# encoding: utf-8 module RailsBestPractices module Reviews # Make sure to use multipart/alternative as content_type of email. # # See the best practice details here # http://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/41-use-multipart-alternative-as-content_type-of-email. # # Implementation: # # Review process: # check class node to remember the class name, # and check the method definition nodes to see if the corresponding mailer views exist or not. class UseMultipartAlternativeAsContentTypeOfEmailReview < Review interesting_nodes :class, :def interesting_files MAILER_FILES url "http://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/41-use-multipart-alternative-as-content_type-of-email" # check class node to remember the ActionMailer class name. add_callback :start_class do |node| @klazz_name = node.class_name.to_s end # check def node and find if the corresponding views exist or not? add_callback :start_def do |node| name = node.method_name.to_s if deliver_method?(name) && rails_canonical_mailer_views?(name) add_error("use multipart/alternative as content_type of email") end end private # check if rails's syntax mailer views are canonical. # # @param [String] name method name in action_mailer def rails_canonical_mailer_views?(name) rails2_canonical_mailer_views?(name) || rails3_canonical_mailer_views?(name) end # check if rails2's syntax mailer views are canonical. # # @param [String] name method name in action_mailer def rails2_canonical_mailer_views?(name) (exist?("#{name}.text.html.erb") && !exist?("#{name}.text.plain.erb")) || (exist?("#{name}.text.html.haml") && !exist?("#{name}.text.plain.haml")) || (exist?("#{name}.text.html.slim") && !exist?("#{name}.text.plain.slim")) || (exist?("#{name}.text.html.rhtml") && !exist?("#{name}.text.plain.rhtml")) end # check if rails3's syntax mailer views are canonical. # # @param [String] name method name in action_mailer def rails3_canonical_mailer_views?(name) (exist?("#{name}.html.erb") && !html_tempalte_exists?("#{name}.text")) || (exist?("#{name}.html.haml") && !html_tempalte_exists?("#{name}.text")) || (exist?("#{name}.html.slim") && !html_tempalte_exists?("#{name}.text")) end # check if the filename existed in the mailer directory. def exist?(filename) File.exist? File.join(mailer_directory, filename) end # check if erb, haml or slim exists def html_tempalte_exists?(filename) exist?("#{filename}.erb") || exist?("#{filename}.haml") || exist?("#{filename}.slim") end # check if the method is a deliver_method. # # @param [String] name the name of the method def deliver_method?(name) Dir.entries(mailer_directory).find { |filename| filename.index name.to_s } rescue false end # the view directory of mailer. def mailer_directory File.join(Core::Runner.base_path, "app/views/#{@klazz_name.to_s.underscore}") end end end end