.type == 'a') return; a = $('h3 > a', this)[0]; window.location = a.href });