$ = jQuery $.fn.S3Uploader = (options) -> # support multiple elements if @length > 1 @each -> $(this).S3Uploader options return this $uploadForm = this # the .asset-box-uploader div .asset-box-input > [.attachments, .uploads, .asset-box-uploader] settings = url: '' remove_completed_progress_bar: true remove_failed_progress_bar: true progress_bar_target: null progress_bar_template: null allow_multiple_files: true valid_s3_keys: ['key', 'acl', 'AWSAccessKeyId', 'policy', 'signature', 'success_action_status', 'X-Requested-With', 'content-type'] create_asset_url: null update_asset_url: null file_types: 'any' $.extend settings, options current_files = [] setUploadForm = -> $uploadForm.fileupload url: settings.url add: (e, data) -> # Ensure correct $uploadForm is being used $uploadForms = $('.asset-box-uploader') return false if $uploadForms.index($uploadForm) == -1 # Make sure the user isn't over the upload limit $asset_box = $uploadForm.closest('.asset-box-input') limit = $asset_box.data('limit') if typeof limit == 'number' && limit > 1 count = parseInt($asset_box.attr('data-attachment-count'), 10) if count >= limit alert("Unable to add file(s). You have exceeded the limit of #{limit} uploads.") unless $asset_box.data('over-limit-alerted') $asset_box.data('over-limit-alerted', true) return false else $asset_box.attr('data-attachment-count', count + 1) # Add the file to the upload file = data.files[0] # Check File Type if settings.file_types != 'any' types = new RegExp("(\.|\/)(#{settings.file_types})$") unless types.test(file.type) || types.test(file.name.toLowerCase()) || file.name.toLowerCase().indexOf('._test') > 0 alert("Unable to add #{file.name}.\n\nOnly #{settings.file_types.replace(/\|/g, ', ')} files allowed.") return false if file.name.length > 180 alert("Unable to add #{file.name}.\n\nFile name too long. File name must be 180 or fewer characters long.") return false # We're all good. Let's go ahead and add this current_files.push data $uploadForm.trigger("s3_file_added", [e, file]) template = settings.progress_bar_template data.context = $($.trim(tmpl(template.html(), file))) $(data.context).appendTo(settings.progress_bar_target) data.submit() start: (e) -> $uploadForm.trigger("s3_uploads_start", [e]) disable_submit() progress: (e, data) -> if data.context progress = parseInt(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10) data.context.find('.bar').css('width', progress + '%').html(format_bitrate(data.bitrate)) data.context.find('.progress > span').remove() done: (e, data) -> content = build_content_object($uploadForm, data.files[0], data.result) if settings.update_asset_url update_asset_and_load_attachment(content) data.context.fadeOut('slow', -> $(this).remove()) if data.context && settings.remove_completed_progress_bar # remove progress bar $uploadForm.trigger("s3_upload_complete", [$uploadForm, content]) current_files.splice($.inArray(data, current_files), 1) # remove that element from the array unless current_files.length $uploadForm.trigger("s3_uploads_complete", [$uploadForm, content]) enable_submit() fail: (e, data) -> content = build_content_object($uploadForm, data.files[0], data.result) content.error_thrown = data.errorThrown data.context.fadeOut('slow', -> $(this).remove()) if data.context && settings.remove_failed_progress_bar # remove progress bar $uploadForm.trigger("s3_upload_failed", [$uploadForm, content]) enable_submit() formData: (form) -> inputs = form.find($uploadForm).children('input') inputs.each -> $(this).prop('disabled', false) data = inputs.serializeArray() inputs = form.find($uploadForm).children("input:not([name='file'])") inputs.each -> $(this).prop('disabled', true) fileType = "" if "type" of @files[0] fileType = @files[0].type data.push name: "content-type" value: fileType # Remove anything we can't submit to S3 for item in data data.splice(data.indexOf(data), 1) unless item.name in settings.valid_s3_keys # Ask our server for a unique ID for this Asset asset = create_asset(@files[0]) @files[0].asset_id = asset.id key = asset.s3_key # substitute upload timestamp and unique_id into key key_field = $.grep data, (n) -> n if n.name == "key" if key_field.length > 0 key_field[0].value = key # IE <= 9 doesn't have XHR2 hence it can't use formData # replace 'key' field to submit form unless 'FormData' of window $uploadForm.find("input[name='key']").val(key) data build_content_object = ($uploadForm, file, result) -> content = {} if result # Use the S3 response to set the URL to avoid character encodings bugs content.url = $(result).find("Location").text() content.filepath = $('').attr('href', content.url)[0].pathname else # IE <= 9 return a null result object so we use the file object instead domain = settings.url content.filepath = $uploadForm.find('input[name=key]').val().replace('/${filename}', '') content.url = domain + content.filepath + '/' + encodeURIComponent(file.name) content.url = s3urlDecode(content.url) content.filepath = s3urlDecode(content.filepath) content.filename = file.name content.filesize = file.size if 'size' of file content.lastModifiedDate = file.lastModifiedDate if 'lastModifiedDate' of file content.filetype = file.type if 'type' of file content.asset_id = file.asset_id if 'asset_id' of file content.relativePath = build_relativePath(file) if has_relativePath(file) content has_relativePath = (file) -> file.relativePath || file.webkitRelativePath build_relativePath = (file) -> file.relativePath || (file.webkitRelativePath.split("/")[0..-2].join("/") + "/" if file.webkitRelativePath) s3urlDecode = (url) -> url.replace(/%2F/g, "/").replace(/\+/g, '%20') extra_fields_for_asset = -> # Any field in our form that shares our name like effective_asset[#{box}][something2] should be gotten # And we return something2 => something2.value box = $uploadForm.closest('.asset-box-input').data('box') fields = $uploadForm.closest('form').find(":input[name*='[#{box}]']").serializeArray() extra = {} $.each fields, (i, field) -> pieces = field.name.split('[').map (piece) -> piece.replace(']', '') if (index_of_box = pieces.indexOf(box)) == -1 name = pieces.join() else name = pieces.slice(index_of_box+1, pieces.length).join() extra[name] = field.value if name.length > 0 extra create_asset = (file) -> asset = 'false' $.ajax url: settings.create_asset_url type: 'POST' dataType: 'json' data: title: file.name content_type: file.type data_size: file.size extra: extra_fields_for_asset() async: false success: (data) -> asset = data asset update_asset_and_load_attachment = (file) -> asset_box = $uploadForm.closest('.asset-box-input') $.ajax url: settings.update_asset_url.replace(':id', file.asset_id) type: 'PUT' data: upload_file: file.url data_size: file.filesize content_type: file.filetype title: file.filename attachable_type: asset_box.data('attachable-type') attachable_id: asset_box.data('attachable-id') attachable_object_name: asset_box.data('attachable-object-name') attachment_style: asset_box.data('attachment-style') attachment_actions: asset_box.data('attachment-actions') attachment_links: asset_box.data('attachment-links') aws_acl: asset_box.data('aws-acl') box: asset_box.data('box') async: true success: (data) -> limit = asset_box.data('limit') direction = asset_box.data('attachment-add-to') # bottom or top. bottom is default append behaviour if limit == 10000 && direction != 'top' # Guard value for no limit. There is no limit asset_box.find('.attachments').append($(data)) else asset_box.find('.attachments').prepend($(data)) asset_box.find("input.asset-box-remove").each (index) -> if "#{$(this).val()}" == '1' # If we're going to delete it... $(this).closest('.attachment').hide() limit = limit + 1 return if index >= limit $(this).closest('.attachment').hide() else $(this).closest('.attachment').show() disable_submit = -> $uploadForm.data('effective-assets-uploading', true) $uploadForm.closest('form').find('input[type=submit]').each -> submit = $(this) submit.data('effective-assets-original-label', submit.val()) if submit.data('effective-assets-original-label') == undefined submit.prop('disabled', true) submit.val('Uploading...') enable_submit = -> $uploadForm.data('effective-assets-uploading', false) anyUploading = false $uploadForm.closest('form').find('.asset-box-uploader').each -> anyUploading = true if $(this).data('effective-assets-uploading') == true unless anyUploading $uploadForm.closest('form').find('input[type=submit]').each -> submit = $(this) submit.val(submit.data('effective-assets-original-label') || 'Submit') submit.prop('disabled', false) submit.removeData('effective-assets-original-label') format_bitrate = (bits) -> if typeof bits != 'number' '' else if (bits >= 1000000000) (bits / 1000000000).toFixed(2) + ' Gbit/s' else if (bits >= 1000000) (bits / 1000000).toFixed(2) + ' Mbit/s' else if (bits >= 1000) (bits / 1000).toFixed(2) + ' kbit/s' else bits.toFixed(2) + ' bit/s' resetOverLimitAlert = (event) -> $assetBox = $(event.target).closest('.asset-box-input') $assetBox.data('over-limit-alerted', false) #public methods @initialize = -> # Save key for IE9 Fix $uploadForm.data('key', $uploadForm.find("input[name='key']").val()) $uploadForm.data('fileCount', 0) $(document).on 'drop', '#' + $uploadForm.attr('id'), (event) -> resetOverLimitAlert(event) event.stopPropagation() true $(document).on 'click', "##{$uploadForm.attr('id')} .asset-box-uploader-fileinput", (event) -> resetOverLimitAlert(event) event.stopPropagation() setUploadForm() this @initialize()