Feature: Live twitter search results on command line In order to reduce cost of getting live search results As a twitter user I want twitter search results appearing in the console Scenario: Display some search results Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "jaoo" Then I should see some twitter messages Scenario: Display explicit search results Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo" Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week - http://jaoo.dk/ Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation """ Scenario: Poll for results until app cancelled Given twitter has some search results for "jaoo" When I run executable internally with arguments "jaoo -f" and wait 1 sleep cycle and quit Then I should see """ mattnhodges: Come speak with me at JAOO next week - http://jaoo.dk/ Steve_Hayes: @VenessaP I think they went out for noodles. #jaoo theRMK: Come speak with Matt at JAOO next week drnic: reading my own abstract for JAOO presentation CaioProiete: Wish I could be at #JAOO Australia... """ Scenario: Show help if no search query passed When I run local executable "tweettail" with arguments "" Then I should see help option "-f"