class Array def self.to_mongo(value) value = value.respond_to?(:lines) ? value.lines : value value.to_a end def self.from_mongo(value) value || [] end end class Binary def self.to_mongo(value) if value.is_a?(ByteBuffer) value else value.nil? ? nil : end end def self.from_mongo(value) value end end class Boolean BOOLEAN_MAPPING = { true => true, 'true' => true, 'TRUE' => true, 'True' => true, 't' => true, 'T' => true, '1' => true, 1 => true, 1.0 => true, false => false, 'false' => false, 'FALSE' => false, 'False' => false, 'f' => false, 'F' => false, '0' => false, 0 => false, 0.0 => false, nil => false } def self.to_mongo(value) if value.is_a?(Boolean) value else v = BOOLEAN_MAPPING[value] v = value.to_s.downcase == 'true' if v.nil? # Check all mixed case spellings for true v end end def self.from_mongo(value) !!value end end class Date def self.to_mongo(value) if value.nil? || value == '' nil else date = value.is_a?(Date) || value.is_a?(Time) ? value : Date.parse(value.to_s) Time.utc(date.year, date.month, end rescue nil end def self.from_mongo(value) value.to_date if value.present? end end class Float def self.to_mongo(value) value.to_f end end class Hash def self.from_mongo(value) || {}) end def to_mongo self end end class Integer def self.to_mongo(value) value_to_i = value.to_i if value_to_i == 0 && value != value_to_i value.to_s =~ /^(0x|0b)?0+/ ? 0 : nil else value_to_i end end end class NilClass def to_mongo(value) value end def from_mongo(value) value end end class Object # The hidden singleton lurks behind everyone def metaclass class << self; self end end def meta_eval(&blk) metaclass.instance_eval(&blk) end # Adds methods to a metaclass def meta_def(name, &blk) meta_eval { define_method(name, &blk) } end # Defines an instance method within a class def class_def(name, &blk) class_eval { define_method(name, &blk) } end def self.to_mongo(value) value end def self.from_mongo(value) value end end class ObjectId def self.to_mongo(value) if value.blank? nil elsif value.is_a?(Mongo::ObjectID) value else Mongo::ObjectID.from_string(value.to_s) end end def self.from_mongo(value) value end end class Set def self.to_mongo(value) value.to_a end def self.from_mongo(value) || []) end end class String def self.to_mongo(value) value.nil? ? nil : value.to_s end def self.from_mongo(value) value.nil? ? nil : value.to_s end end class SymbolOperator def initialize(field, operator, options={}) @field, @operator = field, operator end unless method_defined?(:initialize) def to_mm_criteria(value) {MongoMapper::FinderOptions.normalized_field(@field) => {"$#{@operator}" => value}} end def to_mm_order [@field.to_s, MongoMapper::FinderOptions.normalized_order_direction(@operator)] end end class Symbol %w(gt lt gte lte ne in nin mod size where exists asc desc).each do |operator| define_method(operator) do, operator) end unless method_defined?(operator) end end class Time def self.to_mongo(value) if value.nil? || value == '' nil else time = value.is_a?(Time) ? value : MongoMapper.time_class.parse(value.to_s) # Convert time to milliseconds since BSON stores dates with that accurracy, but Ruby uses microseconds * 1000).round / 1000.0).utc if time end end def self.from_mongo(value) if MongoMapper.use_time_zone? && value.present? value.in_time_zone( else value end end end class Mongo::ObjectID alias_method :original_to_json, :to_json def to_json(options = nil) %Q("#{to_s}") end end require 'mongo_mapper/support/descendant_appends' require 'mongo_mapper/support/find'