import SizeButtons from "./size_buttons"; import { Communicator } from "~components/iframe"; import Events from "~utilities/events"; import UIEvents from "~utilities/ui_events"; import Keycodes from "~utilities/keycodes"; import Builder from "~utilities/builder"; const classes = { root: "resizable", handle: "resizable__handle", container: "resizable__size-button", width_indicator: "resizable__width-indicator", px_indicator: "resizable__width-indicator__px", em_indicator: "resizable__width-indicator__em" }; const states = { root: { transitioning: "resizable--is-transitioning-width" }, size_button: { hidden: "resizable__size-button--is-hidden", active: "resizable__size-button--is-active" }, width_indicator: { visible: "resizable__width-indicator--is-visible" } }; const SHOW_WIDTH_DURATION = 2500; var Resizable, key_on_handle, handle_drag_move, start_dragging_handle; //* // Handles key presses on the resizable handle. If the key is an arrow key, // the resizable component will be resized appropriately. If the shift key is // being pressed at the same time, the resizing will be accelerated. // // @param {Object} event - The `keypress` event. // @private key_on_handle = (event) => { var width_change; if(!Keycodes.ARROWS.includes(event.which)) { return; } event.preventDefault(); width_change = event.shiftKey ? 10 : 2; if([Keycodes.LEFT, Keycodes.DOWN].includes(event.which)) { width_change = width_change * -1; } Resizable.for({ delta: width_change }); }; //* // Handles a drag movement while holding onto a resizable handle. As the user // drags, the associated resizable component will resize. // // @param {Object} context - The context for the current drag. // @param {Object} event - The `mousemove`/ `touchmove` event. // // @private handle_drag_move = (context, event) => { var x = UIEvents.coordinates(event).x, delta = x - context.start_x; event.preventDefault(); context.set_width(context.start_width + 2 * delta); }; //* // Initializes the required events/ attributes to perform a drag on a resizable // handle. This function also removes all pointer events on the resizable to // prevent unnecessary clicks/ hovers/ selects. // // @param {Object} context - The context for the current drag. start_dragging_handle = (context) => { var drag_move, drag_end, listeners; = "none"; drag_move = (event) => { handle_drag_move(context, event); }; drag_end = () => { listeners.remove(); = null; }; listeners = UIEvents.add_drag_listeners(drag_move, drag_end); }; //* // The constructor around a `Resizable` component. This component manages many // things, including: the intialization of resizing by dragging on the // `Resizable`'s handle, responding to changes in the viewport size, and // responding to changes in the height of the contained `iframe`. // // @param {HTMLElement} node - The root node for the `Resizable` // // @factory Resizable = (root) => { var api, structure, set_width, show_width, size_buttons, handle_host_resize, min_width, max_width, container_side_padding, width_taken_by_side_components, communicator, respond_to_height, set_height, initialize_handle_resize, container_styles; size_buttons = SizeButtons.within(root)[0]; communicator = Communicator(); communicator.register.from_node(root); respond_to_height = (event) => { set_height(event.height); }; communicator.on(Events.types.height_change, respond_to_height); communicator.on(Events.types.height_request, respond_to_height); structure = { root, iframe: root.querySelector("iframe"), handle: root.querySelector(`.${classes.handle}`), container: root.parentNode, width_indicator: root.querySelector(`.${classes.width_indicator}`) }; container_styles = window.getComputedStyle(structure.container); container_side_padding = parseInt(container_styles.paddingLeft, 10) + parseInt(container_styles.paddingRight, 10); width_taken_by_side_components = structure.handle.offsetWidth; max_width = structure.iframe.offsetWidth; min_width = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(root).minWidth, 10) - width_taken_by_side_components; //* // Checks whether or not a resize of the viewport has caused the resizable // width to be greater than it is allowed to be. If so, it will deactivate // the size button that caused that width to be active (if applicable), and // will resize the `Resizable` and display the width. // // @param {Object} event - The `resize` event on the `window`. // @private handle_host_resize = () => { max_width = structure.container.offsetWidth - container_side_padding - width_taken_by_side_components; show_width(); }; //* // Sets the height of the `Resizable`. This is done directly on the contained // `iframe`. // // @param {Number} height - The new height of the contained `iframe`. // @private set_height = (height) => { = `${height}px`; }; //* // Shows the current width of the contained `iframe`. This involves a few // things: the width is converted to `em` and both the `px` and `em` widths // are displayed in the width indicator, the visible state is added to the // width indicator, and a timeout is set up to remove the visible state (so // that the indicator is hidden after a small delay). // // @param {Number} width (iframe.offsetWidth) - The width to display. // @private show_width = (() => { var show_width_timeout; return () => { var width = structure.iframe.offsetWidth; structure.width_indicator.querySelector(`.${classes.px_indicator}`).textContent = width; structure.width_indicator.querySelector(`.${classes.em_indicator}`).textContent = (width / 16).toFixed(2); if(show_width_timeout) { clearTimeout(show_width_timeout); } else { structure.width_indicator.classList.add(states.width_indicator.visible); } show_width_timeout = setTimeout(() => { structure.width_indicator.classList.remove(states.width_indicator.visible); show_width_timeout = null; }, SHOW_WIDTH_DURATION); }; })(); set_width = (width, options = {}) => { if(typeof width === "object") { options = width; width = root.offsetWidth - width_taken_by_side_components + ( || 0); } if(options.animated) { root.classList.add(states.root.transitioning); UIEvents.transition(root, () => { root.classList.remove(states.root.transitioning); }); } if(width) { width = Math.max(Math.min(width, max_width), min_width); = `${width + width_taken_by_side_components}px`; } else { = null; } show_width(); size_buttons.try_size(width); return width; }; //* // Listens for the start of a drag on the `Resizable` component's handle and // passes the associated context to `start_dragging_handle` so that the drag // events can be properly attached. // // @param {Object} event - The `mousedown`/ `touchstart` event. // @private initialize_handle_resize = (event) => { var context = { start_x: UIEvents.coordinates(event).x, start_width: structure.iframe.offsetWidth, max_width: structure.container.offsetWidth - container_side_padding, set_width: set_width, iframe: structure.iframe }; start_dragging_handle(context); }; show_width(); $(window).on("resize", handle_host_resize); $(structure.handle).on(UIEvents.drag.start, initialize_handle_resize); api = { set_width }; return api; }; Resizable.init = () => { SizeButtons.init(); Builder.build_and_cache(Resizable, { name: classes.root }); $(document).on("keydown", `.${classes.handle}`, key_on_handle); }; export default Resizable;