# # = bio/db/gff/gfffileiterator.rb - Fetch records from a file # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2010 # Pjotr Prins <pjotr.prins@thebird.nl> # License:: The Ruby License module Bio class GFF class GFF3 class FileRecord < Record attr_accessor :io_seek def initialize io_seek, buf @io_seek = io_seek super(buf) end end # GFF3::FileIterator takes a file and yields GFF3 records with their # seek position included in the record. class FileIterator attr_accessor :fh attr_reader :fasta_io_seek def initialize filename @fh = File.open(filename) end # Iterate over every record in the file, yielding the record ID and # (File)Record, which includes the io_seek position in the file def each_rec() fpos = 0 @fh.each_line do | line | line = line.strip if line == "##FASTA" @fasta_io_seek = fpos break end if line.size != 0 and line !~ /^#/ rec = FileRecord.new(fpos, line) lastpos = @fh.tell id = rec.id yield id, rec @fh.seek(lastpos) # reset filepos, just in case it changed end fpos = @fh.tell end end # Iterate over all contained FASTA sequences, yielding the ID # and sequence as a FASTA record. Normally call each_rec first and # you can test for existing FASTA records if fasta_io_seek != nil def each_sequence if @fasta_io_seek == nil # Find the FASTA location first @fh.each_line do | line | break if line.strip == "##FASTA" end else @fh.seek(@fasta_io_seek) end fasta = Bio::GFF::FastaReader.new(@fh) fasta.each do | id, fastarec | yield id, fastarec end end end end # GFF3 end # GFF end # Bio