CHANGELOG ========= v0.11.1 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.28.x Features: - Added Private Custom Fields feature - Added GraphQL types for weighted voting in the API - Added GraphQL types for custom fields in the API - Adds parsed information about custom fields in the Proposals export - Adds parsed information bout private custom fields when admins exports private data - Adds a maintenance menu with tools to remove old private data v0.11 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.28.x Features: - Redesign to version 0.28 - Removed markdown editor v0.10.2 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.27.4 - Decidim v0.26.8 Features: - Added translations - Fix deface override updating tag in the admin v0.10.1 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.27.4 - Decidim v0.26.8 Features: - Added translations - Fix deface override updating tag - Fix ordering with accents v0.10.0 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.27.4 - Decidim v0.26.8 Features: - Migrate to [Deface]( for overrides - Introduce Weighted Voting with configurable manifests for different types of votings with grades - Fix wrong behaviour showing proposals on map - Introduced new sorting options for proposals. Added alphabetical sorting, reverse sorting, sorting by votes first and last. v0.9.3 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.27.3 - Decidim v0.26.7 Features: - Fixes for admin accountability leaking other tenants data v0.9.2 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.27.3 - Decidim v0.26.7 Features: - Fixes for the menu hacker v0.9.1 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.27.x - Decidim v0.26.x Features: - Fixes for the Awesome Map - Added Admin Accountability feature v0.9.0 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.27.x - Decidim v0.26.x Features: - Upgrade 0.27 version v0.8.4 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.26.x - Decidim v0.25.x Features: - Feature: Override validation rules for title and body in proposals, with constrains available - Improve loading process to facilitate development v0.8.3 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.26.x - Decidim v0.25.x Features: - Fix error 500 when visiting pages with questionnaires that are not created - Added German language v0.8.2 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.26.x - Decidim v0.25.x Features: - Fixes in the quill editor v0.8.1 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.26.x - Decidim v0.25.x Features: - Fixes in the 0.26 webpacker compatibility v0.8.0 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.26.x - Decidim v0.25.x Features: - Several bug fixing related to deactivating features (now there's a test for it). - Now awesome components can be disabled using the `disabled_components` configuration var. - Feature: Custom redirections editor: Create shorter URL redirections to other places, inside or outside Decidim. - Update to webpacker compatiblity and Decidim 0.25 - Added tasks `bin/rails decidim_awesome:active_storage_migrations:check_migration_from_carrierwave` and `bin/rails decidim_awesome:active_storage_migrations:migrate_from_carrierwave` (also accessible as a backgroundjob from the awesome admin checks) - REMOVED: SCSS themes are not available anymore (the alternative is to use custom styles). This is mostly because of webpacker. v0.7.2 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.24.x - Decidim v0.23.x Features: - Added custom fields (with admin interface and scopable) to replace normal body in proposals. - Change Markdown editor behaviour: now it is converted to HTML before storing in the database. This makes the editor compatible with all Rich Text editors. - Added icons in the awesome config menu - Fixes scoped admins accessing process groups v0.7.1 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.24.x - Decidim v0.23.x Features: - Fix CSS custom styles when using html characters - Add Awesome Map content block for the homepage - Added processes groups constraint for different scoped tweaks - Added "Never" constraint to deactivated scoped tweaks temporarily - Change Markdown editor behaviour: now it is converted to HTML before storing in the database. This makes the editor compatible with all Rich Text editors. This also takes this feature out the the "experimental" zone as the resulting edited text is fully compatible with standard Decidim. - Added scoped admins feature: Any user can be turned into a limited admin and scoped to one or more participatory spaces. - Fix allowing access to participatory space admins (only full admins can access the module). - Added `participatory_spaces_routes_context` config variable to specify additional routes correspondences to participatory spaces. v0.7.0 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.24 - Decidim v0.23.x - Decidim v0.23 v0.6.7 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.23.x - Decidim v0.23 - Decidim v0.22 Features: - Feature: Truncate description in map popups to configurable character limit - Add CSS validation and syntax highlighting in CSS boxes editors - Fix: filter awesome map by hash takes into account the status of categories v0.6.6 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.23.3 - Decidim v0.23.2 - Decidim v0.23.1 - Decidim v0.23 - Decidim v0.22 Features: - Fix: Prevents overrides for menus not specified in awesome config - Fix: Respect original @if condition for menu presenter for native menus v0.6.5 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.23.3 - Decidim v0.23.2 - Decidim v0.23.1 - Decidim v0.23 - Decidim v0.22 Features: - Allow admins to modify the main Decidim menu v0.6.4 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.23.3 - Decidim v0.23.2 - Decidim v0.23.1 - Decidim v0.23 - Decidim v0.22 Features: - Fixes a 500 error when custom styles is empty - Fixes removal of existing css boxes when other configuration are changed v0.6.3 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.23.3 - Decidim v0.23.2 - Decidim v0.23.1 - Decidim v0.23 - Decidim v0.22 Features: - Adds custom scoped styles v0.6.2 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim release/0.23-stable - Decidim v0.23.1 - Decidim v0.23 - Decidim v0.22 Features: - Fixes compatibility with proposals in branch `release/0.23-stable` v0.6.1 ------ Compatibility: - Decidim v0.23 - Decidim v0.22 Features: - Improve awesome map categories visualization - Fix image uploader - Adds announcements for full screen iframes v0.6 ---- Compatibility: - Decidim v0.23 - Decidim v0.22 Features: - Full screen iframe component - live support chat linked with Telegram v0.4, 0.5 ---- Compatibility: - Decidim v0.22 - Decidim v0.21 Features: - Decidim CSS themes for tenants v0.3 ---- Compatibility: - Decidim v0.21 - Decidim v0.20 Features: - Awesome map - Images in rich text editors - Images in textarea editors - Autosave forms - Scoped constraints for each feature