:( <3 i love you. no but ur either tired or sick or sad :( so now what's making u sad? miss you too !!!!! :( mwaaaaach my! :* :) hahaha . gak papa kok sayang :)rt :( but we all know ur not rly a slut my reply is no :( you are my imposible love :( feeling the need to see my big bro. :( i miss him and his rugrats.. alright we only just managed to surface and have a lot of cleaning to do, so i don't think it's gonna happen today. :( thank you ange. haha yea i shud get better! bc i have midtest next week :( i'm so sorry to hear that hun :( don't worry about showing emotions god sees your heart ☺ ♥ yatenkaiouh is being a poor texting buddy tonight. :( aduh ketinggalan hot shot :( holy crap! gotta eat something, my blood sugar is getting dangerously low :( oh ctm que triste :( llorareeeeeee u-u #titanic :c pta wn i want a gf like rose *0* im sorry doug :( only a second??? awwww:( :( :( watchuu dealin widd loozaah ; i see i'm not good enough for uu -- u don't pay me nooo mind :( :( i know right? :-( bitch you're not on yahoo :( she fell off a chair and went face first onto tiles :( ahh im sooo flipping bored! i cant even study! someone talk to meee! :( =o lucky you there not comeing over here so i dont get a chance to :( but i won a signed copy of there book :) now, i'm worried/anxious/concerned. :( man i really my bff is okkk :( i'm tiref of waitn in this waiting room i know :( i really feel like i wont get anymore :( aww what's wrong? my day already been crazy. i don't want u sick;( i'm sick ronnie!!! and alone in the house :-( oh god. that is heartbreaking :( y did u have to leave? so so so many things on my face that i dislike. give me a fix :( we love you too! and we'll miss you :( no i am!!!!!!! grrr :-( lolrt #ff the coolest and awesomest person, njar. yah he love all of his fans. but u should have seen the way he looked at us. (us from denmark to the dome) :( ugh! school starts monday :( i wish people would look at the time before they dial that phone. waking up the whole house in the middle of the night ain't nice :( at all! it does hurt :( ouch. sorry that happened to ya ipin.. did you switch off your phone? :( i support but she doesnt follow me :( lol people aren't watching :( omg how is that possible i'm not gunna lie...i miss you a lot right now :( so sleepy at work!!! :( rtrtrt please mau nonton remember me bangeeeet :( it's not only the americans, unfortunately. bieber hate tweets + fanatics = permanent position in tt :( ohh noah :( i hope the cut is not too bad ill be prayn tht it heals quickly :o) how old is noah? no one remembers those days anymore. :( so sad. i still have my 1st model palm pilot, too. red. leather case. really? it's never asked me for my location. i guess i'm not special enough. :( ha i love you, im car shopping on carmax :( lol i really don't care, i just want a car ! whatever illness i have, my daughter now has it too :( well...i guess im staying in tonight :( i reeeeaaaallllyyyy want to. and i would. but it being easter on sunday, im pretty sure thats what theyre here for :( sukses surprise birthdaynya td hihiw tp ga sempet :( my name should be in this list somewhere! :( haha after so much vietnamese food i feel like i'm going to burst.. so sleepy now.. :( i wanted to meet you guys so bad right now but my friend is having an asthma attack and we have to bring her to the hospital. :( going to the next beach and rent a boat to snorkle. too bad i can't go snorkling today :( ahhh i can't find my charger :( yeah! mine's boring and "posh" :( if i only had the money for shipping. and, ya know, knew where to buy them now. :( i'm going to the movies w/o u :( nah dude. ugh i want to tell her but i can't :( feeling like crap. terribly sick where it hurts to walk. i want my pity party :( ughhhhhh. :( bro..i smashed my lip..you're not gonna love me anymore :( awwwn tb polly :( i am so tired... but i am leaving in a few hours, and i know if i sleep, i'll miss my trip :( ill pick-up my dad tonight in the airport. that means no ipad for me yet. :( booo! what's wrong? i am so sad right now :-( jeremy dont become a vamp :( hay. :) sorry you didn't get your smoothie. :( my mom wouldn't let me have an icee at the movie theater either. ugh! school starts monday :( u may be an exception but ur not doing a good job of proving it lol. i may have to retire "j'adoreman"...he no love me :-( aww hun :( wow thts a lot to take, just pray everything turns out ok & i'll continue to keep u in my prayers are people eating chocolates without me?? :( there not the same anymore tho so serious and not as loose as they use to be i miss that about them :( the laker game lets go! <- baby what about our date? i'm already dressed :-( > lmfao *dead* date ko..date ni how long does it take 2 fall in love :( ; love hurts i miss him already. :-( tried it already and it failed :( trying the "penny trick" i thought it might take me 5 hours to do our taxes, and it actually took 6.75 hours! :( so glad to be finished and getting a refund. :) :( i would send you delivery if i lived closer than 2275 miles away. :( waaahhhh i wanted that bourque jersey so baaaddd!! #flamestweetup i'm sorry but i can't give up my diet sprite.i know it has sodium in it,just found out..but i can't :( i rele wish i can tlk 2 someone but i cant. :( can't afford it in the budget... :( grossly sad about it... lyiahhh long time no speak :( ! what happened, bb??? :( *cuddles with* shiiit i was supposed to go c clash of the titans w/ my friend today but my ass is still sick :( today blows :( thats so sad :( #sithtriste heey melii whats upp ? i cant sleep :( i know! :) davey is cute :) but i didnt see them on there :( wow!!!!!! no this hasn't become weird at all...... :( missing someone.......nothing a little rum can't fix!!! seeing everyone all burnt today made me sad! :( stupid work. making me work 11-7 on an awesome day! boo girl can get it! any place any time...i done told him i ♥ed him..he jus laughed :( axl rose :( so bad. i used to love him... just logged onto gaia and it's been a while. i wish i could convert my gaia gold to poupee ribbons. 21,302,557g just sitting there... :( aww man! i just now saw that! i'm already gone :( don't party too hard haha aww thats nicee :) haha im so out of creativity! like siggs mixes icons nothing is coming out good :( finished watching hannah montana season finale .. so sad :( that's a police state my timeline seems dead.did i just get blocked for tweeting about that arundhati roy livestream :( makanya......klau tidur jgn koprolrt sakit leher....again,again,agaiiinnn !!!! :( :( nobody would watch our twitcam? you guys disappoint me. :( sad katie. fatty ?! are you fucking joking ?! put ur own pic up you fucking loser! oh ya u can't cause ur scared :( man! i was gonna make flied lice, but i forgot to make the lice! :( first time i been to the movies w/ out "him".....it makes me so sad :( hey semangat herlis! just put smile on your face and it'll bring your goodmood in the whole day :) not a good day.. :( knowin i'm sore n no help !!! :-( lol hahaahrt u couldn't wait for me wtf (cont) illona just asked me "do u need proactive?" i said no, she said "well maybe just a little". wtf?! :( she's only 9! im jealous. i wish i was going tonight too! :-( #jonasbrothers :) :) :) come to australia or i'll die. :( i feel like i lost my bestfriend but this is what i feel is right :( jeesh i need a major foot massage. we're talking deep tissue here. :( i have 2 cousins. one is 9 months. the other(the 1 i had today) is 11 months, and legally blind :( yes. he really kind of hates me rn. :( awe im sryy :( i wish you could be here hunnnnn feeling alone ass hell- :( is feeling terrible!! ughhhh :( i'm sick.... my tummy hurts :( i need a backrub. #fact i listen to nivea--love hurts cause that's how i feel sometimes :( working tomm 11-7...hubbys at work... missin my hubby <3 kinda got ditched today by my bestie but its whatev.... :( rtrtrt please mau nonton remember me bangeeeet :( free hugs :( i hate how never anwsers my phone calls :( soooo, im totally free today. what am i gonna do? noth to do :( ive done all my task. seems like im having my long weekend without any plan. i miss the times when replied me :( miss it so much awwwwh i sowwy :( well a friend wouldn't do that;; is it a fun party or is it like beat x| going to bed!!! nothing to do! :( dudes... jamie oliver is making me cry :( never get a reply from :( right i need to go its 11 pm and my eyes are droping of :( #jonasbrothers :) :) :) come to australia or i'll die. :( aint shyt chillin bouts 2 head wit da homies...i thought u was comin 2 ny wah happened :-( where's kevin?. we miss him :( no he isn't on at the moment :( i could go but idk wht to wear. thats always a problem with me. & i didnt get to go to the mall today :(