Terms of Use By 'derivative work' we understand it as defined by the US copyright law. We emphasise the following passage from the copyright act of the USA "Making minor changes or additions of little substance to a preexisting work will not qualify the work as a new version for copyright purposes." By 'copyright holder' we understand Dr Mark Tarver, or, in the event of his decease, the committee appointed under the terms of his will to administer his intellectual estate. By 'the software' we understand Shen and all the code used to implement it. We include both the original source code written in Shen, and the code derived from this code through compilation to other languages. By 'Shen standard' we understand the latest standards for Shen laid down in Lambda Associates by the copyright holder. By 'the user' we understand any person or group of persons, whether organised in a commercial company, cooperative or institution or not, that use the software. The use of 'he' and 'his' to refer to the user follows English usage, but makes no special assumptions about gender or plurality. The License The user is free to produce commercial applications with the software, to distribute these applications in source or binary form, and to charge monies for them as he sees fit and in concordance with the laws of the land subject to the following license. 1. The license applies to all the software and all derived software and must appear on such. 2. It is illegal to distribute the software without this license attached to it and use of the software implies agreement with the license as such. It is illegal for anyone who is not the copyright holder to tamper with or change the license. 3. Neither the names of Lambda Associates or the copyright holder may be used to endorse or promote products built using the software without specific prior written permission from the copyright holder. 4. That possession of this license does not confer on the copyright holder any special contractual obligation towards the user. That in no event shall the copyright holder be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages (including but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption), however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability or tort (including negligence) arising in any way out of the use of the software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. 5. It is permitted for the user to change the software, for the purpose of improving performance, correcting an error, or porting to a new platform, and distribute the modified version of Shen (hereafter the modified version) provided the resulting program conforms in all respects to the Shen standard and is issued under that title. The user must make it clear with his distribution that he/she is the author of the changes and what these changes are and why. 6. Derived versions of this software in whatever form are subject to the same restrictions. In particular it is not permitted to make derived copies of this software which do not conform to the Shen standard or appear under a different title. 7. It is permitted to distribute versions of Shen which incorporate libraries, graphics or other facilities which are not part of the Shen standard. For further explication of this license; see http://www.lambdassociates.org/News/june11/license.htm